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The Newspaper Clipping Image Generator - Create your own fun newspaper. Voki Home. Essay Map. Pronunciation of posse - how to pronounce posse correctly. This site uses Copyright © Tim Bowyer 2006-14 • All rights reserved U.S.

Pronunciation of posse - how to pronounce posse correctly.

Patent No. 20040162719 • Howjsay in: Deutsch • Français • Italiano • Español • Requests, Errata etc. Posse. Beauty and the Beast. Mystery Cube. The Mystery Cube interactive has been changed to a new format: the Cube Creator.

Mystery Cube

Summarizing information is an important postreading and prewriting activity that helps students synthesize what they have learned. The interactive Cube Creator offers four options: Bio Cube: This option allows students to develop an outline of a person whose biography or autobiography they have just read; it can also be used before students write their own autobiography. Specific prompts ask students to describe a person's significance, background, and personality. Mystery Cube: Use this option to help your students sort out the clues in their favorite mysteries or develop outlines for their own stories. Story Cube: In this cube option, students can summarize the key elements in a story, including character, setting, conflict, resolution, and theme. Story Map. The Story Map interactive includes a set of graphic organizers designed to assist teachers and students in prewriting and postreading activities.

Story Map

The organizers are intended to focus on the key elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution development. Students can develop multiple characters, for example, in preparation for writing their own fiction, or they may reflect on and further develop characters from stories they have read. After completing individual sections or the entire organizer, students have the ability to print out their final versions for feedback and assessment. The versatility of this tool allows it to be used in multiple contexts.

Best of Idioms Part One. 9 Tools to Create E-magazines and Newspapers for Your Class. 1- Uniflip UniFlip converts your magazine, brochure or catalog from its original PDF format into an exciting, professional multi-media digital format with pages that flip. 2-Joomag Joomag is a web tool that lets you create your own magazines using a simple online editor.

9 Tools to Create E-magazines and Newspapers for Your Class

You can draw shapes, write texts, add rich media elements like video and audio players. 3- Scribd Scribd is known for being a reading library where you can search for and find ebooks and slides but it is also a magazine creator which allows users to upload their own content and turn it into a magazine. Free online speed reading software. 15 Cartoonists That Allow Using Their Web Comics for Free. We all know how strong is image appeal.

15 Cartoonists That Allow Using Their Web Comics for Free

Very often a blog posts goes viral only because it starts with a great image. We also know that we cannot use just any images we find on the web: we need to respect the creator’s copyright. Luckily there are some absolutely awesome creative minds who would *love* you to use their works (with the credit). Remember: * You should always credit any comic you are using for your article or presentation * If you have doubts (if you are allowed to modify the original creation or if you can use it, please get in touch with the creator. SV-Recorder. Travailler en îlots bonifés. Mardi 25 septembre 2012, les néo-certifiés en langues de l’académie de Dijon et leurs tuteurs ont pu assister à une conférence animée par Marie Rivoire sur le travail en îlots bonifiés.Cette façon de travailler, dont on entend beaucoup parler dans les listes de diffusion de langues, gagne du terrain et fait aussi des adeptes dans d’autres matières.

Travailler en îlots bonifés

Selon Marie-Rivoire :Il serait faux de réduire cette méthode de travail à du simple travail en groupes. Il s’agit au contraire d’une façon de travailler totalement différente, avec une méthodologie très précise, qui a des conséquences nettes, rapides et durables sur l’ambiance de classe, la participation, la motivation et donc, par conséquence, le niveau des élèves.

Présenter le travail en îlots bonifiés en quelques lignes est impossible. Si vous souhaitez la mettre en pratique, vous pouvez consulter le site de Marie Rivoire. . Les élèves sont par groupes de 4 ou 5, réunis autour de plusieurs tables formant un îlot. Quelques documents. Copy of Myths and heroes by roy sarah on Prezi. Science and Technology timelines. Ozge Karaoglu's Blog - About apps and web tools, and being a teacher … Story Starters for Kids. Voxalead. Define multiple words quickly. 2011-2012 - Tale L - Textes vierges… - Les sujets du bac… - Acting Lamb to the… - Lamb to the… - Mary's plan… - Mary Maloney, the… - Explanation of the… - Acting Billie… - Icoal - Clean our… - Occupy Wall Street… - Recap (vocabulary… - Southern Trees +… -

Thursday 5 july 2012 4 05 /07 /Jul /2012 15:03 - Posted in: 2011-2012 - Tale L Vous pourrez télécharger vos textes ici dans le .zip ci-dessous (vous pouvez également les récupérer au secrétariat du lycée en cas de problème; votre liste, tamponnée, est à prendre au secrétariat si vous ne l'avez pas eue le dernier jour de cours): Thursday 7 june 2012 4 07 /06 /Jun /2012 17:29 D'autres s'y sont déjà collé avant vous... n'hésitez pas à faire ce sujet d'entraînement chez vous!

2011-2012 - Tale L - Textes vierges… - Les sujets du bac… - Acting Lamb to the… - Lamb to the… - Mary's plan… - Mary Maloney, the… - Explanation of the… - Acting Billie… - Icoal - Clean our… - Occupy Wall Street… - Recap (vocabulary… - Southern Trees +… -

Et révisez votre grammaire. Le sujet Amérique 2012 ici: Thursday 31 may 2012 4 31 /05 /May /2012 19:40 Hi guys, today after correcting your dialogues and finally acting them to get some more points on your grade, we commented and corrected the translation that I made for you from the text about segregation that you were given as a test 2 weeks ago. Here are some important translation techniques to remember with their examples: "to be written by ... " The Newspaper Clipping Image Generator - Create your own fun newspaper. Bio Cube. The Bio Cube interactive has been changed to a new format: the Cube Creator.

Bio Cube

Summarizing information is an important postreading and prewriting activity that helps students synthesize what they have learned. The interactive Cube Creator offers four options: Bio Cube: This option allows students to develop an outline of a person whose biography or autobiography they have just read; it can also be used before students write their own autobiography. Specific prompts ask students to describe a person's significance, background, and personality.

BANQUE D'OUTILS D'AIDE A L'EVALUATION. SCOOP IT. La vidéo facile  pour la compréhension. La vidéo facile  pour la compréhension. Bienvenue sur Webquest and Co. Nouveaux programmes des lycées / Documents d'accompagnement pour l'anglais. Accueil - CO - Bac 2012. Convertisseur YouTube vers mp3.