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Intro to HTML&CSS

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<title>"this is about basic html and css, I am trying to learn, so I thoguht everyone whould too" </title>
<p2> "have fun with it"

500+ Named Colours with rgb and hex values. Text to HTML. NOTE: If you're looking to convert a word doc into html code then you probably want to check out the Word to HTML tool instead. This free online word converter tool will take plain text contents and convert the word text into HTML code. Convert plain text from an email, a .txt file or any similar text source into html code that can be published on a web page. If you've ever been asked to convert a plain text email to html then you're in the right place. Please note, this is strictly a convert text to html tool for plain text. This conversion tool takes blocks of regular text and wraps HTML paragraph tags around them so you can publish the text online. Revised: this tool will now encode HTML characters with accents and similar if you want it to. Getting to know you. How to make a game in Notepad| Part 4.

HTML Colors. Basic HTML Codes!