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- Watchdog journalism can lead to the successful resignation of power holders.
- The term watchdog journalism is strongly related to the practice of investigative journalism.

A watchdog is defined as "a person or group of persons that acts as a protector or guardian against inefficiency, illegal practices, etc." by the Collins English Dictionary.[1] In news journalism, a watchdog journalist also fulfills this function of being a guardian. To perform in an investigative manner, the journalist is in the "role" of a watchdog.[2] Watchdog journalism cannot be defined by the amount of investigation alone, however, but is used in many different contexts. It also is stated "contingent on the existing social, political, and economic conditions and a reflection as much of the historical moment as it is of pre‐existing structures and media cultures".[3] Watchdog journalism can be located in a variety of news media, such as radio, television, Internet, and print media where it may be seen as "a unique strength of newspapers",[4] and additional new media and concepts such as weblogs and citizen journalism. Watchdog journalists also are called "watchmen",[5] "agents of social control", or "moral guardians".[6]
- The role of a watchdog journalist can be that of a protector or guardian.

The role of a watchdog journalist as a guardian is to supply the citizens with information they must have "to prevent the abuse of power",[8] and to "warn citizens about those that are doing them harm".[9] In order to conduct their role as a watchdog, journalists need to have a certain distance from the powers and challenge them,[10] as opposed to "propagandist" journalists,[11] who are loyal to the ruling powers and elites. Because of the power distance and its overseeing function, watchdog journalism often officiates as the fourth estate,[12] or is used in the context of that term.[13] The array of topics for watchdog journalism is wide and includes "personal scandals, financial wrongdoing, political corruption, enrichment in public office, and other types of wrongdoing".[14] In order to expose wrongdoings the watchdog aims at "finding hidden evidence".[15] The aforementioned aspects are necessary for the role of the watchdog journalist to help "maintain order" and "warn against disorder".[16]


Notyetsonic. Favorites: library. How NATO's Relentless Jabs at Russia Are Worsening the Ukraine Crisis. Soldiers at a NATO training mission.Photo Credit: NATO Training Mission/Flickr May 15, 2014 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov used Wednesday’s interview with Bloomberg News to address the overriding issue regarding the future of Ukraine, at least from Moscow’s perspective. Speaking in fluent English, he said Russia would be “categorically against” Ukraine joining NATO.

Lavrov said he welcomed the interviewer’s question regarding whether Ukraine can be part of NATO, recognizing it as a chance to shoehorn background information into the interview. “In my view, it all started … back in the 1990s, when in spite of all the pronouncements about how the Cold War was over and that there should be no winners – yet, NATO looked upon itself as a winner.” Is Lavrov distorting the history? No Dancing To his credit, President George H. The Way the NSA Uses Section 702 is Deeply Troubling. Here’s Why. The most recent disclosure of classified NSA documents revealed that the British spy agency GCHQ sought unfettered access to NSA data collected under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act.

Not only does this reveal that the two agencies have a far closer relationship than GCHQ would like to publicly admit, it also serves as a reminder that surveillance under Section 702 is a real problem that has barely been discussed, much less addressed, by Congress or the President. In fact, the "manager’s amendment" to the USA FREEDOM Act, which passed unanimously out of the House Judiciary Committee, has weakened the minimal changes to Section 702 that USA FREEDOM originally offered. Although Representative Zoe Lofgren—who clearly understands the import of Section 702—offered several very good amendments that would have addressed these gaps, her amendments were all voted down. There’s still a chance though—as this bill moves through Congress it can be strengthened by amendments from the floor.

LittleSis - Profiling the powers that be. List R-oA2014 | Round-op Alpha. The following 714 individuals all actively and knowingly conspire in well-planned efforts and constructions to consolidate power and resources – with the intention to establish a world government which would provide them with full immunity from any form of prosecution regarding their past and future crimes – and are therefore, according to Round-op Alpha, collectively guilty of crimes against the sovereignty of their respective nations and against humanity as a whole, i.e.: High-level brigandage: Looting of public wealth; oppressing of populations; attacking the rights to good health, education, personal/national sovereignty and real security; the murdering in name of corporate profits; democide; psychological warfare; (eco-) terrorism – which deliberately jeopardizes any attempts for world peace and causes regional, cultural tensions, armed conflicts, forced poverty and the decay of the public’s health, the public order and society as a whole.

What Is Mother Jones? In Hollywood, there's what's known as the "elevator pitch. " You know, your 50-word summation of why you (or your movie) is a must have/see. Ours is 155 words, but still, good stuff: Mother Jones is a nonprofit news organization that specializes in investigative, political, and social justice reporting. We currently have two main "platforms": an award-winning bimonthly national magazine (circulation 240,000), and a website featuring new, original reporting 24-7. (In the past we've had a radio show and TV specials; theme parks are in the conceptual stage.) Why should you read or support us? Because "smart, fearless journalism" keeps people informed—"informed" being pretty much indispensable to a democracy that actually works. What's with the name? Mary Harris "Mother" Jones was a very cool woman who fought for the underdog and made herself up to look way older than she was so that when she got beat down by Pinkerton agents, she'd gain public sympathy.

Who owns Mother Jones? You do. Yes. Prepare To Evacuate! USAF Base Orders 1,200 Radiation Suits In New Mexico – Plutonium Cloud Was 330 MILLION Becquerels. Biblioteca pleydias.