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Atheist Bitchslap. The complete idiots guide to atheism. The Atheist Experience TV Show. Why Children Deserve Eternal Hell. Did God Create Earth And Universe At The Same Time? Christopher Hitchens Goes After Rabbi Harold Kushner re: Circumcision. VANITY FAIR: Christopher Hitchens's Ten Commandments. At 4:20, Man-made. At 15:58, Anti-theism. Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Fry on The Ten Commandments. Stephen Fry - 'Then what are you for!?' At 17:21, World without religion. Richard Dawkins Lays Into Religious Morality. Dennett on how religion offers an excuse to stop thinking. Evil Bible Home Page. TheReligionofPeace. Because our top ASP menu-bar doesn't work in some browsers, TROP offers a printout of all menu items: Top Menu-bar Islamic TerrorAttacks Past 30 Days2013All of 2012All of 2011All of 2010All of 2009All of 2008All of 2007All of 2006All of 2005All of 20049/11 through 2003Visualizing (Terror Map)Global JihadThrough the CenturiesIn the Name of AllahMuslim Terror Attacks on American SoilTargeted Attacks on Christians About IslamHistory and Origins - The Life of Muhammad Sira - Ibn Ishaq's Life of MuhammadThe Myths of MuhammadThe Myths of IslamVerses of ViolenceHate Speech: What the Qur'an Says about YouCompared to Christianity Top 10 Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace Friendship with Christians and JewsLying (Deception)Stealing Muhammad's Sex Life Loyalty to a Non-Muslim GovernmentIslam and Sex Contradictions in the Qur'anThe Qur'an and Science IssuesMuslim Opinion PollsGames Muslims PlayAfrica and Black America What about Northern Ireland?

Violence in the Bible - Is it really the same?