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Google+ Tips

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Google+ Set Up a Simple Home Surveillance System with Google+ Hangouts. Picasa Help. Group/as - Social network user grouping made easy. ‪How to transfer your Facebook friends to Google+ all at once‬‏ Google Plus Tips & Shortcuts. “the motherlode of Google+ tips for all y’all suckas that don’t know…” – Donny Rhoades I figured it would be useful to put all of the Google Plus tips and shortcuts I have found thus far in one handy place.

Please add any additional tips you discover in the comments. NEW! Hitler Explains Google Search Plus Your World Tips Last Updated:9/1/11 7:08am PST - Google+ currently does not support “entities” that are not people, but they will in the future (see this discussion between Danny Sullivan and Brad Horowitz) . - You have to click on the “Chat with people on Google+” link to enable chat within Google+ but then you get IM functionality. - When chatting to people you can drag the top of the chatting box to resize the chatting window - Go start a chat on Google Talk on your phone. . - +Everything:This extension adds the Google+ bar to all websites. - +1 Button: Plus one every page you like with only one click, directly from omnibox, without any annoying popup - New!

- New! Now, some caveats: . When wifi is spotty - what to do with G+ How to use Google Feedback | Using Feedback tool. Step 1: Activate the tool You can activate Google Feedback by clicking on the settings icon located in the top right of Google products. From there, you should see a “Report a bug” or “Send Feedback” option. Either link will activate the Google Feedback tool. When you activate the tool, you’ll see a grayed-out image of the page you were on, with a “Send feedback” window in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser window. This contains the tools you can use to mark up the page to help illustrate your feedback.

Step 2: Highlight Select the “Highlight” tool to begin highlighting the parts of the page corresponding to your feedback. Either move your mouse pointer over the page and click the automatic highlights that appear, or click anywhere on the page and drag the mouse pointer over the sections you want to highlight. If you highlight something by accident, click the remove icon () in the top right corner of the highlighted area to remove the highlight. Step 3: Black out Step 5: Preview. Replies and more for Google+ 5 Chrome Extensions That Improve Google+ Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. Google+ has launched to great aplomb, but its "project" status means some tools have yet to be developed. While Google works on adding more features, some available Chrome extensions can fill the functionality gap.

Whether you want to get better notifications, enjoy improved sharing options, or scroll through your stream more quickly, there's an extension available — for free — to help. Take a look through the gallery for five tried and tested picks that will help you be more productive on Plus. ‪Bendrix Tutorial #3: Notification Tips - Part 1 in Google+‬‏