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Erin Luong

school counsellor, Life long learner, open filing cabinet

Digital Citizenship. More Hack, Less Yack?: Modularity, Theory and Habitus in the Digital Humanities. Taking a Chance Through Open Education – I’m All In. Throughout #etmooc I have been influenced by many people.

Taking a Chance Through Open Education – I’m All In

Although these are not my only influences over the last few months, at this time I’d like to acknowledge: Susan Spellman Cann- my mentor, friend, colleague, haiku guru and the one who asked me if I wanted to try something new this year….. Geocaching 101: Family Fun for All, in Every Season. You’re sitting at work one day and you overhear someone at the desk next to you talking about how she went “geocaching” with her family that weekend.

Geocaching 101: Family Fun for All, in Every Season

You hear how much her kids liked it and that the family went for a nice hike, getting away from their TV, video games, and computers for a few hours. You think that this thing called geocaching sounds like something your family would enjoy, but you aren’t sure exactly what it is or how to even get started. Read on and we’ll explain everything you wanted to know about geocaching. Geocaching Basics According to, geocaching (“JEE-oh-cash-ing”) is defined as a “worldwide game of hiding and seeking treasure.”

To find caches, you’ll typically need a basic GPS unit. You can find geocaches in your community or wherever you want to geocache, and there are forums that allow you to connect with other geocachers if you have questions. Dear 16-year-old Me. Is Your Child Ready for a Cell Phone? Is your child ready for a cell phone?

Is Your Child Ready for a Cell Phone?

How do parents today determine when it’s appropriate to get their kids a cell phone? YouTube. Hot Topics - Your Teen May Not Realize He is a Cyberbully. I recently had an opportunity to sit down with a group of teens to talk about the issue of cuyberbullying.

Hot Topics - Your Teen May Not Realize He is a Cyberbully

All the teens I talked with agreed that cyberbullying is a problem and they expressed concern and empathy regarding the associated issues. When I asked them however, what they considered cyberbullying their answers varied. They all affirmed they would never engage is this behavior. Something surprising then happened. What to Do When Your Kid's Online Rep Goes Awry. Dan Tynan has been writing about technology since Steve Ballmer had hair.

What to Do When Your Kid's Online Rep Goes Awry

He is a contributing editor for Family Circle, where he writes about the intersection of parenting and technology. Follow him on Twitter @tynanwrites or at his blog Hopeless Dork. There was a time when "coming of age" meant you had to start pulling your own weight and taking care of your own stuff. These days it means being responsible for your own Internet reputation. My Children « The Past, Present, and Future: Why I Hate School But Love Education. Animal School. Counsellng posters / Gratitude.

Wade Davis: Cultures at the far edge of the world. Collective Wisdom: Using Aboriginal Knowledge as a Guide to Openness. Interesting how sense making converges.

Collective Wisdom: Using Aboriginal Knowledge as a Guide to Openness

Not only rhizomatically but layered and scaffolded. Currently I am enrolled in three courses, ETMOOC, Aboriginal Worldviews and Education (AWE) and WomenLearningTech. I am also reading the Half Life of Facts. Last night we had a wonderful etmooc chat around K-12 open education discussing ideas about what does being open mean, the potential pitfalls and barriers as well as the opportunities openness brings to us and our students. This morning while looking up some information for a quiz in AWE I came across these words in the section about personal knowledge from Marlene Brant Castellano in Updating Aboriginal Traditions of Knowledge (2000) "Aboriginal knowledge is rooted in personal experience and lays no claim to universality. I also like the idea that you can be critical of an idea without being dismissive or contradictory.

If you do anything this week, please take an opportunity to read this wonderful article. Street gangs recruiting, intimidating, on social media - Saskatchewan. Street gangs in Saskatchewan and other provinces are becoming more active in social media and stepping up their online recruiting, experts say.

Street gangs recruiting, intimidating, on social media - Saskatchewan

This week, CBC Saskatchewan reported on what is believed to be a gang initiation video showing a young man beaten bloody inside a home by a group of other young men. Activity on the increase Whether it's YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or texting, online gang activity has become more prevalent in the last three years, according to David Fraser, who's with the Canadian Safe Schools Network. 'It's sort of a natural progression for [gang activity] to move online as well.'—David Fraser, Canadian Safe Schools Network. PT seminars around world. Assessment in the Modern Classroom: Part One  In a previous post, Learning in the Modern Classroom, I started highlighting our school’s attention to not only providing amplified learning opportunities, but also the creation of new forms of assessment to go along with these learning opportunities.

Assessment in the Modern Classroom: Part One 

I see a growing AND urgent need to develop new forms of assessment to support our pioneering teachers, as well our students. Learning in the 21st century modern classroom is changing. Many teachers are frustrated as the required or available assessments have not caught up yet with their efforts of upgrading to new forms of learning. How can we assess new forms of teaching with old traditional forms of evaluations? Ex. Educational Technology. Move Over, Kids: Digital Games Found Good for Seniors. Youngsters may be just as likely to find video game systems at their grandparents' homes as at their own, but not necessarily intended for the pleasure of the youngest family members only.

Move Over, Kids: Digital Games Found Good for Seniors

If grandpa and grandma don't already own a video game system, gifting such a system to them may be in their best interest, health-wise. According to research results provided by North Carolina State University , baby boomers and seniors who reported playing video games even occasionally scored higher levels of well-being than people in the same age group who did not play any such games. Research Method and Conclusions into Digital Game-Playing and Measures of Successful Aging The purpose of the study was to determine any differences in psychological functioning between people age 63 years and older who played digital games and people in the same age group who did not play digital games.

Critical Thinking. Teachers Embrace 'Deep Learning,' Teaching Practical Skills. Breaking tribal barriers through Education. Open Technology. Open Invitations: The Ask, The Story, and The Person. Counselling and tech / Infographic: Professors, Peers, and Pinterest #etmooc. #etmooc Open Student Panel. School of Open Project Showcase. Open & Digital Culture. Connected Community. A teacher-led, student-focused program using the power of broadband and Discovery Education to connect students to the world around them.

Connected Community

Counselling and tech / Girls are More than Princesses - A Haiku Deck from Giant Thinkwell for GoldieBlox #etmooc #cscchat. Counselling and tech / E-learning & Digital Cultures MOOC by Keeley Sorokti, created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad #etmooc. Counselling and tech / Online Learning by Alfonso Sintjago - created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad #etmooc. Is it website or Web site? A Social Media Grammar Lesson from the AP. Is it website or Web site? A Social Media Grammar Lesson from the AP Editor's Note: This article was originally published in February 2013, featured on Grammar Girl, Yahoo! Hacking the Classroom: Beyond Design Thinking. Design Thinking is trending is some educational circles. Edutopia recently ran a design thinking for educators workshop and I attended two great workshops at SXSWedu 2013 on Design Thinking: Design Thinking is a great skill for students to acquire as part of their education.

But it is one process like the problem-solving model or the scientific method. As a step-by-step process, it becomes type of box. Sometimes we need to go beyond that box; step outside of the box. Design Thinking Design thinking is an approach to learning that includes considering real-world problems, research, analysis, conceiving original ideas, lots of experimentation, and sometimes building things by hand ( The following graphic was developed by Design Thinking for Educators to explain the process of design thinking: Counselling and tech / Socio-Cultural Perspective by Sean Thomas - created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad #etmooc. Effective Strategies for School Transformation: Our Beliefs. Image credit: iStockphoto My book, The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation, was released this week.

It offers a coaching framework and dozens of tools which can used by a range of educators. The excerpted section below is relevant to all who work in schools as we can all refine our understanding about where beliefs come from and how we can shift them. The following excerpt comes from chapter three, titled, "Which Beliefs Help a Coach be Effective? " Chris Argyris' "Ladder of Inference" provides an invaluable tool for helping us see how our beliefs are formed and why we do what we do.

Let me explain this framework by providing an example. The principal and I left the room. How Should Social Media Etiquette Be Taught in Schools? An adapted version of this post can also be found at Ed Tech Magazine’s website here. Before we ask how, I think we should be addressed why social media etiquette should be taught in schools. (I am answering this question through the lens of literacy, which encompasses all K-12 content areas.) First of all, even though students may appear to be comfortable using technology, it should be not be assumed that they already know how to use it appropriately. Flipped Classroom Webinar with Crystal Kirch 03.27.13. The Guilt From Blogging Less.

This week, I read a post by colleague and friend George Couros that really struck a chord with me. In his blog, George wrote: Obvious to you. Amazing to others. - by Derek Sivers. Understanding Creative Commons Licenses. A few years ago, I wrote a novel. It’s not a good novel, but I decided to share it with the world anyway. To protect it from poachers, I went to Creative Commons and licensed the work . A MOOC about educational technology & media – Coming January 2013. #ETMooc. Counselling and tech / #ETMOOC - created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad. Linking-Open-Data-diagram. Blogging mindmap. #etmooc Panel 1 - Open Educators.

The Open Classroom Model. Databases & Linked Data. Counselling and tech / The New Mind Set - Education manifesto by Haiku Deck Guru Simon McKenzie (@connectedtchr) #iPDX13 #etmooc. An Unprecedented Opportunity for Educational Equity. Access to successful learning for all students is a powerful equalizer that drives superior educational outcomes. The importance of equal access is credited with much of the academic progress in Finland, a country without private schools or standardized tests.

"Since the 1980s, the main driver of Finnish education policy has been the idea that every child should have the same opportunity to learn, regardless of family background, income or geographic location. Education has been seen first and foremost not as a way to produce star performers, but as an instrument to even out social inequality. "1. U of S medical isotope synchrotron begins tests. Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan have been given the green light to start testing their Medical Isotope Project (MIP).

Thursday’s announcement means the synchrotron — known as the Canadian Light Source (CLS) – will undergo a series of tests to produce medial isotopes after being approved by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. “We are extremely excited to begin testing the Medical Isotope Project facility,” CLS director of accelerators Mark de Jong said. “Our goal is to produce medical isotopes safely, reliably, and affordably, and we have almost reached that goal.” Learn about Open Educational Resources on instaGrok, the research engine #etmooc. Make Better Presentations With the Instagram for Pitch Decks. The Launchpad is a series that introduces Mashable readers to compelling startups. Counselling and tech / Hi I'm Megan - A Haiku Deck from Megan Hunt #etmooc. Counselling and tech / #etmooc 2013: Embracing My Inner Child - Haiku Deck used for teacher reflection #iPDX13.

LisaSMa : What's hot? @HaikuDeck !! We... I Am a Teacher {free printable} Today i wanted to share with you words that i've held close to my heart for over a decade. i've created a printable with them that you are free to save and print for yourself, your classroom, or as a gift for a teacher dear to you. What is Your Digital Status? The bright side of blunders: Why we should let kids fail. Advice Amy McCready TODAY Moms contributor. Canadian Light Source Inc. Social Media Guidelines For Students And Job Seekers. Counselling and tech / Creating A Social Strategy - A Haiku Deck by @Janet Fouts #etmooc. Counselling and tech / Reasons... - created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad #etmooc.

Counselling and tech / Bully Prevention - Haiku Deck used by students to rally support for a cause #iPDX13 #etmooc #cscchat. Counselling and tech / Likeable Social Media - A Haiku Deck from Giant Thinkwell for Dave Kerpen #likeable #etmooc. Counselling and tech / Mobile Technology - A Haiku Deck from Tim Klapdor #etmooc. Parenting: How Teens Hide Online Behavior From ParentsMom it Forward. Parenting • education by Russ Warner on October 30th, 2012 | 2 Comments » Young Kids and Technology at Home. When I was a kid, the main reason my mom limited our television time was x-rays. When Parents 'Too Invested' in College Admissions Make Their Children Anxious. Talking to your kids about sexting: why you need to do it now. The Hidden Meanings in Kids' Movies: Colin Stokes at TEDxBeaconStreet. Facebook Losing its Cool Cache Among Teenagers. Twitter / LearningCurve_: Elements of Literacy: not just ...

How Technologies Have Shaped Society and Vice Versa. How Minecraft is Teaching a Generation About Teamwork & the Environment. What Teens Get About the Internet That Parents Don't - Mimi Ito. Thought of the day / Disney goes fashion.Final by *Sashiiko-Anti on deviantART. Thought of the day / Leonardo da Vinci. You Will Be Googled. Conversations: 6 Mental Illness Advocacy Tips (pt 2)

Tales from an EdCamp Newbie. Counselling and tech / Leadership Starts With A Personal Relationship - A Haiku Deck from Alli Polin #etmooc. Creating Classrooms We Need: 8 Ways Into Inquiry Learning. Play therapy / The Play is Therapy Podcast is dedicated to discussions about play therapy and the therapeutic uses of play. Counselling and tech / Visuals For Teachers by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano - created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad.

Counsellng posters / Transitioning to Open Educational Resources. Counselling and tech / 3000 songs to use in practice. Making mehndi patterns by Nurture Store — Bonbon Break. Mary Simon On Inuit Education. Counsellng posters / If you are hurting... Never Give Up. Show this video to every girl who says she wants to be a model. Counsellng posters / kids and byod policy. Counselling and tech / Great images from Susan Spellman Cann the Haiku Guru. Counsellng posters / A friend is not someone who looks like you, but someone who loves you. Counsellng posters / "Rather than a job search why don’t you go on a joy-search? Pursue doing something you love, instead of chasing dollars, like everyone else?" -Jim Smith, Jr. Counselling and tech / How Should Social Media Be Taught in Schools?