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Topography web maths. Learn Python The Hard Way. This exercise has no code. It is simply the exercise you complete to get your computer to run Python. You should follow these instructions as exactly as possible. For example, Mac OS X computers already have Python 2, so do not install Python 3 (or any Python). Go to with your browser, get the Notepad++ text editor, and install it. You do not need to be the administrator to do this.Make sure you can get to Notepad++ easily by putting it on your desktop and/or in Quick Launch. Both options are available during setup.Run PowerShell from the Start menu. From now on, when I say "Terminal" or "shell" I mean PowerShell and that's what you should use. Warning Sometimes you install Python on Windows and it doesn't configure the path correctly. It is still correct if you see different information than mine, but yours should be similar.

A major part of this book is learning to research programming topics online. Here's a screenshot of me doing this search: Quick Tip: The OOP Principle of Coupling. So far in this series, we've discussed object-oriented programming in general, and the OOP principle of cohesion. In this article, we'll look at the principle of coupling and how it helps in game development.

Note: Although this tutorial is written using Java, you should be able to use the same techniques and concepts in almost any game development environment. Coupling looks at the relationship between objects and how closely connected they are. A Relations Diagram is a great way to visualise the connections between objects. In such a diagram, boxes represent objects and arrows represent a connection between two objects where one object can directly affect another object. A relations diagram A good example of coupling is HTML and CSS. Objects that are independent from one another and do not directly modify the state of other objects are said to be loosely coupled. A loosely coupled system A tightly coupled system A common phrase you'll hear is "strive for low coupling and high cohesion". RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx. RegexOne - Learn regular expressions with interactive examples. Learn Git Branching.

Strong Week Plan - Take Control of Your Career Session 8 - Video. How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary. Debugging is the cornerstone of being a programmer. The first meaning of the verb to debug is to remove errors, but the meaning that really matters is to see into the execution of a program by examining it. A programmer that cannot debug effectively is blind. Idealists that think design, or analysis, or complexity theory, or whatnot, are more fundamental are not working programmers. The working programmer does not live in an ideal world.

Even if you are perfect, your are surrounded by and must interact with code written by major software companies, organizations like GNU, and your colleagues. Most of this code is imperfect and imperfectly documented. Debugging is about the running of programs, not programs themselves. To get visibility into the execution of a program you must be able to execute the code and observe something about it. The common ways of looking into the ‘innards’ of an executing program can be categorized as: How to Debug by Splitting the Problem Space. Introduction: Giants In Tiny Pants. Do you like word problems? You know those annoying "math" questions you had to study in class simply because the SAT used them. They went something like this: "A train leaving a station at 10:50pm from San Francisco is travelling at 40MPH. Another train leaving Chicago at 12:00pm is going 60MPH.

At which point will the two trains cross paths. " Even today, after studying years of advanced mathematics, statistics, and computer science, I still can't solve these things. The reason is they're an attempt to hide an actual equation from you with convoluted English wording. Imagine if all mathematics was like this where every single problem you encountered, no matter how simple or complex, was only written as English because nobody understood the symbols. The power of symbolic languages is that, once you learn them, they can describe things more quickly and accurately than a human language can. Effectively a regular expression is the algebra equation to a programming language's word problem. . (? Flatiron School Prework.