Full text of "Passing English of the Victorian era : a dictionary of heterodox English, slang and phrase" 56 Delightful Victorian Slang Terms You Should Be Using. In 1909, writing under the pseudonym James Redding Ware, British writer Andrew Forrester published Passing English of the Victorian era, a dictionary of heterodox English, slang and phrase.
"Thousands of words and phrases in existence in 1870 have drifted away, or changed their forms, or been absorbed, while as many have been added or are being added," he writes in the book's introduction. "‘Passing English’ ripples from countless sources, forming a river of new language which has its tide and its ebb, while its current brings down new ideas and carries away those that have dribbled out of fashion.
" Forrester chronicles many hilarious and delightful words in Passing English; we don't know how these phrases ever fell out of fashion, but we propose bringing them back. 1. Afternoonified A society word meaning “smart.” 2. A figure of speech used to describe drunken men. This Jane Austen blog brings Jane Austen, her novels, and the Regency Period alive through food, dress, social customs, and other 19th C. historical details related to this topic. Historical Snippets of Regency England.
Regency Period Glossary. The Jane Austen reader will quickly realize that Austen's works take place in a time unlike our own modern world willed with automobiles, airplanes and smartphones.
They cover a period of history of which some portions are forever lost to history while others are preserved thanks to historical items which have survived the test of time. As such, her stories make use of some lesser-recognized terms that, for the modern reader, can provide some difficulty. The Regency Town House. The two second floor bedrooms were private family rooms and so were not finished as sumptuously as those on the ground and first floors, though they still provided spacious accommodation with a high level of comfort.
Typically, main bedrooms had panelled doors and matching panelling underneath the windows, together with relatively plain cornices and skirting boards. The rooms would usually be wallpapered; a note on the plan of a house built in Brunswick Square for Charles Elliott allows 8d, or eight old pence, per roll. The main features of the room would be the sumptuous furnishing and fabrics which often included very elaborate coordinated curtains and bed hangings. It was usual for the master and the mistress of the house to each occupy one of these rooms which could be linked to form a suite. Adjacent to the ‘best bedroom’ at the front of the house was a small dressing room. The Regency World of Lesley-Anne McLeod, Furnishings and Design in the Regency Period.
Furniture in the Regency. Revisiting the Regency House Party. I have just finished watching the Regency House Party.
The 4-part series was broadcast on Channel 4 in 2004, and is available to watch on You Tube in 36 parts. The Regency House Party is a reality TV show, bringing together five gentlemen from the modern world and five ladies with their chaperones to spend a summer (9 weeks) is a Regency country house. Syon Park, History & Photos. The London home of the Percy family, Dukes of Northumberland, Syon House is set in wonderful parkland on the banks of the River Thames, opposite Kew Gardens.
The plain exterior of the house hides a superlative Robert Adam interior begun in 1762 on much older foundations. The Dying Gaul and the Great Hall History. Regency Lingo – Regency Reader. Slang, lexicon, cant, lingo.
Find your Regency dictionary of popular language here. Links go to post with etymological details. Mechanical Music in the Regency » Risky Regencies. No release date yet for The Magnificent Marquess!
Possibly end of this month? Or early May? The Works of the British Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical ... Aphrodite _ 2. Movement From Tryptych_Fero Turak New Classical Music Style. Regency Male Name Generator – Regency Reader. Regency Female Name Generator – Regency Reader. Popular names in Georgian/Regency times. The 18th Century began the Georgian period, named after the several King George's.
King George I originated from Germany and spoke very little English, choosing to return to his homeland often. This had a Germanic effect on names in the aristocracy and this filtered down into the upper class and gentry. Working class parents tended to favour more biblical names. MASTER LIST for Naming Regency-Era Characters! – Bryn Donovan. The Big Book of Names - Regency Era Surnames. Entertaining Visitors in an English Country House, such as Downton Abbey: PBS Masterpiece Classic. Regency House Parties. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a person in possession of a country house must be in want of a party.
There's plenty of reasons for that tongue-in-cheek statement. While the creme of English society during the Regency period adored London above all other places, August in London was hot, sticky, and stinky, with the Thames wafting up all kinds of odors in the summer heat. With Parliament generally out of session, everyone who was anyone found an excuse to leave town for cooler climates, often in the north of England.
August 1 was also the start of grouse season, so if your dear Papa was fond of shooting the little birds, you probably headed to Scotland, where the best hunting was to be found. If you didn’t have a lavish country seat where you could retire, you angled for an invitation to someone else’s country estate. Hosting a house party was not an inexpensive proposition. But even if you were the guest, going to house parties cost a pretty penny. Historical Romance and the English Country Home. Rolling greens lawns, formal gardens and sultry conservatories—is it any wonder so many Regency romance novelists choose the English country house as the backdrop for their love story?
H-01-LadysWardrobe - Gaelen Foley. H-02-GentsWardrobe - Gaelen Foley. H-04-RegHomes - Gaelen Foley. Location Works: private institutions / clubs. H-04-RegHomes - Gaelen Foley. H-04-RegHomes - Gaelen Foley. Regency House Parties. Available on Amazon Mrs. Hancock beamed as Alicia reached her side, put an arm around Alicia, and brought her into their circle. “Miss Alicia Palmer, allow me to introduce Lord Amesbury.” Even more devastating up close, Lord Amesbury turned to her. His piercing blue eyes threatened the strength in her knees. All the other men she had met lately, namely those her uncle insisted she consider for a husband, had taken careful note of her figure. Lord Amesbury inclined his head. Alicia met his frank gaze and a sensation she did not quite understand stirred within her until breathing became a conscious effort.
Unable to pull her eyes away, Alicia sank into a curtsey. No longer merely polite, his smile broadened, warmed, transforming an already handsome face into a perfectly stunning visage. “Miss Palmer,” Lord Amesbury said, “May I have the next dance?” Alicia blinked. She squelched all hope that she might hold his interest.
Reading the Regency - Marriages - part 1. "And the marriage was solemnized with much pomp and magnificence, and every demonstration of joy. " [Chapter 14, Vivian by Maria Edgeworth] Unless you were a Jew or a Quaker, most weddings took place in a "consecrated building" used regularly for worship, (typically the local parish church or chapel) according to the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. Marriage in Catholic churches or Non-Conformist chapels was not valid before 1st July 1837, when civil weddings were introduced. Prior to this, Catholic couples were allowed to have a ceremony in their own church, but they were supposed to have an Anglican wedding first, as a Catholic wedding alone would not be legally recognised. No person could be forced to marry against their will. Of course, that doesn't mean that every bride and groom married the person of their choice.
Between 1753 and 1823 there was no minimum age for marriage, although in practice anyone under seven years old was considered too young to wed. "Mr. and Mrs.
Regency Royalty & Peerage. Sea-bathing Locations. Pegwell Bay - Google Maps. 1800-1845 Regency to Romantic Fashion History and Costume History - Fashion History, Costume Trends and Eras, Trends Victorians - Haute Couture. Pinterest. Almack's. London's high society at Almack's. William Almack[edit] Hythe kent 1800. Pegwell Bay. History[edit] Archaeologists suggest that Pegwell Bay was the site of both the Roman invasions of Britain by Julius Caesar.
In 2017 the University of Leicester excavated a large fort dating from 54 BC; it was the previous lack of such evidence that had prevented historians from fixing the exact site of Caesar's landing.[1] What happens after a whale is beached? A whale which beached in Skegness on Saturday was the fourth to wash up at the Lincolnshire resort in recent years. So how common is it for whales to wash ashore - and what happens to their carcasses? Nancy Regency Researcher. Regency Resources - Kristen Koster. Select Category to View Links: Please note the layout of this page has changed substantially. Only one category of links shows at a time and is controlled by the pull-down menu above. There is also a search box at the bottom that returns results from the available links. Regency Reader – Passionately blogging about all things Regency. A Primer on the Regency Era Royal Family - Kristen Koster.