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Graphic Design : Makers

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Pure CSS Parallax Websites by Keith Clark. This article demonstrates how to use CSS transforms, perspective and some scaling trickery to create a pure CSS parallax scrolling website.

Pure CSS Parallax Websites by Keith Clark

If you find this article useful and want to explore CSS Parallax further, you may find my follow-up article "Practical CSS Parallax" an interesting read. Parallax is almost always handled with JavaScript and, more often than not, it's implemented badly with the worst offenders listening for the scroll event and modifying the DOM directly in the handler, triggering needless reflows and paints. All this happens out of sync with the browsers rendering pipeline causing dropped frames and stuttering.

It's not all bad though, requestAnimationFrame and deferring DOM updates can transform parallax websites - but what if you could remove the JavaScript dependency completely? Deferring the parallax effect to CSS removes all these issues and allows the browser to leverage hardware acceleration resulting in almost everything being handled by the compositor. Parallax.js. Highway One and Pacific Coast Ultimate American Road Trip. If you've ever fancied taking to the road and driving off into the sunset, now's your chance.

Highway One and Pacific Coast Ultimate American Road Trip

Your very own road movie. Let's go! America's best-loved drive Scroll down using the arrow keys or your mouse Keep on scrollin' I'm Max and this is my good lady, Melinda. Legwork Studio / Interactive Reel. Hello Monday. Supergazol. PANOPLIE - Artificial Emotions. McGarrah Jessee. The Power of The Box - Powerful Packaging Design. Packaging has power – enormous power – over what we buy.

The Power of The Box - Powerful Packaging Design

The fashions we wear express who we are. Packaging does that for products. Martin Treu  »  Architect, Author, Designer, Urbanist. See Scotty. Monitoraggio Reputazione On Line. Psych & Psych. Creatief interactiebureau. CRW / Corporate Risk Watch. Riot Industries. For a long time, when I first started working on the web, I advocated constant engagement with users, but never did it myself.

Riot Industries

My portfolio updates were erratic at best, rare at worst. Maybe it was my relative discomfort with the idea of publishing my work like a stream-of-consciousness when I wanted everything to look as polished as I'd have it when showing to a client - or maybe I just got busy. Probably both are true. Happily, I've become much more comfortable contributing publicly in places like Dribble and GitHub, and obviously on Twitter. Riot Industries should serve as my creative stream-of-consciousness - I'll be pushing code, design, and articles here as they come to me. Baubauhaus. Design is Kinky. Ando Design. Dirty Mouse. Brooks Shane Salzwedel. Drawings by Brooks Shane Salzwedel.

Brooks Shane Salzwedel

Typo/graphic posters. Studio de création. Un superbe triptyque des affiches de « Retour Vers le Futur » Définition de la Facilitation Graphique. Objectifs Comme son nom l’indique, cette pratique cherche à faciliter l’appréhension de sujets complexes par leur nature ou par la forme qu’ils prennent habituellement en proposant une visualisation adaptée.

Définition de la Facilitation Graphique

Définition La facilitation graphique est une pratique qui utilise les médias graphiques pour favoriser les échanges et les réflexions au sein d’un groupe afin de lui permettre de construire une vision commune. Elle sert, alimente et accompagne un processus de collaboration. C’est ce qui distingue cette pratique des autres métiers de la visualisation tel que le design graphique ou graphisme. Un facilitateur graphique propose une visualisation adaptée au sujet traité, au contexte du moment, aux personnes à qui il s’adresse et à l’objectif de l’étape du processus de collaboration qu’il accompagne.

Principes La facilitation graphique met en jeu trois types de processus : A chaque prestation, le facilitateur graphique travaille ces trois processus. 3megabits. We build fresh websites and amazing community solutions. Visual Republic ~ Handcrafted Web Delights. AisleOne - Graphic Design, Typography and Grid Systems. Bitique. CreativeApplications.Net.

The Book Cover Archive. Interactive director portfolio. Baptiste Fluzin – Art Director. MK12’s Videos. Coltesse. Portfolio. MCMLXXIV. Gouzou. SALSIFIS. Eroné portfolio. Eroné 2007© Eroné portfolio +Illustration +Paint +Photo +Exhibition +Silkscreen +Contact erone.grphk(at)

Eroné portfolio

PertinentMarker™ Mire.project - Expression urbaine sur le thème de la mire de télévision. Atomike-studio. Mondo. If children's drawings were made into toys. Mild Deliria - theotherme. Zurich29. Lachienne le site ouaibe. Motion + Design. Urbanismes - Projets personnels - Mathilde Nivet - Portfolio. 1/12 Work 2/12 Quartier - 10 x 11 cm: Papier découpé et plié 3/12 Upside Town - Pop Up 4/12 Paris - 250 x 40 cm: Papier découpé,plié puis assemblé 5/12 Paris - Détail 6/12 Shadow City - Découpage pop up. 80 x 30 cm: Papier noir 200gr 7/12 Shadow City - Découpage pop up. 80 x 30 cm: Papier noir 200gr.

Urbanismes - Projets personnels - Mathilde Nivet - Portfolio

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