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Facebook Twitter Entertainment Edition. Youtube, slack key opihimoemoe. (JPEG Image, 2048x1536 pixels) - Scaled (42%) Denver Broncos Gear - Denver Broncos Apparel - Merchandise - Nike - Store - Youtube hawaiian slack key. The real ‘Linsanity’ has a dark past — and a devious future. (Getty Images) The alleged "Worldwide Leader In Sports" woke up Saturday morning, only to find that it needed to wash an entire farmhouse full of eggs off its big, dumb face.

The real ‘Linsanity’ has a dark past — and a devious future

ESPN's epic and well-discussed faux pas -- putting a "Chink in the Armor" headline on a story about New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin -- was an embarrassment of fairly colossal proportions, especially since the network had spent most of its previous two weeks living off the name of the Asian-American basketball player who had been on quite the impressive run. ESPN's Saturday apology wasn't rehearsed, but it sure read as if it was. Last night,'s mobile web site posted an offensive headline referencing Jeremy Lin at 2:30 am ET. The headline was removed at 3:05 am ET. To end that statement, ESPN's Kevin Ota said this: We again apologize, especially to Mr. The real problem, of course, isn't that ESPN made a bunch of stupid remarks. Some lucky lady in NYC is gonna feel a couple inches of pain tonight. Grad School Timeline - Get your path to graduate school planned out with the grad school timeline at

Whether you're in college or a working professional, finding the right grad program takes planning and a good grad school timeline!

Grad School Timeline - Get your path to graduate school planned out with the grad school timeline at

Priority number one is that you stay organized. The more energy you invest now, the happier you'll be later. That's what this grad school timeline is all about: making sure you know exactly what to do, and when to do it. To give themselves enough time, students will want to start working on grad school timelines at least a year before they're planning on going to grad school. It's even better if they give themselves two years!

Summer: Define Your Goals, Prep for Tests. 29 ways you waste cash. Health - Hans Villarica - Study: The Objectification of Women Is a Real, Measurable Phenomenon. Both male and female subjects in a recent experiment perceived near-naked men in sexualized ads as human beings, but could only see attractive women as objects.

Health - Hans Villarica - Study: The Objectification of Women Is a Real, Measurable Phenomenon

PROBLEM: Women's bare bodies are on display in billboards, movie posters, and many other kinds of ads. Though plenty of studies have looked at the ramifications of this pervasive sexual objectification, it's unclear if we see near-naked people as human beings or if we really do view them as mere objects. METHODOLOGY: Researchers led by Philippe Bernard presented participants pictures of men and women in sexualized poses, wearing a swimsuit or underwear, one by one on a computer screen. Since pictures of people present a recognition problem when they're turned upside down, but images of objects don't have that problem, some of the photos were presented right side up and others upside down. RESULTS: The male and female subjects matched the photos similarly. CONCLUSION: People objectify women in sexualized photos, but not men. Whip It Good: The Best Post-Exercise Smoothies. 2005 Volkswagen Jetta GLS TDI Wagon 1.9L 4-cyl. Turbo Diesel 5-speed Manual Features and Specs.

Volkswagen Jetta. Few small cars have the following of the Volkswagen Jetta, one of the company's best-selling models in the United States.

Volkswagen Jetta

The name, says VW, refers to the Atlantic jetstream, "combined with the luxury and power of a modern jetliner. " For much of the Jetta's recent history, this small sedan and wagon has appealed to buyers with its upscale design and strong turbocharged engines. The latest Jetta steps away from this approach somewhat -- it's now cheaper but less distinctive -- but new or used, the Jetta should be a solid pick. Current Volkswagen Jetta The Volkswagen Jetta is VW's more affordable sedan. There are five trim levels available: base, S, SE, SEL and TDI. Besides the engine, these upper trims have access to more standard and optional features like heated front seats, Bluetooth and an iPod interface.

In reviews, we haven't been overly impressed with the current VW Jetta. 2007 Honda CR-V. No Video Content What's New for 2007 The 2007 Honda CR-V is completely redesigned.

2007 Honda CR-V

It hasn't grown in size, power or seating capacity, but thanks to Honda's attention to detail, this small SUV is way up in practicality and refinement. Introduction Although the all-new, third-generation 2007 Honda CR-V is likely to appeal to buyers of all ages and both genders, Honda's target audience for its redesigned small SUV is women in their early 30s with a child under two. With the dimensions set, company designers focused on making the Honda CR-V more practical for the owner with a toddler in one arm and groceries in the other. 2004 Honda CR-V LX 4dr SUV 2.4L 4-cyl. 4-speed Automatic Features and Specs. Annual Top 10 Car Dealer Scams Alert List. Unless you live in a public transportation-friendly city, having a whip could be the only thing that saves you from losing your job and spending your Saturday nights stuck at home watching Skinemax.

But before you start thinking about balling out with a Bentley or settling for a rusted-out jalopy, you should figure out what fits in your budget. The monthly. Bye-Bye Belly Fat. Bored with your walking routine?

Bye-Bye Belly Fat

Pump up the fun and the fat burn with this 50-minute interval routine created by Lee Scott, a walking coach and the owner of Wow Power Walking in Toronto. Walking is the foundation of the workout—you'll walk to warm up, cool down, and recover from the hard effort of the intervals. But it's the cardio and strength-training drills (the hard halves of the intervals) that will really help sculpt your body and blast extra calories.

Because these 10 moves focus on your core, you'll see a big change in your abs. Scott trained 12 women using this program 4 times a week, and in just a month, one lost 5 inches off her waist! 25 Quick Ways to Flatten Your Abs for Summer. Nine_tailed_Fox_by_WhiteRaven90.jpg (JPEG Image, 541x864 pixels) 10 Romantic Date Night Ideas. Things To Think About / This chart says EXACTLY how I mean these words. (My husband verified that indeed it was all true!) LOL. Tarot Compatibility Meter Results. Workouts. Login Copyright © Condé Nast.


All rights reserved. Your CA Privacy Rights. log in | start a diet | promotions Skip to content Subscribe Tone Up in 6 Moves Easter Candy: Worth It? Whip Your Skin in Shape New Running Gear. A Complete Guide to 'Hipster Racism' 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30: Magazine.

No Bake Cookie Recipe. American Idioms (Meanings and Origins) [Q thru Z] How the Year of the Woman Actually Set Women Back. In the past few weeks, Sarah Palin has been variously described as a diva who engaged in paperwork-throwing tantrums, a shopaholic who spent $150,000 on clothing, a seductress who provocatively welcomed staffers while wearing only a towel, and a “whack-job”—contemporary code for hysteric.

How the Year of the Woman Actually Set Women Back

Worse, she was accused by a suspiciously gleeful Fox News reporter named Carl Cameron of not knowing Africa was a continent, of being unable to name the members of NAFTA, indeed of being unable to name the countries of North America at all. (“But she can be tutored,” Bill O’Reilly told Cameron, as though speaking of a small child.) More significant than the dubious origins of these leaks, or the fact that the campaign that cried “sexism” at every criticism of its vice-presidential nominee was engaging in its own misogynistic warfare, is the fact that all of the allegations were so believable. It’s hard to get too worked up on Palin’s behalf, of course; she was complicit in her crucifixion. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology - The name-pronunciation effect: Why people like Mr. Smith more than Mr. Colquhoun. Abstract Names are rich sources of information.

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology - The name-pronunciation effect: Why people like Mr. Smith more than Mr. Colquhoun

They can signal gender, ethnicity, or class; they may connote personality characteristics ranging from warmth and cheerfulness to morality. But names also differ in a much more fundamental way: some are simply easier to pronounce than others. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology - Social connection enables dehumanization. Experiment 1 Results Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology - Don't you know that you want to trust me? Subliminal goal priming and persuasion. Abstract We investigated the effect of goal priming on the processing of a persuasive message. Before reading a persuasive message about tap water consumption, participants were subliminally primed (or not) with the goal “to trust”. Subsequently, they completed a questionnaire about their perception of the message, the source of the message, and tap water consumption intentions. The results indicated that non-conscious activation of the goal “to trust” leads to a better evaluation of the message, increases behavioral intentions in accordance with the message, and positively influences the assessment of the source.

Research highlights Keywords Goal priming; Persuasion; Subliminal. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology - Interacting with women can impair men’s cognitive functioning. <div pearltreesdevid="PTD138" role="alert" class="alert-message-container"><div pearltreesdevid="PTD139" aria-hidden="true" class="alert-message-body"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD140" style="display: inline-block;" class="Icon IconAlert"><svg pearltreesDevId="PTD141" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" width="24" height="24" focusable="false" tabindex="-1" fill="currentColor"><path pearltreesDevId="PTD142" fill="#f80" d="M11.84 4.63c-.77.05-1.42.6-1.74 1.27-1.95 3.38-3.9 6.75-5.85 10.13-.48.83-.24 1.99.53 1.66.36 2.5.41 3.63 0 7.27.01 10.9-.01 1.13-.07 2.04-1.28 1.76-2.39-.1-.58-.56-1.02-.81-1.55-1.85-3.21-3.69-6.43-5.55-9.64-.42-.52-1.06-.83-1.74-.79z"></path><path pearltreesDevId="PTD143" d="M11 8h2v5h-2zM11 14h2v2h-2z"></path></svg></span><!

-- react-text: 58 -->JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. <! -- /react-text --></div></div> Abstract Keywords Mixed-sex interaction Cognitive functioning. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology - Enclothed cognition. <div pearltreesdevid="PTD135" role="alert" class="alert-message-container"><div pearltreesdevid="PTD136" aria-hidden="true" class="alert-message-body"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD137" style="display: inline-block;" class="Icon IconAlert"><svg pearltreesDevId="PTD138" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" width="24" height="24" focusable="false" tabindex="-1" fill="currentColor"><path pearltreesDevId="PTD139" fill="#f80" d="M11.84 4.63c-.77.05-1.42.6-1.74 1.27-1.95 3.38-3.9 6.75-5.85 10.13-.48.83-.24 1.99.53 1.66.36 2.5.41 3.63 0 7.27.01 10.9-.01 1.13-.07 2.04-1.28 1.76-2.39-.1-.58-.56-1.02-.81-1.55-1.85-3.21-3.69-6.43-5.55-9.64-.42-.52-1.06-.83-1.74-.79z"></path><path pearltreesDevId="PTD140" d="M11 8h2v5h-2zM11 14h2v2h-2z"></path></svg></span><!

-- react-text: 55 -->JavaScript is disabled on your browser. Please enable JavaScript to use all the features on this page. <! -- /react-text --></div></div> Abstract. 5 tips to score scholarships. Free Recipes from Korea for Cooking Korean Food. Let's Talk About Korean Ingredients and Spices Angelica Shoots (Turup) Are young shoots with tender green leaves of the angelica bush which are available fresh only in the early spring.

Banchan Refers to the various number of side dishes that accompanies steam-cooked short-grain rice, soup, and kimchi. Barley Tea (Poricha) Tea made from toasted barley kernels. It is prepared by adding the toasted barley to boiling water (5 mins), then strained and served. Barley tea is served cooled in summer and warm in winter. Bindaetteok Pancake made of ground mung beans, with green onions, kimchi, or peppers cooked on frying pans. Bul Kogi Meaning to cook meat by the fire and is considered by many Koreans as a national dish.

Basil Pesto Recipe : Food Network Kitchens. Classic Desserts - How To Make Desserts. 5 Fit and Fruity Smoothies.


Self-improvement lists. Pearltrees videos. Getting started.