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CC Search. Secrets to Strong E-Learning Project Development. Today's society is centered on a blend of technologies that enhance our learning capabilities in a multitude of ways. Collaborative learning and experiential stimulation are promoted through various inquiry-based learning tools, and they are helping to break down and cross barriers between learners, distance, and time.

E-Learning tactics include a mixture of instructional media, guidance and coaching, task analysis, and more availability and access than ever. One of the keys to developing a successful E-Learning project is to create a learning culture that will stretch beyond the normal parameters, encouraging learners to stay involved and share what they know. A wonderful aspect to this new-wave model of learning is that there are no limitations. However, in order to be successful, it is imperative you have a plan of action and an established program. Keys to a Strong E-Learning Model Know Your Goals Determine Your Training Needs Bring in Talent Choose and Stick With a Platform. eLearning Design For Non-Designers | DigitalChalk. Over 1000 Free eLearning Resources.

3 reglas de oro para saber si un curso online merece la pena | Formación y nuevas tecnologías. Formar a otros es ante todo un ejercicio de responsabilidad social. El hecho de que la formación sea barata o incluso gratuita, no supone una diferencia. Expectativas defraudadas A menudo encontramos en la Red todo tipo de quejas y encendidos debates sobre la calidad de ciertos cursos online que defraudan las expectativas del alumnado. Con frecuencia, las organizaciones que promueven estos cursos fallidos se acogen a argumentos tan previsibles como este: “qué más quieres, por este precio…”.

Pero esos argumentos son falaces. Si aceptamos que el único baremo de calidad es el lucro, entonces estamos perdidos. Cómo saber si un curso online ofrece las mínimas garantías Con frecuencia, las personas que se plantean invertir tiempo y dinero en su formación, especialmente en estos tiempos de crisis, piden recomendaciones: “¿Qué curso me aconsejas? …Cualquiera que se dedique profesionalmente a la formación recibe consultas similares constantemente. 1. …Y la lista podría ser más larga. 2. 3. Conclusión. Top 50 eLearning Resources for eLearning Professionals.

30inShare One of the challenges that eLearning professionals face is knowing just where to find useful and effective resources for course design. However, there are a variety of sites that offer wonderful instructional design tools that materials for you to choose from. Better yet, a vast majority of them are absolutely free. Here are the top 50 eLearning resources that you’ll want to check out before creating your next course or lesson module: Royalty Free Stock Images: All of these photo sites offer FREE images that you can download. 1.

Free Graphics and Clip Art: All of these sites offer free clip art or graphics that you can use for your eye-catching course or website design. 8. Want to include maps in your course or site design? Free Fonts: Want to avoid traditional, overused fonts when creating your courses? 12. Free Backgrounds: Make your web page or course more visually appealing by adding a background from one of these free sites. 17. 23. 31. Free Course Design/Authoring Tools: 5 Web Design Rules That Can Teach You Everything You Need to Know About eLearning. 5 Web Design Rules That Can Teach You Everything You Need to Know About eLearning As eLearning professionals, we believe in the value of learning from others. Collaborative learning is an essential learning strategy and one we can apply to our profession as well, especially in eLearning design.

Our field is relatively young compared to the rest of the online world, where designers have been making and refining websites for decades. Those web design professionals have studies, researched and honed their craft, and have developed some basic web design principles that lead to effective websites. These web design rules can teach you everything you need to know about eLearning design and connect you with an industry that has already fine tuned this field. 1.

Simple is always better, especially in web design. eLearning designers can learn from the simplification element of web designs. To make your eLearning course design simpler: 2. Simple doesn't have to mean boring, though. 3. 4. 5. eLearning 101: 10 Must-Reads Before Creating Your First Course. New to eLearning course development? Never built a course before? You don’t have any formal background in designing educational materials and interfaces? Making something useful and effective can be a little bit daunting especially for first-timers. But don’t worry. Read carefully through this list of suggested reads. 1) Infographic: What is eLearning and what it isn't There are plenty of myths and misconceptions around eLearning. For those planning to create a new eLearning course, the following points in this infographic will give clear direction to what is eLearning and what it isn't. 2) Plan a successful eLearning program in 5 simple steps Before you begin to develop your first course, it’s important to define the goals and purpose of the course.

Embarking on eLearning without understanding your end goal sets you up for failure. 3) 8 Things Every eLearning Professional Should Know About People The art and science of design acknowledges the habits and actions of people. The Free eBook: How to become an eLearning Professional. The 20 Best Learning Management Systems. The eLearning Designer’s Most Important Decisions. The eLearning Designer’s Most Important Decisions Great design is about making smart decisions. And skillfull eLearning designers know this. They know the “look and feel” of a course is a very important decision in the whole development process. With this in mind, they try to create screens that draw learners' attention, that motivate learners toward interaction, and help learners accomplish learning goals without confusion and fatigue. Let’s take a look and see some of the most important decisions eLearning designers must make in order to avoid broken and inefficient designs: Decision 1: Color Choice What colors have you chosen for your eLearning course?

It’s a fact that people react to color in different ways. Considerate the following ideas: Remember, color is a powerful communication tool. Decision 2: Tackling Typography Choosing the right font for your course is not an easy decision. More obviously, font that is difficult to discern will yield an unreached group. Size matters. 12 Questions eLearning Developers Should Answer. As an Instructional Designer, motivating learners is an important consideration because in reality learners are not always motivated to learn. They’re busy, they have other things to do, they don’t see the course as being important or have had a bad experience in the past.

Would you like to motivate your learners based on the ARCS Model? Dr John Keller’s motivational design model, known as the ARCS model, is comprised of four major factors that influence the motivation to learn – Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction. It’s described as a problem-solving model and helps designers identify and solve specific motivational problems related to the appeal of instruction.

The model was developed after a comprehensive review and synthesis of motivation concepts and research studies. The four categories of motivation variables comprise of sub-categories along with process questions to consider when designing eLearning (or any kind of learning): References and further information: Designing for a New Generation of E-Learning. Designer’s Survival Guide: Top 10 Tips.

As a designer, it’s easy to make pretty pictures. Now try making designs that go deeper. “Deeper how?” , you may ask. Certainly we perceive things visually, but the factors that motivate us and help us interpret those designs have more to do with the content. 1. Know your audience. 2. Use familiar user interface patterns that your learners are used to in the real world. For example, when designing an iPad® app, it is important to first have a strong understanding of how iPad users already interact with the device. 3. Learners appreciate consistent navigation and repeated tasks for gaining information. 4. Design is a visual translator for the world’s information. 5. As humans we need and crave feedback and direction. 6. Set expectations at the onset of a course so learners know what is coming. 7.

Adult learners crave autonomy and the ability to guide their own learning. 8. If your solution is not easy, fast, and fun, it will not be effective. 9. 10. The Top e-Learning Blogs - Submit your Top e-Learning Blog’s RSS Feed. Top 10 Competencies of a Gamified Learning Designer. Gamified learning is one of the major revolutions happening around us that demands a shift in the mere thinking of ‘learning’. It requires us to unlearn and relearn some of the traditional notions related to learning styles and preferences, and the dimensions and the elements of learning design. In this article, we will take a quick look at the top 10 essential competencies required for a learning designer to design effective gamified learning interventions. It is exciting to be part of the learning revolution happening all around us, with new learning paradigms and technologies emerging almost on a daily basis. Thanks to the inherent quality of learning designers, we find it easy to adapt with most of these changes.

Gamified learning is one such major revolution that demands a shift in the mere thinking of ‘learning’. Gartner predicts that this year, 80% of the current gamified applications by companies will fail to meet business objectives. Knowledge Skills Attitude Bottom Line. Top 9 Competencies of an Informal-Social Learning Designer. Informal/Social learning is one of the major revolutions happening around us that demands a shift in the mere thinking of ‘learning’.

It requires us to unlearn and relearn some of the traditional notions related to the learning style/preference, and the dimensions and the elements of learning design. In this article, we’ll take a quick look at the top 9 essential competencies that a learning designer is required to possess for designing effective informal/social learning interventions for today’s workplaces. It is exciting to be part of the learning revolution happening around us, with new learning paradigms and technologies emerging on a daily basis. Thanks to the inherent quality of learning designers, we find it easy to adapt to most of these changes. Informal/Social learning is one such major revolution (other than mobile learning and gamified learning) that demands a shift in the mere thinking of ‘learning’. Here are the top 9 competencies that we think are the most significant. The Manifesto | Serious eLearning Manifesto. We believe that learning technology offers the possibility for creating uniquely valuable learning experiences.

We also believe, with a sense of sadness and profound frustration, that most elearning fails to live up to its promise. We further believe that current trends evoke a future of only negligible improvement in elearning design—unless something radical is done to bend the curve. Finally, we have concluded that in order to elevate elearning to the height of its promise, we need to begin with a personal commitment to a new set of standards. Through continuous assessment of learner performance, the elearning experience can optimize use of the learner’s time, individualize the experience for full engagement, address needs, optimize practice, and prepare for transfer of learning to performance proficiency.

Supporting Principles Do Not Assume that Learning is the Solution We do not assume that a learning intervention is always the best means to helping people perform better. Are You an Instructional Designer, a Learning Game Designer or Both? Many instructional designers are now being asked to investigate serious games and gamification for use in their training. The problem? Few instructional designers have real game design experience or skills. Game-based solutions have great potential for learning, but only if they are designed well. Instructional designers are skilled writers, researchers, and facilitators.

They are intimately familiar with learning theories and know how to apply those theories to all types of learning solutions. Most instructional designers are highly skilled at creating solutions such as eLearning courses, webinars, presentations, instructor-led sessions, and even large curriculums. When a VP, Director, or Manager decides to include games and gamification as part of the learning strategy, it seems like a natural jumping off point to have the instructional designer create the game. Unfortunately, designing a serious game can become expensive and time-consuming without the proper skills and experience. Definiendo los niveles de interactividad en eLearning. Definiendo los niveles de interactividad en eLearning Si está utilizando recursos eLearning, planea desarrollarlos o simplemente está interesado en este tipo de capacitación, debe saber que los cursos eLearning se pueden clasificar según el nivel de interactividad que ofrezcan.

De acuerdo con estos niveles de interactividad usted puede determinar que tan interactivos serán sus cursos. Por lo tanto, si usted está buscando distribuir la información de una manera básica, una interacción nivel uno podría satisfacer sus necesidades. Sin embargo, si usted está buscando un compromiso real e interacción por parte del estudiante, un curso de eLearning más interactivo es necesario. Es un hecho que entre más interactivo el curso, más efectivo será el cumplimiento de los objetivos de aprendizaje. ¿Qué nivel de interactividad necesita?

El nivel de interacción que mejor se ajusta a su empresa y sus objetivos corporativos se ​​basa en ciertos factores, por ejemplo: Veamos los detalles: Nivel 3. Nivel 4. Haz atractivos tus Cursos e-Learning en 8 pasos. Todos los que hemos realizado un curso a distancia sabemos que es difícil mantener la intensidad a lo largo de su desarrollo. La separación física entre profesores y alumnos que conlleva e-Learning, obliga a que tengamos que buscar, si estamos del lado del formador, contenidos atractivos y que además “enganchen” de alguna forma al alumno. Cuando la comunicación es síncrona, se puede llegar a asimilar la clase a una tradicional, pero cuando profesor y alumno, aparte de no coincidir en el espacio, tampoco lo hacen en el tiempo, es fácil perder la interrelación entre ambas partes. Nuestra experiencia, en Princippia, nos ha llevado a creer firmemente, que es necesario proporcionar un soporte continuado al receptor del curso y que la mejor manera de llevarlo a cabo es con material personalizado, contenido gráfico fácil de entender y, si es necesario, elaboración de videos “píldora” que muestren al educando, de manera fácil, como afrontar sus dudas.

Fuente: Sudhakar Chepuri. Analizamos 19 plataformas de eLearning: primera investigación académica colaborativa mundial. ¿Sabes cómo funciona nuestro cerebro cuando hace e-learning? Sabemos que el contenido, el diseño y la navegabilidad de un curso e-learning son importantes para el aprendizaje, así que conocer cómo nuestro cerebro adquiere, conserva y procesa la información en el aprendizaje de nuevos conceptos, ideas o habilidades servirá para saber cómo aprendemos a través de un curso e-learning. Recientemente hemos podido leer un artículo muy interesante relacionado con los resultados de estudios científicos sobre cómo funciona el cerebro humano cuando aprende a través de e-learning y cuya fuente podéis consultar aquí. Hemos hecho este resumen para que os sorprendáis (o no) de los resultados que nos ofrecen estos estudios: Nuestros cerebros no tienen la capacidad de realizar múltiples tareas.

Durante años, la multitarea se ha considerado una habilidad muy importante. Sin embargo, una investigación ha encontrado que nuestro cerebro en realidad no tienen la potencia para realizar múltiples tareas . Nuestros cerebros funcionan mejor en determinados momentos del día. Cómo utilizar la psicología del color en el diseño de cursos eLearning.