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Digital-storytelling-is-NOT.png (PNG Image, 1280 × 960 pixels) - Scaled (80%) Media-Making Toolkit : KQED Education | KQED Public Media for Northern CA. Are you interested in integrating media making into your classroom? Making media, such as videos, narrated slideshows and online maps, can be an engaging way for students to demonstrate knowledge and build critical thinking skills. Find instructions, videos, worksheets and rubrics for implementing media-making projects with students. We also have self-paced professional development courses that you can take to learn media production! Media Making in the Science Classroom An overview of the intersection between skills needed in science and media production. Introduction to the Media-Making for Science Education Toolkit An overview of the resources in the Toolkit. Choosing Content What makes a quality piece of science media? Choosing Your Media Format What type of media format is best suited to tell your story?

Choosing Equipment How do you decide on equipment to purchase and/or use? Media-Making Resources – Video Tips and resources for creating short videos. Sample Student Multimedia Projects. Permission denied - Stupeflix. Stupeflix Log in Make a video Log In Permission denied You are not the owner of this video. Change user. 10 inspiring commencement speeches about creativity and courage. In the Venn diagram of storytelling methods, the commencement speech is part poetry, part cat poster. The best commencement speeches transcend the limitations of the genre to provide inspiration for all of us. Below, read 10 great commencement speeches by writers and artists on how to live with more creativity and courage. Bill Watterson, Kenyon College 1990 With all due respect to John Stuart Mill, maybe utilitarianism is overrated.

If I’ve learned one thing from being a cartoonist, it’s how important playing is to creativity and happiness…At school, new ideas are thrust at you every day. For me, it’s been liberating to put myself in the mind of a fictitious six year-old each day, and rediscover my own curiosity. A playful mind is inquisitive, and learning is fun.

David Carr, University of California at Berkeley School of Journalism 2014 Don’t let anybody tell you that you should have been involved back in the day, the so-called “Golden Age.” Ed Helms, Knox College 2013 Make good art. Create slideshows, videos, and collages. Colors Of Life - expressed via Create Ebooks - PapyrusEditor. 17 Apps To Help You Make Ebooks That Get Noticed. This is a non-paper world, right? I’m an old-school artist, so I hope not, but when it comes to our books…it seems like it is tilting that way. Content marketers have to rejoice: Ebooks cost less to produce, are more portable, and can reach a wider audience with easy distribution.

The decision to make ebooks is a no-brainer, it seems, right? Is Anyone Reading Ebooks? The answer to whether people are reading ebooks is a hearty yes. On Amazon, Kindle ebooks outsell hardcover books. But what about the ebooks you often see flashed across a blog or marketing site? We’ve made heavy use of ebooks on our website, mainly to entice our audience to sign up for our email list in exchange for an ebook. But I have a confession about all of the free ebooks I’ve grabbed: I rarely read them.

In fact, I grabbed that author’s free ebook, just like 24,000 other people did…but I never got around to reading it. As a tool for grabbing emails, the ebook exchange still works well enough. Ebooks are cheap. Scribd. How to tell a story | Playlist. Storytelling: Come E Perché Utilizzarlo. Per poter vendere su Internet è indispensabile il sapersi guadagnare la fiducia dei propri potenziali clienti. Ma contrariamente a quanto molti fanno, questa fiducia non si acquisisce mostrandosi più in gamba e più attrezzati degli altri. Photo credits: Composition of people with different expressions - Shutterstock Non mi fido infatti di chi si mostra perfetto e vincente, anche al miglior prezzo.

Preferisco, quando esiste la possibilità di farlo, fidarmi di chi avverto possa essere maggiormente in sintonia con i miei valori ed aspettative. Preferisco acquistare da chi conosco meglio ed apprezzo per il percorso che ha fatto. Acquisto con maggior soddisfazione quando so che sto aiutando una o più persone che mi piacciono per quello che fanno e per come lo fanno. Compro insomma, quando me ne viene data la possibilità, da qualcuno in cui credo, ammiro e ho fiducia. 1) Che Cos'è lo Storytelling Ogni volta che dici: "Non sai cosa mi è successo stamattina... " stai per fare storytelling. 3.1.

A. Digital storytelling a scuola | DOL MOOC. Il MOOC “Digital Storytelling a scuola” affronta il tema del narrare storie attraverso le tecnologie digitali nella sua doppia valenza, didattica e comunicativa. Il messaggio fondamentale è che non necessariamente queste due dimensioni – la qualità comunicativa del risultato finale e la qualità dell’impatto didattico – si sviluppano in armonia. Trattandosi infatti di un’attività che si svolge a scuola, con una classe o un gruppo di studenti, il coinvolgimento di tutti può portare a un risultato non perfetto ma didatticamente efficace, mentre all’inverso il coinvolgimento dei migliori può portare a un risultato più raffinato ma meno “inclusivo”. Questo corso si inquadra nel progetto europeo Comenius TALES ( come attività di training dei docenti (di tutti i livelli scolastici).

TALES analizza l’impatto didattico del “narrare storie”, sia orali sia digitali, in ambiti educativi formali. Scarica la DESCRIZIONE BREVE del corso Al termine del corso, i partecipanti. Storytelling as a Teaching Tool – Angela Nyhout | Centre for Teaching Excellence Blog - Storytelling isn’t just for the young. Take a moment to think about the number of stories we encounter in an average day; think about the anecdotes told by friends, the prime-time dramas we watch, the mini stories on our Facebook news feeds, the advertisements we see.

It’s a wonder we get any work done at all. The human mind loves stories. Even where no “story” exists, we often make one. Given the human propensity to tell stories, and the equally fascinating desire to consume them, I want to discuss why stories belong in the classroom and how they can be an effective teaching tool. The neuropsychology of story processing On uWaterloo posters around campus, you may see the Benjamin Franklin quote, “tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” “There was no sign of the bus and the instructor was going to be late for her first day of class. Our mind really plays along. For these reasons, stories have been described as a flight simulator for the mind. Digital-storytelling-as-an-assessment-tool-3-728.jpg (JPEG Image, 728 × 546 pixels) 1.png (PNG Image, 1454 × 1160 pixels) - Scaled (70%) Free Digital Storytelling Tools For Teachers and Students.