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Art Platter - StumbleUpon. Boutique quality bows can be made using ribbons in varied sizes and materials.

Art Platter - StumbleUpon

You can make these bows to match your kids’ outfit and can also be attached to headbands. Glimpse of the Result: How To: Step 1: Take a piece of satin ribbon about 15 inches in length. Step 2: Fold the ribbon in two, make a crease and mark the center. Step 3: Set the first half of the ribbon like a loop meeting the center point. Repeat this for the second half to make a structure like an 8. Step 4: Hold the center of the top loop and bring it towards the center. Step 5: Similarly bring the lower loop towards the center. Step 6: Slowly lift the bow holding the center tight. Step 7: Take a small piece of ribbon and twist it at the center covering the string we have used to secure the ribbon. Hair bows are pretty accessories and can be made quickly. Ucreate: Watermark Tee Tutorial by Sweet Verbana.

Hello U-Create readers!

Ucreate: Watermark Tee Tutorial by Sweet Verbana

I am so excited to be guest posting here today. It just so happens to be my first guest post and I'm still a little shocked that it's here at Ucreate, one of my favorite blogs! A little bit about me.. I'm from a little town called Keller, Texas. I'm a junior at Texas A&M University (whoop!). I'm working on my education degree and expect to be an elementary school teacher in just two short years.

When I'm not busy studying for classes, I love to sew. I just started blogging in May and have already met all kinds of wonderful women, I hope you'll stop by and say hi too! Watermark Tee Tutorial What I love about this project is that it's completely customizable. Materials: Elmer's Blue Gel Glue (it must be the blue gel, white won't work) Fabric Dye (RIT is my tried and true brand) A white cotton Tee, Tank, Dress etc. Tutorial: If you're unfamiliar with Batiking, it's a method of dyeing fabric in which you create a design with a dye- resist. 14 DIY Sneakers Ideas - StumbleUpon. Julie Ann Art: Tutorials for Recycling T-Shirts.

So way way back, in June, I wrote this Studio Organization post, about starting the process of organizing my studio by cleaning out the closet full of junk.

Julie Ann Art: Tutorials for Recycling T-Shirts

Well, it's September and...let's just say the closet is a work in progress. Some of the things that are taking up space in the closet are shirts that I never wear anymore. I realized I could repurpose them into something else! Here are some tutorials for recycling shirts: Check out these t-shirt scarves! Create cute little bows for accessories or packaging with this tutorial. Gorgeous ruffled pillow tutorial here. Looks like I have a lot of projects ahead of me to keep me from cleaning out my closet! Drab to fab! 5 DIY ideas for t-shirt remakes - StumbleUpon. Posted by on tisdag, juni 5, 2012 · 5 Comments With temperatures rising so is the annual epidemic of fashion fever, making many of us feverishly hit the high street (although our wardrobes are already stuffed full…).

Drab to fab! 5 DIY ideas for t-shirt remakes - StumbleUpon

This post celebrates the power of re-invention of a wardrobe staple – old t-shirts. Infusing and old tee with some contemporary style means that fashion quick fix is waiting in the dusty corners of your wardrobe…When you’ve found yourself a remake candidate, get crafty asap! Here are 5 easy peasy drab-to-fab projects from the D.I.Y blogosphere to get your own ideas flowing – enjoy! D.I.Y from ‘Free People’, check out the full DIY TUTORIAL HERE Lauren of ‘Calico Skies’ has made a great screenprint tee, to make your own, check out the DIY TUTORIAL HERE Rebekah of blog ”A little Sunshine when skies are grey” made an awesome DIY ombre inifinity scarf from an XL white t-shirt, to make your own, check out her DIY TUTORIAL HERE.