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HTML Colors

HTML Colors

Color Psychology by David Johnson Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? Colors often have different meanings in various cultures. Black Black is the color of authority and power. White Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity. Red The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. The most romantic color, pink, is more tranquilizing. Blue The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors. Green Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. Yellow Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. Purple The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. Brown Solid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. Colors of the Flag In the U.S. flag, white stands for purity and innocence. Food for Thought While blue is one of the most popular colors it is one of the least appetizing.

30 Fresh and Stunning Responsive Joomla Corporate Templates - Mixburn all for wordpress Today we will show 30 fresh and stunning premium responsive Joomla corporate templates, business templates of 2013 with you. We love Joomla, because it is the best of the best content management system in the world. If you have plan to crate your own business website, we recommended you Joomla. So, today we have collected 30 fresh and professional Joomla 2.5 templates and they are one of the best clean, corporate business designs to suit any type of business. Here are some features of these templates; All of templates comes with limitless color schemes, unique featured and content slideshows, professional K2 panels and you can easily select and edit the present styles with the powerful easy to use admin interface elements. JM Corporate JM Corporate is a professional Joomla 2.5 template and is one of the best clean, corporate business designs to suit any type of business. Theme-Org The Theme-Org Template is one of the best light and feature rich responsive Business template for Joomla.

Sortable Color Table | JavaScript Examples The table shown below represents the named colors that form part of CSS Color Module Level 3, derived from the SVG 1.0 specification. Each color is depicted in a row, with a 1) color swatch, 2) its standardized name, 3) its hue, saturation, and lightness (according to the HSL color space), 4) its representation as an HSL-formatted CSS style property value, 5) its red, green, and blue channel levels (according to the sRGB color space), and 6) its hex formatted RGB value. What makes the table most compelling is that it is sortable by any one of the colors' properties, so you can get a sense of how properties such as hue, saturation, lightness, red level, etc. relate to different colors by sorting on those properties - in either ascending or descending order.

Color Wheels Color theory is a little obsession of mine. You’re here for startup advice, but this week I’m taking an indulgence. Leave a comment if you want to see more or fewer of these little distractions. Why are artists special? Ask any artist to explain how color works, and they’ll launch into a treatise about how the Three Primary Colors: red, blue, and yellow form a color “wheel:” Why “wheel?” Continuing this process produces the infamous color wheel you probably learned in school; a pretty, symmetrical, satisfying device in which each hue melds seamlessly and linearly into the next: Unfortunately, none of this stands up to even minor scrutiny. For example, open up your desktop printer and you’ll see something quite different: Three colors of ink which, when combined, produce all others: cyan, magenta, and yellow. But wait! Also it’s not as simple as saying “any three colors can produce all the others” because that’s clearly not true (by experiment). TVs and computers are different yet again.
