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Food Trucks

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The Food — The Hunter and The Farmer. We are a mobile food trailer providing delicious, hearty, food which is also paleo-friendly and caters to the gluten and lactose sensitive community.

The Food — The Hunter and The Farmer

We aim to buy fresh, locally grown produce, grass-fed, and hormone free meats. Our menu is seasonal, high in omega-3 rich proteins and completely free of grains, legumes, dairy, refined sugars & processed oils. Our menu changes slightly from week to week but we try to post our menu on vend days via Facebook and here in "The Food" tab at the start of each week. If you have not already, like our facebook page so you know where we are and whats on offer! Week of April 21st: Taco Smash: Taco seasoned grass fed ground beef OR Chicken served on top of smashed yams topped with avocado slices and local salsa. Smash Supreme: Our taco smash with the addition of local kale, shredded carrot, beet, house made almond cheese and red onion. HF Donuts Lemonade: Fresh squeezed lemons with local mint and a touch of local honey + Vegan option. The Los Angeles Food Truck Phenomenon Mini-Documentary. Get this Pickle out of a Jam! by Venessa Goldberg and James Kennicott.

We’re your new friends, Venessa and James.

Get this Pickle out of a Jam! by Venessa Goldberg and James Kennicott

We own How Pickle Got Out Of A Jam, a new food truck servin’ up seasonally inspired, locally sourced eats to the Seattle area. We love where we live, and all it has to offer. We’re surrounded by mountains that produce amazing wild berries and mushrooms, rivers and the Pacific ocean teaming with fresh fish, and local farms and artisans who provide the highest quality produce and meats. With all of this as our inspiration, we like to think of our food as the Pacific Northwest served up curbside. We believe this creates a unique experience for the diner--it's pretty much straight from the farm to your lunchbox. Our motto is "Seasonal. Seasonal. Now, meet Alan... The truck scene is growing in Seattle, and we want to be a part of it. We're still looking for the best spots to park, and right now the spots at the top of our list are neighborhoods we feel are under-represented, such as Fremont, Wallingford, Interbay, and Ballard.

Cheers! Venessa and James. Le « food truck », version gastro-bobo de la baraque à frites. Sur le marché Saint-Honoré (Ier arrondissement de Paris), un essaim de cadres cravatés autour d’un camion noir.

Le « food truck », version gastro-bobo de la baraque à frites

Le Cantine California, « food truck » créé début mars, tourne à plein régime. « C’est le seul hamburger que je mange ! », lance Ava, une employée du quartier. A la carte, tacos, burgers et frites maison sont proposés pour 11 euros. Marié à une Française, Jordan Feilders, américano-canadien de 28 ans, décide de lancer son projet l’an dernier, et injecte une somme économisée pendant huit ans.

Grand, sourire blanc et faux air de Romain Duris, le patron du food truck souhaite exporter la culture camionneuse de la bonne bouffe californienne : « A Los Angeles, dans les quartiers de Venice Beach et d’Abbot Kinney, plein de camions sillonnent les rues pour rassasier les passants. Jordan Feilders à l’arrière de son camion à Paris, le 13 septembre 2012 (Ava du Parc) Carburer dès le matin 7h30.

Des « food trucks », ou camions-cantines, pas toujours bienvenus - 17/09. La vague des Food Trucks bientôt en France ? La tendance des food trucks arrive en France.