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101 Social Media Marketing Resources – 2012 Edition. Here’s a monster list of social media marketing resources to help expand your knowledge of this ever-changing ecosystem.

101 Social Media Marketing Resources – 2012 Edition

These resources are useful for newbies and social media mavens alike, looking to learn about the field as well as to hone their business skills. To make it easier to use, this list is broken into sections. There are broad-based social media resources covering social media as a whole as well as more specialized offerings focused on a specific platform or topic. Now without further ado, here are 101 Social Media Marketing Resources, the 2012 Edition. In the spirit of helping the social media marketing community, please share the link to this page as well as to link to it. Ian Anderson Gray, Social Media Consultant. The BrandBuilder Blog. 14 Social Media Insights: What Customers Seek. Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives; it’s where we turn to connect with family, friends and colleagues as well as to gather a variety of information.

14 Social Media Insights: What Customers Seek

Businesses are using social media to build brands, connect with prospects, extend customer relationships, and to monitor the competition. Recent research by Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange provides new insights regarding the amount of time and how we spent it on social media. These findings are useful to guide your social media marketing. Social media is where we spend our time The average online American spends 2 hours/day on social media venues from a variety of devices, PC, tablet and/or smartphones when non-social media users are included, according to the Ipsos Open Thinking Exchange research.

Actionable Marketing Tip: Regardless of whom you’re targeting, you must be visible and engaged on social media because it’s where you’ll find your suppliers and your customers. Happy Marketing, Heidi Cohen. Les 10 outils qui simplifient la vie du community manager. Publication, modération, suivi de l’e-réputation, gestion de campagnes publicitaires sur les réseaux sociaux… le métier de community manager a de multiples facettes et nécessite d’avoir recours à certains outils pour être plus efficace. Les services proposés sont nombreux, je vous propose une sélection de 10 outils simplifiant la vie de nos chers community managers… 1 : Buffer : publier sur les réseaux sociaux au bon moment Je vous ai déjà parlé de Buffer, c’est un outil qui va vous faire gagner un temps fou dans votre planning éditorial.

Il va vous permettre de poster au bon moment vos messages. Il fonctionne avec Twitter, Facebook et Linkedin. Vous pouvez retrouver le test complet ici : Animer ses comptes Twitter et Facebook avec efficacité grâce à Buffer. Evaluate Your Facebook Page With This Simple Checklist [INFOGRAPHIC] With new trends, social networks, feature announcements, and changes to existing features popping up every day, the social media marketer has a lot to keep up with on a daily basis.

Evaluate Your Facebook Page With This Simple Checklist [INFOGRAPHIC]

Just think about how different Facebook was only a year ago! No Timeline for business pages -- and that's just one of the major changes. We've also seen some smaller, yet still critical changes to features like Facebook's ad platform, how the social network calculates metrics like 'Reach,' and many more. Social gaming : pourquoi ces éditeurs cartonnent. How to Build and Manage your Twitter Community With We all lead busy lives and managing your social media channels is a good way to use up what little time we have.

How to Build and Manage your Twitter Community With

There is no doubt that one of the most powerful social networks at the moment is Twitter. At the time of writing there are over 500 million users and more and more businesses and brands are joining every hour of every day. That’s a lot of users! Customer Relationships With so many users and so much noise, how do you make sense of it all? Social networks are hugely powerful, but by themselves they are a very blunt tool. Wouldn’t it be great if… You could monitor what people are saying about your business or brand? If you think you would find any of the above useful (and you should!) Introducing If you’ve spent any time on Twitter, you will be aware of several Twitter tools. As you can probably guess from the name, it’s all about helping to build and manage your Twitter community and making sense of it all.

Step-by-Step Guide to your Social Media Success. Facebook lance son application “Poke” Facebook profite de cette fin d’année pour redonner vie à son « Poke », cette action (trop peu) connue qui permet d’interpeller simplement ses contacts.

Facebook lance son application “Poke”

Comment ? En lui dédiant une application complète sur iPhone. Cette première version (gratuite) permet d’envoyer des messages avec des photos et vidéos à un ou plusieurs contacts simultanément (avec ou sans géolocalisation). Notons la possibilité de définir un délai d’affichage du message avant que celui-ci ne disparaisse automatiquement. Certains parlent de « safer sexting »… ou comment s’envoyer des sextos en toute sécurité. Derrière cette application riche en fonctionnalités se cache surtout la volonté d’écarter la concurrence. Rien de bien nouveau en somme. Au sujet de l’auteur : Vincent Pastorelli.