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RWaM & GIR. The Official Tim Burton Website. Database error - GhibliWiki. Hayao Miyazaki (宮崎 駿, Miyazaki Hayao?) Is considered one of the greatest animators and directors in Japan. The entertaining plots, compelling characters and breathtaking animation in his films have earned him international renown from critics as well as public recognition within Japan. Disney's commitment to introduce the films to the rest of the world will let more people appreciate the high-quality works Miyazaki has given us. Brief biography Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tōkyō on January 5, 1941. He majored in economics while attending Gakushuin, where he also was a member of the children's literature club.

In 1971, he moved to A Pro with Isao Takahata, then to Nippon Animation in 1973, where he was heavily involved in the World Masterpiece Theater TV animation series for the next five years. Books Here are links to pages listing books written by or about, or contributed to by Miyazaki. Essays and papers about Miyazaki A number of people have written papers and essays about Miyazaki. Ponyo (2008. Princess Mononoke.

Let me start by saying that I am not a Miyazaki-disciple. I do not view him as the "grandmaster of everything anime. " When I say "yeah...Miyazaki is ok" I say it not out of ignorance (I've almost every one of his films) but because I personally find him to be incredibly overrated. However I find that when he has all of his stuff together, Miyazaki can destroy practically any other director out there, the man is incredibly talented, but his problem is consistency. When I say that Princess Mononoke is his masterpiece, I mean it. It was the first film where he finally got everything together and made a perfect anime film.

Story: Miyazaki does not like civilization. Art: I give it a 7. Sound: Eh....what can I say. Character: I felt that the characters weren't really people so much as symbols. Enjoyment: The perfect Miyazaki film. Whisper of the Heart (movie) Kiki's Delivery Service | Now On DVD | Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment.

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