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Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. The Best Add-Ons for Google Drive. Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. Social Media in Education. 50 Great EdTech Tools for Teachers and Educators ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. April, 2015 Looking for some powerful EdTech tools to try out in your class or probably use for your professional development? This Symbaloo web mix created by Amy has you covered. The collection has around 50 wonderful educational tools and except for Knowable, an application we didn’t know before, all of the rest have been already reviewed here in the past. And if you ask us about our top 10 from this collection we would mention the following : 1- Socrative Socrative lets teachers engage and assess their students with educational activities on tablets, laptops and smartphones. Through the use of real time questioning, instant result aggregation and visualization, teachers can gauge the whole class’ current level of understanding. 2- TED Ed Offers a collection of excellent educational video covering a wide variety of intellectual topics. 3- TodaysMeet TodaysMeet is an excellent backchannel chat platform for classroom teachers and learners. 4- Pearltrees 5- Remind 6- Nearpod 7- Print Friendly.

Edutech for Teachers. Educational Technology. Pédagogie. Classroom Ideas. Flipped Classroom. Innovation Research. Teaching and Learning. The Flipped Classroom. The Flipped Classroom: Turning the Traditional Classroom on its Head. Autism Speaks. Autism Speaks. Technology resources. Apps. Course material creation. Technologies for info. professionals. 25 Ways Teachers Can Integrate Social Media Into Education. Games for education. Games and activities. The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators.

The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2011 — So Far | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... I usually just do a year-end list on Web 2.0 Applications For Education and many other topics, but it gets a little crazy having to review all of my zillion posts at once. So, to make it easier for me — and perhaps, to make it a little more useful to readers — I’m going to start publishing mid-year lists, too. These won’t be ranked, unlike my year-end “The Best…” lists, and just because a site appears on a mid-year list doesn’t guarantee it will be included in an end-of-the-year one.

But, at least, I won’t have to review all my year’s posts in December… As usual, in order to make this list, a site had to be: * accessible to English Language Learners and non-tech savvy users. * free-of-charge. * appropriate for classroom use. * completely browser-based with no download required. It’s possible that a few of these sites began in 2010, but, if so, I’m including them in this list because they were “new to me” in 2011. You might want to visit previous editions: Feedback is welcome. The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators. The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators.

The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators. The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators. TechTool Lists. Web 2.0 tools. Flipped classroom. The Flipped Classroom: Turning the Traditional Classroom on its Head. Beakertek. Apps for Teachers. iPads. Instructionaldesigner. Instructional Design. Lego. Educational Technology. Robotics. Web 2.0. Tutorials/Learning. App Development. Build Mobile Apps. Ed Tools. Making apps. Education. Build Apps. iPads in education settings. 21st Century Tools for Teaching and Learning. Teacher professional development. Apps for Schools.

Free Technology for Teachers. InfoGraphics. LEARNING THEORIES. The 5 Most Fundamental Strategies for Helping Your Students Learn. What do good teachers do? What strategies are most effective at helping students learn? This has been the subject of thousands of studies over many decades, and it can be hard to really focus in on what teaching strategies are most effective. One instructional theory that has had a lot of influence on my own work as an instructional designer and a scholar is Merrill's First Principles of Instruction (2002, 2007, 2009).

After spending many years researching and discovering effective teaching strategies, Merrill set out to identify the most fundamental principles of instruction. He reviewed many theories and based on this review, he identified what he calls the 5 most fundamental principles of instruction. When you apply these first principles in your teaching and instructional design, you will engage students in activities that will help them learn more. Here are the 5 principles: My public speaking teacher, Karla Bassett, used these principles when she taught us how to speak. References. A New Agile Model: Leaving ADDIE for SAM.