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"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and Bullying. While holiday shopping, I saw many items featuring my favorite Christmas character, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Amid the nostalgia I was feeling for good old Rudolph, I was reminded of a conference I attended at the beginning of the calendar year. One of the speakers mentioned using popular art and media to teach classroom lessons. The speaker mentioned that Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer could be used to teach lessons about bullying. "How Can You Overlook That? " Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer begins with Rudolph's father, Donner, being uncomfortable with Rudolph's red, glowing nose.

Discussion Points: Rudolph's family is not accepting of him. "Hermey Doesn't Like to Make Toys! " Hermey the elf does not like to make toys and is therefore an outcast. Discussion Points: Being your true self. Reindeer Games When the reindeer are playing games, the other reindeer discover that Rudolph has a glowing nose. "Seems to Us Kind of Silly That We Don't Fit In" Island of Misfit Toys. Reviews and Ratings for Family Movies, TV Shows, Websites, Video Games, Books and Music.

FREE Printables from! Getting Started. Sign Up You can sign up here. Just fill out a little information about yourself to create the account and you're set. Create Classes Creating classes is simple! Create Students Now that your classes are set it's time to create some students for those classes. If you have students that appear in multiple classes, you can assign students to classes on the manage classes page.

Back to Main You're ready to start tracking attendance! Conflict Resolution Skills: Turning Conflicts into Opportunities. Understanding conflict in relationships Conflict arises from differences, both large and small. It occurs whenever people disagree over their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires. Sometimes these differences appear trivial, but when a conflict triggers strong feelings, a deep personal need is often at the core of the problem. These needs can be a need to feel safe and secure, a need to feel respected and valued, or a need for greater closeness and intimacy. Conflicts arise from differing needs Everyone needs to feel understood, nurtured, and supported, but the ways in which these needs are met vary widely. Think about the conflicting need for safety and continuity versus the need to explore and take risks.

The needs of both parties play important roles in the long-term success of most relationships, and each deserves respect and consideration. Conflict 101 A conflict is more than just a disagreement. Conflict may feel more threatening to you than it really is Close. SG Anger Management - Elementary School Counseling. The Great Kindness Challenge. The Leading Despair Site on the Net.
