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Phaser 2.0 Tutorial: Flappy Bird (Part 5) Scoring, Sound, Particles, and Persistant Storage In the previous parts entries in this series ( [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] ), we've been working on a full blown Flappy Bird clone called Flappy Bird Reborn.

Phaser 2.0 Tutorial: Flappy Bird (Part 5)

Today, we're going to implement the final touches of the game using sound, particle emitters, and persistant storage. Here's what our game currently looks like: And this is where we're going: Fully Playable Demo Want More? Phaser tutorial.


Nyc skyline for game. Skyline-770x182.png (PNG Image, 770 × 182 pixels) Tutorial : Creating a basic multiplayer game with Phaser and The goal of this tutorial is to show you how to create basic multiplayer HTML5 game.

Tutorial : Creating a basic multiplayer game with Phaser and

I’ll use Phaser for game developement and for client/server communication. Phaser Project Template - @jessefreeman. The other week I wrote an introduction to Phaser and I wanted to follow up with a short walk through on how to get a project up and running with Phaser, TypeScript, NodeJS and Grunt.

Phaser Project Template - @jessefreeman

I have talked about a similar workflow in the past as well but figured I should come up with a basic Phaser Project Template to help get others started. Here are some instructions on how to use it. You can download the Phaser Project Template from my Github repo here. What is the Phaser Project Template? Intro To Phaser Part 2: Preloading, Sprites, Displaying Text and Game State - Amazon Mobile App Distribution Blog.

Phaser Base Flappy Bird Demo. Intro To Phaser Part 1: Setting Up Your Dev Environment and Phaser - Amazon Mobile App Distribution Blog. Phaser + NodeJs + Websocket = Multiplayer (Demo inside) Last night I installed NodeJS and wanted to see if a multiplayer real time phaser game could work.

Phaser + NodeJs + Websocket = Multiplayer (Demo inside)

(Or more to the point, if I could make that work) I think it will be possible. Check out this small proof of concept: Edit: The test is offline for now. If you move around the stuff on the screen, everybody currently on the page should see it move too. (And you should see their moves.) If nobody is there (quite likely) a second browser tab will do the trick. (although you might not see the dragging animations because phaser stops on losing focus and it will only update when you refocus that browser.) Let me know what you guys think. Is there interest in short tutorial, any questions? Has this been done already, are there tipps and tricks out there? Gabriel Gambetta - Fast-Paced Multiplayer. This is a series of articles explaining the architecture of client-server multiplayer games with high update rates, for example an FPS.

Gabriel Gambetta - Fast-Paced Multiplayer

It focuses on how to avoid issues related to lag, low-frequency server updates, and synchronization between players and the server. Over the years, this series has become one of the main references about the topic on the Internet. In order to improve it even more, I’ve recently added a new Sample Code and Live Demo page that lets you play with the algorithms and tweak the parameters. Latency Compensating Methods in Client/Server In-game Protocol Design and Optimization. Overview Designing first-person action games for Internet play is a challenging process. Having robust on-line gameplay in your action title, however, is becoming essential to the success and longevity of the title. In addition, the PC space is well known for requiring developers to support a wide variety of customer setups.

Often, customers are running on less than state-of-the-art hardware. The same holds true for their network connections. While broadband has been held out as a panacea for all of the current woes of on-line gaming, broadband is not a simple solution allowing developers to ignore the implications of latency and other network factors in game designs. Running Phaser on Node.js - How I did it and why you shouldn't do it - Page 2. Nice topic, weirdly ive started with node and sockets too.

Running Phaser on Node.js - How I did it and why you shouldn't do it - Page 2

Then read this; I have started to build a server from scratch and have the client not even in node, but use standalone (FOR NOW) The ...i was about to attach phaser to...why? I want phaser.maths and events, Actually less so the events, but an event system will be handy soon, im sure there is some lib. Phaser Coding Tips 4. Phaser Coding Tips is a free weekly email – subscribe here.

Phaser Coding Tips 4

Welcome! This week we carry on building on our set of platformer game tools. Last time we created platforms with specific friction, but this week we’re creating platforms you can ride: commonly known as “cloud platforms”. Get the source I’m only going to highlight the most important parts of the code here. Pixi.js v2 the fastest 2D webGL renderer around — Goodboy™ Hello Pixi players!

Pixi.js v2 the fastest 2D webGL renderer around — Goodboy™

Time to pull out those party poppers, turn up the music and start celebrating! It’s been a long time coming but we a very pleased to announce an all new version of Pixi.js has now arrived. The conveniently named Pixi.js v2 is out, It’s a biggie too! How to Learn the Phaser HTML5 Game Engine. Phaser is an open source HTML5 game framework created by Photon Storm.

How to Learn the Phaser HTML5 Game Engine

It's designed to create games that will run on desktop and mobile web browsers. A lot of focus was given to performance inside of mobile web browsers, a growing and important area of web gaming. If the device is capable then it uses WebGL for rendering, but otherwise it seamlessly reverts to Canvas. In this article, I'll cover resources for learning Phaser, as well as showing what it can do and some of the thinking that went into its design.

Roundups12 Gamedev Engines and Platforms (and the Best Ways to Learn Each of Them)Michael James Williams It's fair to say that it feels as if a new HTML5 game framework is released every week, such is the proliferation of them. We at Photon Storm dedicated ourselves to developing nothing but HTML5 games several years ago, back when there really wasn't a great deal of framework choice, and you could count the number of HTML5 game devs in single digits. How to use Pixi Masking in Phaser. Hey Guys, first of all, Phaser and Pixi are awesome.

How to use Pixi Masking in Phaser

Rich and Matt Thank you. I'm trying to get a mask to work from the example code, I'm using Phaser 1.1.3 and just adding a sprite and graphics and using the graphics as the mask for the sprite, basically following what I think the Phaser version of the Pixi example should be. I keep getting an error from PixiPatch.js saying that it cannot read property 'alpha' of undefined. The DisplayObject in PixiPatch.js line 113 is undefined. atari1 = game.add.sprite(50, 50, 'atari'); graphics =, 0); graphics.beginFill(0xFF3300); graphics.lineStyle(10, 0xffd900, 1); graphics.moveTo(0,50); graphics.lineTo(250, 50); graphics.lineTo(100, 100); graphics.lineTo(250, 220); graphics.lineTo(50, 220); graphics.lineTo(0, 50); graphics.endFill(); atari1.mask = graphics;

Examples - PixiJS. HTML5 Phaser Tutorial – SpaceHipster, A Space Exploration Game. They say space is the final frontier. We haven’t got very far when it comes to exploring it, but what if you could bypass this sad reallity by playing a retro-style space exploration game called SpaceHipster? Moreover, what if you could learn how to make this simple game from scratch using the awesome Phaser framework? 20 Free JavaScript Game Engines for Developers. The value of HTML5 coupled with Javascript and CSS3 can enable the Device Oriented Developer within creating extraordinary games incorporating 3D, Animation, Canvas, Math, Color, Sound, WebGL. One of the more obvious advantages of HTML5 for game development is that the games will work on any modern device. Certain game engines present just one more level of abstraction, which simply handle just a few of the more tedious tasks of game development.

Others just seem to take care of asset loading, input, physics, audio, sprite maps and animation, but they vary quite a bit. Then, there are engines which are pretty bare-bones, while some simply go as far as including a 2D level editor and debug tools. Most Game Engines are able to reduce the time it takes- whereby to create a fully-functional game, however – some developers simply prefer the process of building everything from the ground up so they can better understand every component of the game. Enjoy! Cocos2d-x: World’s #1 Open Source Game Development Platform. 18 Awesome HTML5 and JavaScript Game Engine Libraries » CODECALL. A game engine is like a car engine; as a game developer all you need to do is make the effort to make your game look amazing and attractive, while the basic game engine will take care of everything else.

In past years, a game developer had to build the game from scratch, which would make the cost of building a game skyrocket. Unity Alternatives and Similar Games. Resources - PixiJS. Building a Parallax Scroller with Pixi.js: Part 4. Welcome to the fourth and final tutorial in the series detailing how to build a parallax scrolling map using JavaScript and pixi.js. In the previous tutorial we started writing the scroller’s foreground layer by implementing an object pool and learning how to work with sprite sheets. Today we’ll actually construct the foreground layer and write code to scroll its game map within the viewport. What you will learn… HTML5 Game Engines - Find Which is Right For You. EaselJS v0.8.0 API Documentation : EaselJS. The EaselJS Javascript library provides a retained graphics mode for canvas including a full hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with 2D graphics in Canvas much easier.

GoodBoyDigital/pixi.js. Phaser - Desktop and Mobile HTML5 game framework. A Guide to the Phaser… by Richard Davey. Tweens have long been a staple of games. Used for all kinds of things, from making scenes fade out, to bouncing in logos to blending sounds. Phaser has a built in Tween Manager capable of doing these things and a lot more. This guide details in depth the different aspects of the Tween Manager, creating and using Tweens, setting all of their properties and lots more. You can see the full table of contents list below. Enchant.js - A simple JavaScript framework for creating games and apps. Html5 - 2D Engines for Javascript. Quintus JavaScript HTML5 Game Engine. A platfomer in ~80 lines of code, you can edit the code on the left. Click to focus, arrow keys to move. more A breakdown of the example is below.

Create an HTML file, pull in the Quintus library and setup the engine. Quintus has a modular engine that lets you pull in just the modules you need and can run in multiple instances on a page. <html><head><script src=' var Q = Quintus() .include("Sprites, Scenes, Input, 2D, Touch, UI") .setup() .controls() .touch(); </script></body></html>

JavaScript game engines. Examples. Game engines and tools - Game development. HTML5 Phaser Tutorial – SpaceHipster, A Space Exploration Game. Phaser tutorial. How to make a Flappy Bird in HTML5 - Part 1. Phaser tutorial. How to Learn the Phaser HTML5 Game Engine. Tutorial: Making your first Phaser game. Tutorial: Build a Game with Phaser. Introduction.