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Berenjenas rellenas. Cardamom Waffle Cake with Figs, Fall Berries, & Maple Syrup | Sweet Paul Magazine. We used to make this cake on special occasions. It was one of my childhood favorites Serves 5 3 eggs ½ cup sugar 1 stick butter, melted ½ cup milk ½ cup sour cream 1½ cup all purpose flour ½ teaspoon cardamom whipped cream berries figs fresh mint maple syrup Mix eggs and sugar and beat until creamy. Add butter, milk, and sour cream, and mix well. You need a waffle iron for this recipe, but they are more versatile appliances than you think. Made it? Sunny Spinach Pie. Sunny Spinach Pie When you’re hosting a party, you want to surprise your guests with something out of the ordinary and extra special. This sunny spinach pie recipe will delight your guests and have them begging for the recipe.

It’s super delicious and definitely way easier to make than you would think. I saw this recipe on an Italian website .. and as I love Italian cuisine could not resist sharing it with you TORTA RUSTICA di SPINACI From: Ingredients: Dough: 17 oz of flour 1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil 3/4 cup dry white wine 1 teaspoon salt Filling: 12 oz of boiled spinach 12 oz ricotta 1 egg 3 oz of grated Parmesan Salt and pepper Bread crumbs Instructions: 1-Place all dough ingredients in a stand mixer. 8-Sprinkle the filling with grated Parmesan. 9-Now, cover with the second circle of dough. 10-Seal the edges with your hands, and then use a fork to press. 11-Place a small bowl in the middle of the pie and press lightly to make an indentation. Yum! Chalupa de pollo a la caraqueña | CaracasCafe. Para corroborar lo mucho que nos gustan a los venezolanos los platos compuestos, existe esta versión criollita de la Chalupa de pollo mexicana!

No nos daremos el absoluto y total crédito de ella, pero nuestras mujeres si fueron lo suficientemente astutas y creativas para modificar la receta hasta el punto de hacerla totalmente diferente y ¿quién dice que no?. Aunque su preparación y difusión se ha minimizado a tal punto de que muchos no conocen esta deliciosa versión, era un plato muy común en las reuniones familiares numerosas porque constituye un plato completo en sí misma que conquista todos los sentidos. Leyendo la receta comienzo a reflexionar sobre lo mucho que nos gustan los toques dulzones en la comida y cualquier cosa que sepa a navidad; esto lo digo porque la variación criolla de la receta podría recordarnos a la hallaca.

Cachapas Queso telita o de mano Nata criolla. Great Breakfasts. Berenjenas Rellenas. Salmón con Hierbas. Hoy he querido dejaros esta receta de salmón al horno, que aunque es muy sencilla, me hacía mucha ilusión. Como ya os he contando en alguna ocasión, el estar viviendo aquí en un fiordo ha hecho que nos aficionemos a la pesca, pues bien el otro día pescamos un salmón!!! Increíble , pesaba 1,2 kg y no os quiero ni contar como estaba el salmón de bueno. Eso si aunque el pescado aquí es de una calidad extraordinaria, siempre lo limpio bien y después lo congelo antes de consumirlo, para evitar problemas con parásitos como el anisakis, sobre todo porque nos encanta el sashimi y muchas veces lo preparamos así para comer. Esta es una forma muy sencilla de preparar el salmón y que queda muy bueno, como en el balcón tenemos plantas aromáticas, he aprovechado y lo he preparado con ellas.

Ingredientes 4 personas - 500 gr de Salmón - 2 cebollas - Aceite de oliva virgen extra - Tomillo, orégano, y perejil frescos - 1 Diente de ajo - 150 ml de vino blanco seco Elaboracion: Precalentamos el horno a 180ºC. Peaches and Cream Stuffed French Toast Recipe. I adore french toast; it is one of my all time favorite breakfast foods! There are all sorts of ways to change up classic french toast, I love trying out different stuffed french toast varieties whenever possible. A current favorite is peaches and cream! Peaches and Cream Stuffed French Toast, makes 4 servings. Needed: 16 thin slices of french bread, 6-7 eggs, 2-3 tablespoons cream or milk, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 3 peaches, 8 ounces cream cheese and butter for the pan.

In a bowl whisk together the eggs, cream (or milk), extract and cinnamon. Thinly slice the peaches (you can remove the skin or leave it). Heat your pan over medium heat and melt a tablespoon of butter in it, coating the whole pan. Serve warm with chopped peaches, powdered sugar and syrup. Dutch Babies. If you've never tried a dutch baby before here are three reasons why you should soon: 1. They are delicious. Think if a pancake and crepe had a child. 2. They're called Dutch Babies. That's adorable. Dutch Babies, makes two (very filling) servings.

Needed: 4 eggs, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2/3 cup flour, 2/3 cup milk and 2 tablespoons butter for the pans.Preheat your oven to 350 F. In a bowl combine the eggs and milk, whisk to combine. Homemade Apple Chips. Baked Fruit: 3 Ways. Guys, I think it's pie season. Every magazine cover I look at seems to have a pie (or two or three) on it. This proves a few things: 1. I apparently only read food magazines. 2.

It's pie season. I've already started making my list of possible pies I'll be baking for Thanksgiving this year (I'm way early, I know). Baked Peach Parfait, makes 4 servings. Needed: 2 peaches, 1/2 cup oats, 1/8 cup olive oil, 1/8 cup maple syrup or honey, a few pinches of cinnamon, and a handful of chopped pecans. In a small bowl, combine the oats, oil, sweetener, cinnamon and pecans. Baked Grapefruit, makes 4 servings. Needed: 2 grapefruits and a conservative handful of brown sugar. Slice grapefruits in half and remove as many seeds as you can. Baked Apples (or "Opposite Apple Pie" if you're feeling clever, and I AM), makes 4 servings.

Needed: 2 apples (I like Granny Smith), 1/4 cup brown sugar, a few pinches of cinnamon and 1/2 sheet of puff pastry. Core apples and slice in half. Great S'more Moments. I love me some s'mores! This past summer we built an in-ground fire pit. And I've never looked back. (Emma, what does that even mean?) One of my all time favorite fire pit activities is to make s'mores. We've made so many s'mores this summer. A few weeks ago my friend Nick came over for a cook out, and he tried s'mores for the very first time. (!!!!!!!) I am proud to be the one to introduce him to them.

If you've never had s'mores before, the basic idea is as follows: graham crackers, chocolate and toasted marshmallows. 1. 2. 3. I highly recommend having a s'more party before the weather gets too cold. Cocoa Pudding Mugs. Watch the video above to learn how to make this recipe! Ingredients 2-1/2 cups milk, divided 2 env. (1/4 oz. each) Knox Unflavored Gelatin 2 oz. Baker's Bittersweet Chocolate, melted 1 pkg. (3.9 oz.) JELL-O Chocolate Instant Pudding 12 miniature pretzel twists, broken crosswise in half 1-1/2 cups thawed Cool Whip Whipped Topping 1/4 cup Jet-puffed Vanilla Mallow Bits Directions Add 1-1/2 cups milk to dry gelatin in small saucepan; stir.

Adults Only: Decrease milk to 2-1/4 cups. Healthy Living: Save 15 calories and 3g of carbs, including 3g of sugar, per serving by preparing with 1 pkg. (1.4 oz.) Nutrition Information 60 calories, 2.5g total fat, 1.5g saturated fat, 0g trans fat, less than 5mg cholesterol, 100mg sodium, 9g carbohydrate, 0g dietary fiber, 6g sugars, 2g protein, 0%DV vitamin A, 0%DV vitamin C, 4%DV calcium, 0%DV iron. Tags: Dessert, Kid-Friendly, Low Calorie, Low Fat, Jell-O, Thanksgiving, Christmas.