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Dynamic Creative Optimization

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DCO : Les 4 tendances de la personnalisation publicitaire. Voilà 2 ans qu’ADventori a mis à disposition du marché sa solution de personnalisation de message publicitaire data-driven. Acteur 100% DCO (Dynamic Creative Optimization) indépendant, ADventori est confrontée à des problématiques digitales, au carrefour des stratégies médias, datas et créas.

Une position sur le marché qui lui confère une vision 360° entre AdTechs et discours créatif. Nous avons rencontré Pierre-Antoine Durgeat pour recueillir un retour d’expérience sur ses utilisations majeures. Tendance #1 : Web-to-store is core business Pour les secteurs d’activité dont le core business se joue encore principalement en boutique, le web reste avant tout une véritable vitrine pour exposer ses produits ou services. Indiquer le point de vente le plus proche de l’internaute est le premier service que la marque doit rendre à ce dernier. Tendance #2 : L’achat gré à gré grâce au DCO cumule les vertus du RTB et du retargeting Dans ce cas, la scénarisation est une clé majeure. Data-Driven Creative Equals Mediocre Creative.

Basing all your marketing on data is not a creative solution A few weeks ago, I overheard a principal from another agency proudly boast, "Data drives every piece of creative we put out today. " My immediate reaction was, "Boy, your creative must really suck. " Agency people are in the business of selling things. We help our clients hone their messaging so that it appeals to their customers.

We do that most effectively when those messages are true. Of course, those very same clients are our customers, so it is tempting to create a message that appeals to them. Hence, the notion is born that all creative should be based on data. But should it? Certainly data has its place. Newer opportunities like dynamic advertising creative that optimizes messages, offers and even images in real-time in response to data definitely belong in the direct marketers' toolkit. But to assert that all creative should be data-driven is to consign your brand to the middle of the pack.

And insight is vital. Microsoft Advertising dynamic ads – Microsoft Advertising. Instead of running a standard display ad that features a particular model of car, why not show an ad that adjusts to show the car model most appropriate to the particular user viewing the ad? Dynamic creative optimization does just that, by breaking an ad into individual elements, and creating versions of those elements relevant to different audiences, we enable you to create, and scale more personalized brand experiences.

Dynamic creating optimization from Microsoft Advertising can leverage up to four data sources: Publisher data including behavioral data which helps to identify the most appropriate audiences for your goals. Reverse IP which can be used for geo-targeting. Advertiser data which can be used for remessaging Third-party data including information about a customer's environment, such as stock market performance or local weather conditions. The content, visuals and calls-to-action are then dynamically changed to deliver more relevant messages to that individual. DCO : vers une création pub personnalisée à chaque internaute.

De plus en plus d'annonceurs s'essayent au dynamic creative optimization ou la personnalisation du message publicitaire en temps réel. Une pratique portée par le français Adventori. "Le bon message à la bonne personne, au bon moment". Il suffisait d'écumer les quelques conférences ad-tech qui ont eu lieu ces derniers mois pour entendre revenir inlassablement cette maxime dans la bouche des annonceurs comme des agences technologiques. En conjuguant media, data et créa, la publicité online ambitionne aujourd'hui d'optimiser la pertinence des campagnes et améliorer le taux d'engagement des internautes qui y sont exposés. Si le RTB se charge de résoudre la deuxième partie de l'équation "la bonne personne au bon moment", le DCO (Dynamic Creative Optimization) va lui permettre de jouer sur les paramètres de la création, qu'il s'agisse du message, de son ton ou de sa mise en forme, pour résoudre la première partie de l'équation : "le bon message".

Programmatic Requires A Dynamic Approach To Creative. “Data-Driven Thinking" is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today’s column is written by Paul Longo, managing director at Accordant Media. Every brand has a checklist when it comes to its programmatic media strategy. Right time – check. Right place – check.

Right message – not so much. Today, marketer reticence to embrace new technology and processes for delivering creative is the glaring weak point in the supply chain from concept to delivery. Until creative becomes more nimble with real-time flexibility, the true promise of “scaled personalization” will not be fully realized. Picture this: You’ve worked hard to develop a full-funnel media strategy to accelerate individuals through the customer journey.

This particular programmatic pain point is mainly the consequence of legacy practices in creative development and approval processes that have not really evolved in more than 15 years. Integrated Solution System Management. Adverscience - Harnessing science to enhance ad creative | Celtra. Creativity and real-time data can send ad campaigns stratospheric | Marketing Agencies Association partner zone. Programmatic media is held up by Google as delivering “the ultimate promise of brand advertising in the digital age”. However, for many brands, display ads have become a dark and mysterious world. Typically, metrics, and therefore success, aren’t clear until measurement data is available after a campaign has run its course, leaving advertisers blind to the true effectiveness of their ad content.

When timely data is available, tightly controlled budgets and complex stakeholder chains often mean hands are tied when it comes to being able to respond with creative changes that could increase performance during a campaign. Even the most experienced marketers, and their production budgets, can be overwhelmed by myriad creative options that arise when the targeting capabilities of programmatic media are added to the mix. The antidote? Dynamic creative allows marketers and their creative teams to take control of their campaigns while they’re still running. Merging data and creative in programmatic. Programmatic: Merging Data and Creative. Advancements in digital advertising have blurred the lines between creative and data, bringing forth a new class of digital marketers. These "brand response" marketers know how to combine the power of technology with the beauty of creative to deliver a rich, engaging brand experience.

Google's Head of Creative Platforms Strategy Peter Crofut discusses ways that today's marketers can follow suit. By harnessing data and embracing artistry, brands can drive beautiful, high performance and well-targeted marketing campaigns. Written by Pete Crofut Published May 2014 Topics Advertising Stay on top of the latest and greatest Subscribe Marketers have long known that they need to evaluate their campaigns for both brand impact and tangible performance goals. Programmatic media buying and robust targeting technologies have created rich data signals that marketers can use to ensure that every impression reaches the right people at the right price.

Infusing creative with data. Les enjeux du Real Time Creative (infographie et livre blanc) How Dynamic Creative Optimization Works. Dynamic Creative Optimization Basics Dynamic creative optimization is a relatively new technology to the online advertising space, but it is sure to see tremendous growth this year. Why? Because dynamic creative optimization allows marketers to put the right message in front of the right consumer.

It allows them to differentiate and custom-tailor ad creative to people using data, and it is extremely effective at increasing a campaign’s performance, almost to the point of suspicion. Many case studies show an increase to CTR well above 100% vs. non-personalized creative, and decreases in cost metrics of 60 – 70%. Combine these two metrics and the impact to ROI is usually eye-popping. As we’ve written before, thanks to data marketplaces and real-time bidding through ad exchanges, marketers now have very powerful tools to reach a very precise audience on the web thanks to an explosion in consumer data. How It Works So how does DCO actually work? Dynamic Creative Optimization Explained - Ad Ops Insider.

Le Real Time Creative : mettre la data au service du message publicitaire. La publicité, et la communication plus globalement, ont pour objectif d’impacter les consommateurs au bénéfice des marques. Susciter de l’émotion a toujours été le moteur pour la création, avec pour but de raconter de belles histoires et d’emmener le consommateur dans l’univers de la marque. Les nouveaux canaux de communication digitale ont changé la donne. Les nouvelles technologies d’achat d’espaces publicitaires ont inversé la tendance et privilégié jusqu’à aujourd’hui la performance des campagnes, au détriment de la qualité du branding. La créativité digitale s’est vue réduite à de simples concepts basiques, rigides et très peu engageants. La création publicitaire digitale est encore trop souvent une simple déclinaison de la stratégie TV ou presse, alors qu’elle devrait lui être propre et répondre à ses codes.

Elle a été écartée de la vision digitale, au profit d’un focus tourné quasi exclusivement vers la rentabilité et la performance média. Econsultancy. Peering into the future of digital advertising codex1018.