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The Human Protein Atlas. Social - 8.21.2006 - Ant jaws break speed record, propel insects into air, biologists find. UC Berkeley Press Release Ant jaws break speed record, propel insects into air, biologists find By Sarah Yang | 21 August 2006 BERKELEY – A species of ant native to Central and South America is entering the annals of extreme animal movement, boasting jaws arguably more impressive than such noteworthy contenders as the great white shark and the spotted hyena.

Social - 8.21.2006 - Ant jaws break speed record, propel insects into air, biologists find

Ant jaws in actionWatch videos of trap-jaw ants, Odontomachus bauri, using their powerful mandibles to fling themselves into the air.


Nanotecnología. Social - zeo-Sleep-Infographic-FFunction.jpg (JPEG Imagen, 750x3260 pixels) - Escalado (18. Social - innerSuper.