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Creative Commons for Writers—Guest Post by James Hutchings. By James Hutchings Many writers, whether published or just starting out, are very nervous that someone else will steal their work, whether that be another writer using their ideas in their own stories, or someone making pirated copies of their books.

Creative Commons for Writers—Guest Post by James Hutchings

When I put out a collection of my writing, I specifically gave permission for anyone at all to copy my ideas, or even to cut and paste whole stories. I also contacted the Pirate Party, a worldwide network that wants to lessen copyright, and told them that I was giving anyone permission to put my ebook on file-sharing sites. In this post I hope to show why I went against common wisdom.

Creative Commons. Starting an Open Access Journal: a step-by-step guide part 1. Introduction Scholarly publishing is totally broken.

Starting an Open Access Journal: a step-by-step guide part 1

Not only, at present, can most of the people (taxpayers) who fund research not get access to it, but plans to fix this look set to screw over Early Career Researchers and anybody else who can't persuade their funders to give them the up-front fees required by publishers for Open Access journals. There are other models. I have proposed that the university library could function as a re-invented university press. However, this guide is intended, over the course of as many parts as I need to be able to write this in manageable chunks, to signpost a third way. Photo Pin : Free Photos for Bloggers via Creative Commons. Communs / Commons. Welcome to Open Library (Open Library) Creative Commons.