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SETI Institute. About SETI Institute. The Allen Telescope Array. The Allen Telescope Array (ATA) is a “Large Number of Small Dishes” (LNSD) array designed to be highly effective for simultaneous surveys undertaken for SETI projects (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) at centimeter wavelengths. The initiative for building the ATA emerged from a series of workshops convened by the SETI Institute beginning in 1997. These workshops were charged with defining a path for future development of SETI technologies and search strategies.

The relentless advance of computer and communications technologies made it clear that LNSD arrays were more efficient and less expensive than the large antennas traditionally constructed for radio astronomy and SETI. The final report of the workshop, “SETI 2020,” recommended the construction of a so-called One Hectare Telescope, having a collecting area commensurate with its name. Our scientists. Teamseti. Our Work. Connect with us. Baudline signal analyzer. The SETI League: Searching for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.

The Universe Around Us. SETI Live: Discover extraterrestrial signals from Kepler-planet in real time. Screenshot von "SETI Live" | Copyright: Mountain View/ USA - Auf einer neuen Internetseite haben Computernutzer jetzt die Möglichkeit, sich selbst - und nicht nur wie bislang via SETI@home, freie Rechenkapazitäten des eigenen Computers - an der Suche nach auffälligen Signalen in den Unmengen an Beobachtungsdaten der Suche nach Radiosignalen aus dem All zu beteiligen. Nach dem Vorbild von "GalaxyZoo" und "Planet Hunters" liefert auch der Server von "SETI Live" die Daten der Suche nach Signalen von den vom Weltraumteleskop Kepler entdeckten Planeten in Echtzeit online und in grafischer Form auf den Heimcomputer, wo der Nutzer sie optisch aus- und bewerten soll.

Der Gedanke hinter Projekten die "GalaxyZoo", "Planet Hunters" und "SETI Live" ist jener, dass der Mensch im Erkennen und Zuordnen ungewöhnlicher Muster besser ist, als automatisierte Systeme. Unter der Schirmherrschaft der Direktorin des SETI Institute's Center for Seti Research, Dr. Bücher zum Thema: DIY: Do your own SETI Searches with setiQuest Data and Software – Life at the SETI Institute. By Dr. Gerry Harp, an astrophysicist at theSETI Institute. Figure 1: A waterfall plot. This shows the signal as a function of frequency (increasing to the right) and time (increasing to the top). A slanted straight line is just the sort of thing we look for in SETI searches. In this case, it is from the Voyager spacecraft, 100 times further from the sun than is the earth. You know that feeling where you have a great idea about doing SETI but you don’t have a large radio telescope handy when you need it? For the past two years, the SETI Institute has opened its doors to citizen scientists over all the world by open sourcing our own signal detection system software and a test program offering “raw” telescope data that anyone can analyze.

Figure 2: Spectrum of a methanol maser, produced with the tools described here. What’s it all for? These days, the nuts and bolts of SETI lie in the computational domain. For more information, follow the links and check the setiQuest forum.