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Exciting Links for Boring Days. So Much Pun - Funny Jokes in Photos. ZooBorns: Baboon. Howletts Wild Animal Park near Canterbury in England is home to three Gelada Baboons – one male, named Agolo, and two females named Jima and Sereba. Keepers were thrilled when they discovered that Sereba had been successfully mated by Agolo resulting in the birth of a male baby named Leena. Agolo and Sereba have proved themselves to be very successful parents while Jima has taken on the role of Aunt to help out hardworking Mum and Dad. Primate Keeper Jamie Wharton said: “It’s great watching Leena investigate his open-top enclosure and graze with his parents. As he gets older he will develop an impressive mane like his father.”

As the male Gelada develop they grow a mantle (a mane of hair) that surrounds their head and neck. Neil Spooner, Animal Director, said “These baboons are quite unique in that they are the last surviving species of grass grazing primates. Photo Credit: Dave Rolfe Continue reading "Bundle of Good News for Last Surviving Baboon Species " » Photo credits: Tibor Jäger. Artsy alternate universe TARDISes decorated with leopard spots and disguised as Big Ben.

So as any UK citizen will tell you, these are not TARDISes (at least as the BBC understands them). They bear no resemblance to a Police Box, other than being boxes and having phones in them. Now certainly, there's no reason why a phone box can't be a time machine (as William Preston and Theodore Logan have taught us), but there's one very good reason why the nice people at the BBC used a Police Box and not a Phone Box as a basis for the Doctor's TARDIS, and it's really simple: Phone boxes have clear glass windows through which you would expect to see the occupant. Police boxes don't. These phone boxes don't have clear glass windows, but that's only because someone has upended several tins of paint over them as an art project. Real phone boxes are designed so you can see what the occupant is up to. And this would be a bad thing for a TARDIS. Because, after all, the Doctor lives in there.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in the corner, extracting my tongue from my cheek. ~Game of Thrones~ Rom-com trailer. Comics, Quizzes, and Stories. Win! 564240_352113018189594_1688316361_n.jpg (632×711) Creative Dad Takes Crazy Photos Of Daughters. If you are tired of posed, stiff and cheesy family portraits, then take a look at these incredibly creative pictures taken by Jason Lee. Jason who is a wedding photographer started taking photos of his two little daughters back in 2006 when his mom was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

The girls were constantly sick, with colds and coughs so he couldn’t always bring them to visit their grandmother. Jason wanted her to be able to see her granddaughters without catching their kid germs so he started a blog where his mom could see what was going on in their lives. Most of the ideas come from his daughters – eight-year-old Kristin and five-year-old Kayla. Jason says that they are never-ending source of ideas. Website: | flickr. What is a cross Between a leotard and a TARDIS? A LeoTARDIS! - Mad Art Lab. Some ideas are just too good to pass up. No, really, they are. Even if the person who originally had the idea thinks it’s a horrible idea. Well, we at Mad Art Lab have never been stopped by something possibly being a horrible idea. What’s the use of having a blog focused on science and art if you can’t experiment with art? So, consider this my most recent experiment. It all started with this. “a leotard… with a TARDIS on it. Now, when she woke up more, she decided this was actually a bad idea.

Of course, this being the internet, we know better. This was a sad, sad situation, and I pouted. Then I realized that sometimes I can’t pin my happiness on anything else. So I decided to make a leotardis of my own. There aren’t going to be detailed, step-by-step instructions in this post. I didn’t think I was going to succeed, so I didn’t take the time to document each step.Before I started, I had margaritas. First (vague) Step: Make leotard, or swimsuit in this case. Second (vague) Step: Draw TARDIS.

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