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Dhal, indisk linsgryta. HuvudrättIndisk 1 lök 2 morötter 2 vitlöksklyftor 2 msk rapsolja 1 msk riven, färsk ingefära 1 tsk koriander 1/2 tsk mald spiskummin 1 krm malen kanel 4 dl röda linser 400 g krossade tomater 400 ml kokosmjölk 1 grönsaksbuljongtärning 2 dl vatten salt lime Till servering ris naanbröd Close Bra att veta när du ändrar antalet portioner Detta recept är gjort för 4 portioner. Skala lök, morötter och vitlök. För alla Läs noga ingrediensförteckningen på buljongtärningen för samtliga allergener. Easy Mexican Vegan Falafel Bites {Gluten Free} The Best Veggie Burger Recipe | Sweet potato & Lentil Burger. I’ve wanted to make this crispy sweet potato, lentil, quinoa and spinach veggie burger recipe for a while now. The last time I made them was probably in the summer. They turned out amazing, and I’ve been thinking about them ever since, but kept putting off making them, opting for simpler dishes.

I finally put my foot down though, stopped making excuses, and made them not just as burgers but also bite sized poppers, opting for a crispy panko coating instead of my usual chickpea flour, and all I can say is wow (WOW). There are so many fresh, good-for-you ingredients packed into in these crispy veggie burgers, yet they come together into such a harmony of flavours that you won’t even believe it could taste so good. And, if you somehow manage not to eat them all right off the stove, they actually manage to taste even more amazing as they cool down. Why don’t I make them more often? Good question. But this time I didn’t shelve the recipe.

Here’s the recipe so you can get started! Total time. Creamy Vegan Broccoli Soup. It’s nearly the end of January, it’s cold, Christmas is over, and winter is starting to feel old, real old. If you’re a New Years’ resolution kinda person, specifically one of the many people with resolutions such as “Lose weight” or “Eat healthier”, you might be feeling tired of typical healthy January meals.

The problem with New Years resolutions (actually there’s a number of problems, but we won’t get into that now) is that healthy eating and losing weight tend to go hand in hand with things like salads and smoothies. But salads and smoothies don’t go particularly well with the dead of winter, ya know? Petition to move New Years to June? Salads and smoothies go really well with June!

Until then, let’s talk about foods that DO go well with the middle of winter. So in the spirit of some proper “January” food, a.k.a. healthy yet hearty warming dishes that come together easily and quickly, a creamy vegetable-filled soup is just perfect. This post is sponsored by Suncoast Gold. Cuisine: Vegan. White Bean Shepherd's Pie {Vegan & GF} | Veggie Primer.

Vegan Corn Chowder - The Roasted Root. Hearty and healthy veggie-packed vegan corn chowder. Blended up corn, potato, and coconut milk make the chowder base for this super delicious meal! Mmmmmmmm choooooowdah! Who doesn’t love a big steamy bowl of creamy, salty, sweet, chunky, cozy corn chowder? Up until recently, me of all people! Confession: I used to be the biggest of chowder naysayers that ever did live. Flash forward a couple decades, and come to find out it was because the cream and gluten content of the soup made me feel like Punnany McGeester. A few years ago, one of my brothers started making his own clam chowder, complete with bacon and potatoes for hearty splendor, but with a thinner (not roux-based) consistency and less cream. As it turns out, you don’t need cream, butter, and flour in order to make chowder. As strange as it may seem in its cream-less, chicken-less, bacon-less glory, this veggie-packed dairy-free, gluten-free version of corn chowder is hands down the best batch corn chowder I’ve ever made.

Honey Sesame Tofu.