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Fruit stickers - from Funny Pixels with Budget101 - Photos du journal. 18 Awesome Food Hacks To Help You Get Through The Day - StumbleUpon. 01.

18 Awesome Food Hacks To Help You Get Through The Day - StumbleUpon

Artistic chocolate cup Here is a set of absolutely useful food hacks that are having some creativity, usefulness and time saving techniques. 02. Awesome mini donuts 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 36+ Foods That Heal Common Health Problems. When you’re struggling with a health problem and looking to avoid taking medication to treat it, food is the number one way you have of taking control of the situation.

36+ Foods That Heal Common Health Problems

Always consult your doctor for serious medical conditions, but along with their advice you can take steps to improve the situation naturally with nutrient-rich foods. 1. Berries for Thyroid Problems Two of the most common thyroid problems are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid is underactive and not producing enough thyroid hormone for the body to function at its best. Berries of nearly any type will help with hypothyroidism, thanks to the antioxidant they provide. Additional Dietary Recommendation. 11 Foods You've Been Cutting The Wrong Way Your Entire Life.

Kitchen Cheat Sheet Guide On Basic Cooking Techniques. Diffеrеnt people likе tо eat diffеrеnt ways.

Kitchen Cheat Sheet Guide On Basic Cooking Techniques

Yоu саn spend tens оf thousands оf dollars оn kitchen equipment, оr уоu саn spend a couple hundred bucks, thеn lеt уоur cooking style dictate hоw tо expand уоur collection. Yоu’ll spend mоrе timе in preparation thаn асtuаl cooking.The wау уоu prepare food hаѕ a direct impact оn hоw it cooks. Onсе in a whilе уоu might make a blunder thаt renders ѕоmеthing inedible. But оnе оf thе joys оf working in thе kitchen iѕ thаt nоt оnlу dо уоu learn frоm уоur mistakes, thеу nеvеr lаѕt lоng еnоugh tо haunt you. (And уоu саn uѕuаllу eat thеm anyway.) Thе ability tо improve uроn аn оld recipe оr create аn exciting nеw recipe iѕ a talent a vеrу ѕресiаl fеw саn accomplish with littlе оr nо training, but аlmоѕt аnуbоdу with thе proper training аnd a genuine interest in excellent food аnd itѕ preparation саn bесоmе аn exceptional imaginative chef.

Best Fruits and Vegetables to Eat for Weight Loss. Here Are 21 Food Tricks That Totally Change Everything. Making food can sometimes be boring – but we found 21 food tricks that will turn any meal into an awesome experience !

Here Are 21 Food Tricks That Totally Change Everything

1 : Awesome cheesy bread with a twist – this is delicious 2 : Your own flavored ice-cream cookie ! – just use a hot knife to cut a piece of the ice-cream and stick it between two cookies – genius ! 3 : Having a party ? Make a cool tasty chocolate bowl with a balloon and melted chocolate 4 : Use muffin liners to stop the bugs from touching your drink 5 : You know when you eat a popsicle it melts on your fingers and gets sticky ? 6 : The most important meal of the day just got better ! 7 : Ice coffee , level = insane ! 8 : Upgrade your pancakes with a slice of bacon 9 : Use the pants hanger that no one ever use to close off bags of food 10 : Melted banana split with whip-cream ?

11 : Ever wondered how to make a swirly cake ? 12 : Ohhh so thats how its done 13 : Electric knife to cut out korn fast and easy 15 : Easiest trick in the book – but no one ever does it. Top 25 Delicious Breakfast Hacks. 40+ Kitchen Tips to Make your Life Easier. We spend so much time in the kitchen and not all of it is fun.

40+ Kitchen Tips to Make your Life Easier

And yet there are so many things that will make what might be heavy duty chores into something much easier. I thought it might be useful to share some of my favorite tips for making life in the kitchen easier. Some of these ideas are gadgets, some are organizational tips, some are cooking tips and some are cleaning tips. 27 Ways To Make Your Groceries Last As Long As Possible. 11 Prescription Foods To Cure Your Illnesses. 18 Hairstyle Tricks You Can Do to Spice Up Your Do. #16 is Totally Awesome. Have you ever had one of those days when you’re way too lazy to do your hair but have to do it anyway?

18 Hairstyle Tricks You Can Do to Spice Up Your Do. #16 is Totally Awesome.

Or maybe you’re running too late to create an elaborate hairdo but you need to get stunning for a presentation or a party? Well, here’s our all-time hair hacks you can finish fast and they still look salon perfect. #1 Use Dry Shampoo the Night Before Dry shampoo will suck all the excess oil and it saves you time. Of course it’s really better to shower, this is just for emergency purposes when you have to squeeze in as much sleep as you can get but still be ready for tomorrow. For this trick, check on Amazon for dry shampoo products (link in photo) #2 Use Bobby Pins the Right Way. Lavashak (Fruit Leather) - StumbleUpon.

I don’t like dried fruit.

Lavashak (Fruit Leather) - StumbleUpon

I don’t even really like most all store bought fruit leathers. But lavashak? Addicted is the only way to describe the way I feel about this Persian version of fruit leather. It’s the inherent tart and sour qualities that I love so much – not too sweet, super fragrant and deliciously chewy. I was first introduced to lavashak by my friend’s mother, who makes sheets of it with fruit from her orchard, summer after summer. Stone fruit will really give you that wonderful tart quality that I personally like.

Wash the fruit before tossing into a large pot. Let the fruit cook over medium-low heat with the lid on and stir occasionally. Allow to cool before fishing out any seeds. Bake at 170 degrees for 5-6 hours or until the lavashak isn’t tacky to the touch. Place a strip of parchment paper on top and roll! Store in an airtight container or bag. Enjoy! (images by HonestlyYUM)