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Formations en ligne pour l'accès aux grandes écoles. World Science U. WideWorldEd is a Canadian online, open education platform. ~ REL 2014. Ne confondons pas MOOC et MOC. MOOC est un terme à la mode.

Ne confondons pas MOOC et MOC

Du coup tout le monde à tendance à vouloir l’utiliser pour quelque chose en ligne qui s’approche de la formation. Du coup, il peut être nécessaire de revenir sur une définition simple. Un MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) c’est : Un cours. Un parcours d’apprentissage est proposé ;En ligne. What is a MOOC? Facilitating a Massive Open Online Course. [All Presentations] Facilitating a Massive Open Online Course February 24, 2012 Seminar presentation delivered to IMU-LS, Kuala Lumpur, online, via WizIQ.

Facilitating a Massive Open Online Course

In this (nearly 2 hour online) talk Stephen Downes, one of the originators of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) format, described the organization and management of a MOOC, beginning with the arrangement of technology, organization of learning materials, communications with students, support tasks, and interaction with guest presenters. This talk is based on fifteen years’ experience designing and delivering web-based instruction, as well as knowledge amassed though the delivery of six MOOCs to almost ten thousand students since 2008.

[Slides] [Audio]