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Biomimicry - Biomimétisme

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Le designer Daan Roosegaarde veut transformer les arbres en lampadaires grâce à la bioluminescence. pSPDO1-15165812p275w.jpg (275×400) AM Silk. Gauthier Chapelle. Inspire Institut, réconcilier développement économique et biosphère. | Réconcilier développement économique et biosphère. TEDxLaDéfense - Emmanuel DELANNOY - Un coléoptère explique l'économie circulaire aux humains. Le biomimétisme ou l'art de l’innovation durable. Cette approche a été définie en 1997 par la biologiste américaine Janine M. Benyus dans son ouvrage Biomimicry, sous-titré Innovation Inspired by Nature. Ce livre pionnier, rapidement popularisé aux Etats-Unis, n’a été traduit en France qu’en 2011, sous le titre Biomimétisme, quand la nature inspire des innovations durables.

Avant cela, la théorie a fait quelques émules en Europe, au point de donner à naissance en 2006 à Biomimicry Europa. Les conditions du vivant Gauthier Chapelle est l’un des principaux fondateurs de Biomimicry Europa. Ce biologiste belge, de conférences en interviews, pointe les limites de notre développement actuel, tout en reprenant le constat de départ de Janine Benyus : tous les objets humains, même issus des usines chimiques et des centrales nucléaires, sont naturels, au sens où ils sont produits par des êtres de nature. Comment se définit le biomimétisme ? Une vision préindustrielle ? Le premier niveau se limite à l’imitation stricte de la forme. L’économie à l'ère de l'écologie. Si les animaux, les plantes, ou les insectes pouvaient parler, qu’auraient-ils à nous dire, de quoi nous entretiendraient-ils ? D’économie et de biomimétisme, bien entendu !

C’est ainsi qu’au cours d’une promenade en forêt au détour d’un chemin, l’auteur – ou plutôt le modeste rapporteur – de ce petit ouvrage fort instructif fait une rencontre inopinée : un Cerambix cerdo. Ce coléoptère, également appelé Grand capricorne, non seulement se trouve doué de parole mais se pique d’économie et entend donner une leçon de (sur)vie aux hommes dont voici quelques éléments de démonstration. © Wildproject Editions Après avoir passé des milliers d’années à vouloir maîtriser la nature, l’asservir même, pour qu’elle réponde à ses besoins, l’homme, croyant bien faire et rêvant à un monde meilleur a “cru devoir éliminer le hasard, ce moteur du vivant”, dit l’insecte. Download as PDF. 10 Amazing Scientific Advances That Came From Copying Nature. It’s not difficult to deduce that airplanes are based on birds — some of the better pilots in the animal kingdom.

After 3.8 billion years and a lot of trial and error, animals have become astoundingly good at a variety of tasks (humans still take the cake in the “watching stuff and getting fat category”). As a result, the field of Biomimicry has ballooned in recent years as scientists and companies are discovering new and interesting ways to steal Nature’s intellectual property. Bullet-Proof Skin Image Source Probably since elementary school you’ve heard stories of the magical properties of spider silk. It’s five times the strength of steel, inspired kevlar, could be used for building mammoth suspension bridges and maybe even elevators to space, who knows? Scientists have tried several methods to reproduce spider silk on a large scale through a handful of ingenious methods, such as splicing silk-producing genes into goats to get spider-silk milk (part of a balanced breakfast).

More Efficient Solar Design Draws Inspiration from a Sunflower. EcoSapiens: Smart Solutions for a Living Planet - EcoSapiens blog. Angela Belcher: Using nature to grow batteries. Giving New Life to Materials for Future Technology. Angela Belcher | TEDxCaltech. Angela Belcher is the W. M. Keck Professor of Energy, Materials Science & Engineering, and Biological Engineering at MIT. A materials chemist, her primary research focus is evolving new materials for energy, electronics and the environment. She received her B.S.

Ph.D., and did postdoctoral work at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Thereafter she became assistant professor of chemistry at the University of Texas, Austin, until joining the MIT faculty in 2002. Allison Alberts on biomimicry - sustainable solutions inspired by nature | Human World. Biomimicry is design inspired by nature. With 7 billion humans on Earth today – and demand for natural resources growing, while supplies remain fixed – people are looking for innovative ideas to help companies, consumers, and the environment. Scientists are realizing that many ideas for a more sustainable world can come from nature itself. The San Diego Zoo is an international center for biomimicry research. EarthSky spoke to Allison Alberts, Chief Conservation and Research Officer for the San Diego Zoo, which has set up a special biomimicry website for the public. Alberts explained: Biomimicry studies nature’s best ideas, and applies them to solving human problems. Lotus leaves inspired a new self-cleaning paint.

She gave a simple example, involving the common lotus leaf. The microscopic structure of a lotus leaf allows water droplets to bead up and roll off, washing away even the smallest specks of dirt. Dr. And that is biomimicry. Termite mounds are self-cooling. Dr. Dr. Exploration Architecture, Sustainable architecture, Biomimicry, Sustainable architecture inspired by nature, Factor one hundred saving, Sustainability revolution, Michael Pawlyn, Restorative design, The Eden Project, The Eco-Rainforest, Las Palmas Water T.

Michael Pawlyn | Profile on Biomimicry Institute - Home. The Biomimicry 3.8 Institute is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the study and imitation of nature’s remarkably efficient designs, bringing together scientists, engineers, architects and innovators of all ages who can use those models to create sustainable technologies. The Institute was founded in 2006 by science writer and consultant Janine Benyus in response to overwhelming interest in the subject following the publication of her book, Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. See Janine’s TED Talk video for her groundbreaking introduction to biomimicry. Today, the Biomimicry 3.8 Institute focuses on three areas: Developing our online database of nature’s solutions, our annual, international Biomimicry Student Design Challenge.Growing our Global Network of regional biomimicry practitioners.

See examples of biomimicry in action! Meet executive director Beth Rattner, our staff, and the Institute board. BCI-biomimicry - About us. Biomimicry Europa — Biomimicry. Biomimicry Europa (biomimicryeu) sur Twitter. Biomimétisme. Janine M. Benyu.pdf. Janine Benyus: 12 sustainable design ideas from nature. Europa-fr basse def.pdf.