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Celebratepicturebooks. Booklist: Steampunk Reads for Teens. Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction that is usually set in the late 19th or early 20th century.

Booklist: Steampunk Reads for Teens

It’s notable for a unique aesthetic featuring clockwork and steam-powered technology. As it has gained popularity, steampunk has begun to include themes ranging from alternate history to time travel and can be set in the near past, the distant future and anywhere in between. World Book Talk Championship. There is no doubt about it.

World Book Talk Championship

We LOVE to read and we want to cultivate that same love of reading in our students. One way we can do this is by talking about the books we love and involving our kids in the process. Jen LaGarde and I are teaming up to bring you the World Book Talk Championship. This is the Super Bowl of book talks. 28 Black Picture Books That Aren’t About Boycotts, Buses or Basketball. A few years ago I was asked by a local TV station to suggest some books for children in honor of Black History Month.

28 Black Picture Books That Aren’t About Boycotts, Buses or Basketball

Being a Black librarian I relished the opportunity, but I did point out that my offerings would avoid the typical fare of Black children’s books: boycotts, buses and basketball. We’ve picked up a few other hobbies since the 1960s, and there are hundreds of books to show for it. Here is a humble sampling of some just in time for Black History Month. 28 children’s picture books, most of them featuring Black children doing what all children do: play, make up stories, learn life lessons, and dream.

I picked titles that came out within the last ten years (or so). I also tried to spread out the gender of the protagonists, as well as put some light on some typically ignored aspects of Black life in books (loving and present fathers, non-urban life, and so on). Bigmama’s – Donald Crews A nostalgic riff on visiting your country folks, heavy on the love, light on the mosquitos. Dear Diary: Books Written in Diary Form. Playroom. Database Error. Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together: Eric Carle and LOTS OF FREEBIES!

I am SO excited to be a part of this amazing blog hop and giveaway.

Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together: Eric Carle and LOTS OF FREEBIES!

Over 100 teachers and bloggers (106 to be exact!) Got together to let teachers know that they are appreciated- not just this week, but everyday! Each of us donated one of our best selling items from TPT for the giveaway. Character-traits-hfj.pdf. _Fuse8_Top100_Picture. But The Kids Aren’t Reading – 20 Ideas for Creating Passionate Reading Environments. So many of us are trying to create passionate reading environments, we are doing all the things the experts tell us to do, and yet, something just isn’t clicking.

But The Kids Aren’t Reading – 20 Ideas for Creating Passionate Reading Environments

Some kids are reading sure, but they would probably be reading any way, others though, not so much. Our passionate reading environments are just not working for all of our kids. When I moved from 5th to 7th I knew I would be up against a challenge, after all, I had seen the slow decline of reading in my 5th graders and was pretty sure it would continue as they got older. And I was right, by 7th graders some of my students are not just disliking books, some really hate reading.

And they are vocal about it! Invested in books. Diversity in books. Easy access to our books. Giving choice. Free abandonment. Leaving time to talk books. Teacher recommendations. Student recommendations. The To-Be-Read List. It is judgment free. Celebrating the re-read. Picture Books to Help ELLs Access Common Core Anchor Reading Standards. In this blog post written for Colorín Colorado, ELL expert Judith O’Loughlin shares some strategies for using picture books across the curriculum with students of all ages in order to master the Common Core anchor reading standards.

Picture Books to Help ELLs Access Common Core Anchor Reading Standards

Whether you live in California and identify beginning ELLs as “emerging,” or are from a WIDA state and identify these same students as “entering,” the challenge of meeting the Common Core Anchor Reading Standards is the same. It’s a daunting task to teach ELLs at this entry level as they grapple with complex text and struggle to meet the standards, as evidenced California’s English Language Development Standards principle “Interacting in Meaningful Ways.” Because the standards focus on reading and interacting with complex text as well as addressing the importance of interaction, collaboration, comprehension, and communication of ideas, ELLs need substantial support to meet these challenges. Great books that inspire a love of reading in kids — recommended by kids. Originally published in the Washington Post.

Great books that inspire a love of reading in kids — recommended by kids

The only way to hook children on reading for pleasure is to allow them to read for pleasure. That means permitting them to choose the books that interest them and then letting them to read at their own pace, without being asked to analyze every single sentence for inner meaning. This is the way kids learn to love to read at the Center for Teaching and Learning, an award-winning non-profit independent demonstration school in Maine that was founded in 1990 by educator Nancie Atwell, who last month was awarded the first $1 million Global Teacher Prize given by the Varkey Foundation. The school has a national reputation for its research-based literacy methods that focuses on engaging and challenging students while fostering relationships between faculty and parents.

A hallmark of the school are the collections of books, carefully selected by adults, from which students can choose. Human beings are wired to understand. Kindergarten: with Mr. Gr. 1-2. Reading as the Main Course: A Book Tasting Event. English teachers at Sayre Junior/Senior High School in Sayre, PA, used inspiration from Pinterest to dish up reading as the main course at their second annual Book Tasting Event held on October 17.

Reading as the Main Course: A Book Tasting Event

Amanda Wagaman, instructor of ninth grade language arts, stumbled on a “pin” on the social media platform that depicted a library decorated as a restaurant. She shared the concept with the department which has been working to increase the ratio of self-selected reading to whole-class texts in the curriculum. Members of the department embraced the Book Tasting Event as a way to get students to “sample” a variety of literary genres in order to find their preferred “tastes” in reading.

Junior high students excitedly enter the restaurant-themed library. This year’s event featured over 500 newly purchased books available in the high school library. Librarian Kent Muench is head chef for the day. Picture-Book-a-Day.