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Herramientas Enseñanza-Aprendizaje. Objetos de Aprendizaje. Learning Object Categories. Gateway to 21st Century Skills. Buscar | RODAS. DSpace at Open Universiteit: Communities and Collections. About | Ariadne. Everything elearning. Learning Objects Overview Learning objects (or RLO - reusable learning object) have been the hype of the elearning industry since 2001.

They have been hailed as the future reality of learning...and as idealistic, but unattainable view for education. Separating the hype from reality is still an ongoing activity. In many ways, learning objects trace their origin to the concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) - a programming term referring to the creation of segments of code that can be incorporated and reused in different areas. Resources Learning Objects This article focuses on the organization of learning objects using a learning content management system. LEARNING OBJECT TUTORIAL "Learning objects are the core concept in an approach to learning content in which content is broken down into "bite size" chunks. CETIS CETIS is mainly concerned with elearning standards...which is a critical resource for learning object developers. Examples of Learning Objects Lists major repositories. OER Commons. Learning Objects Repository. Welcome to

Eduteka - Inicio. Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching.