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International. Jury. Justia Virtual Chase. ISI Highly Cited Researchers Thomson ISI offers this free database of bibliographic references to frequently cited authors.

Justia Virtual Chase

Search by author or institution name to find a profile, which might include contact and personal information, education, honors/awards, affiliations, memberships, research interests, research grants, and citations to published works. This is a good starting point when searching for experts, particularly in the sciences. JurisPro Expert Witness Directory JurisPro, an expert witness marketing company, offers a free directory of expert witness profiles. NLJExperts American Lawyer Media offers this searchable directory of expert witnesses. Pipl People Search Web search company, Poogee Software Ltd., offers a search engine for finding information about people.

Also forced to the top of the list are results from other people finding search tools; e.g., BirthDatabase and Next are "quick facts," which describe the person you seek. Scribd Intelius Wink ZoomInfo. Homepage. IRMI Risk Management and Insurance Education and Information. Murray & Burnaman Opens Distressed Debt, Bankruptcy Advisory Firm.


Fulbright & Jaworski 2010 Litigation Trends Survey: Companies Expect More Litigation, Regulation; Continue Emphasis on Managing Legal Cost In Struggling Economy. NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Following a year of doing business in a more litigious and cost-conscious environment, companies of all sizes expect those patterns to continue during the coming year, with roughly one-quarter saying legal disputes will increase again, according to the 2010 Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.

Fulbright & Jaworski 2010 Litigation Trends Survey: Companies Expect More Litigation, Regulation; Continue Emphasis on Managing Legal Cost In Struggling Economy

Litigation Trends Survey. “Over the history of our survey, respondents have accurately predicted the rise and fall of litigation with the economy” Corporate counsel in the United States and the United Kingdom foresee the continuation of an upward trend in litigation that began with the economic downturn, with 93% of U.S. and 97% of U.K. respondents expecting legal disputes to increase or remain the same this coming year. This expectation comes during a year when 87% of U.S. respondents faced new litigation in the past year (up from 83% last year) and 53% of all respondents initiated a suit in the past year (up from 48% overall last year). The reason? A Look Back Survey Note: 1. 2.

No more tricks to boost bank profits: Obama adviser. BankAtlantic Misled Investors, Lawyer Tells Jurors. Trial Begins in DataTreasury's $900 Million Case Against Bank of America. Last spring, when a tiny patent holding company called DataTreasury went to trial against U.S. Bancorp in federal district court in Marshall, Texas, the result was a huge win for the company: a jury verdict of $27 million and a finding of willful infringement that could result in treble damages . For DataTreasury, which has already collected at least $350 million in licensing fees for its business method patent on check processing, the verdict was a big confidence boost in advance of its much larger patent infringement case against Bank of America, in which the company is demanding almost $900 million in damages , according to Bloomberg.

That trial began Tuesday in the courtroom of East Texas Chief Judge David Folsom (despite a joint dismissal of claims between DataTreasury and BofA's parent company on Friday). But can we expect DataTreasury's lead trial counsel, Nelson Roach of Nix, Patterson & Roach, to be just a little more careful with his words than he was in the Bancorp case?

Lit Finance

Usury. Mortgage Payments Sending You Reeling? Here’s What to Do. The possibility of losing your home because you can’t make the mortgage payments can be terrifying.

Mortgage Payments Sending You Reeling? Here’s What to Do

Perhaps you’re having trouble making ends meet because you or a family member lost a job, or you’re having other financial problems. Or maybe you’re one of the many consumers who took out a mortgage that had a fixed rate for the first two or three years and then had an adjustable rate – and you want to know what your payments will be and whether you’ll be able to make them. Regardless of the reason for your mortgage anxiety, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, wants you to know how to help save your home, and how to recognize and avoid foreclosure scams. Know Your Mortgage Do you know what kind of mortgage you have? Here are some examples of types of mortgages: Hybrid Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs): Mortgages that have fixed payments for a few years, and then turn into adjustable loans.

If You’re Behind On Your Payments Contacting Your Loan Servicer.