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Web 2.0. My downloadable resources. Presentation Tools Online. Remind101 is now Remind. The 31 Educational Web Tools Every Teacher Should Know about. Below is a list I have been working on for the last couple of days.

The 31 Educational Web Tools Every Teacher Should Know about

This list features some interesting web tools for teachers keen on integrating technology into their instruction and work routine. There are loads of web platforms that are educationally focused and to contain them all in one list is way beyond the scope of a short blog post like this , therefore I selected only what I deemed the most important. 1- Google drive Google Drive is a great suite of productivity tools that works across different devices. Google Drive provides 15 GB of free storage. 2- Dropbox Dopbox is another wonderful cloud-based storage platform that allows you to easily save and store your docs and PDFs and share them with others. 3- Evernote Evernote is powerful web tool that you can use to make notes, bookmark webpages and many more. The Ultimate Word Search Maker. Earth Day Coloring Pages - Fun interactive Earth Day coloring book pages for kids. Apples4theteacher Earth Day coloring pages make great mouse practice activities for toddlers, preschool, and elementary children.

Earth Day Coloring Pages - Fun interactive Earth Day coloring book pages for kids

They can also be used with beginning readers. If children are unable to read the sentence that goes with the coloring page, have them click on each word to hear the sentence. This activity reinforces reading skills. Most Earth Day coloring pages come with a selection of sentences. Check out our literacy ideas on how to use our coloring page readers. All of our Earth Day coloring page readers print crisp and clean. 15 Fun Science Activities for Kids. We love fun science activities and science experiments.

15 Fun Science Activities for Kids

We have a whole list of fun ways to learn and explore today with your little scientist. These fantastic activities were inspired by Buggy and Buddy. MyCuteGraphics - 404. The page you're looking for could not be found.

MyCuteGraphics - 404

Click here to go back to the site. Connect with Us. Web 2.0 Tools Metasites. Više od 1300 web 2.0 alata, resursi i obrazovni i nastavni materijali za eksperimentiranje - Excellereconsultoraeducativa blog. Alati za nastavnike - besplatni predlošci za ispis radnog lista igra predlošci, 100% prilagodljive radnog lista odluka sa slike! Savjeti Svaki učitelj treba znati o Google Docs u obrazovanju (Velika Easy Guide) ~ Obrazovna tehnologija i mobilnih učenje.

Here is a list of some of the best features of Google Docs that teachers need to know about :It is free and very easy to useIt has a user-friendly interfaceIt lets you create Google documents, spreadsheets, and other file types and collectionsIt lets you upload, manage and store files and foldersIt allows you to share Google Docs, files and collectionsYou can preview your docs and files before you open or share themYou can also view images and videos that you have uploaded to your document listIt lets you search for items by name, type and visibility settingIt allows users to collaborate on documents in real timeIt also offers a chat functionality for collaborators to use while working on docs.Google Docs Templates for teachers Many Google Docs users are unaware of the fact that they can breathe life into their documents with templates.

Savjeti Svaki učitelj treba znati o Google Docs u obrazovanju (Velika Easy Guide) ~ Obrazovna tehnologija i mobilnih učenje

Savjeti i resursi za bez papira učionici. “Productivity is never an accident.

Savjeti i resursi za bez papira učionici

It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” By Paul J. Meyer You can go paperless, or at least reduce the use of paper in your classroom many different ways. It is easier if you are a school that has Bring Your Own Technology/Device (BYOT or BYOD) implemented but not impossible to do without devices. Napravite Movie. Preslovljavanje: Ćirilica Latinica konvertor.

Ear Studio - Learn music everywhere. TotSplash - strašan način organizirati i prezentirati ideje pomoću mentalne mape i Prezi Efekti. Catapum - Platforma personalizirane priče - Lola Editions Pirindola. Descarga la plataforma de cuentos CATAPUM (válido para PC y Mac) 1) Antes de nada, échale un vistazo al funcionamiento en este vídeo: 2) Para poder utilizar nuestra aplicación debes tener instaldo en tu sistema ADOBE AIR el runtime de Adobe para poder ejecutar aplicaciones AIR.

Catapum - Platforma personalizirane priče - Lola Editions Pirindola

Es un programa gratuito similar al visor de archivos PDF o Flash pero con el nuevo formato creado por Adobe para el desarrollo de aplicaciones, independientemente del sistema operativo que tengas. 3) Ahora descárgate nuestra plataforma de cuentos personalizados que te permitirá introducir las fotos de los personajes, configurar la tonalidad de su piel, escoger el tipo de letra, el idioma que desees, modificar las ilustraciones del cuento y editar el texto para escribir tu propia historia. 4) Lee el aviso legal y las condiciones de uso antes de efectuar cualquier pedido. También tenemos disponible la aplicación para dispositivos iPad de Apple. People You Follow. Postanite omiljeni nastavnik. Ukoliko želite da učinite svoje časove interaktivnim, zanimljivim i zaista korisnim za učenike, a sebe jednim od omiljenih nastavnika, moderne tehnologije vam pružaju brojne mogućnosti kojih je svakim danom sve više.

Postanite omiljeni nastavnik

Pomenuću samo neke od korisnih izvora i alata koji su laki za upotrebu i mogu vam pomoći da podstaknete dobru atmosferu na svojim časovima, učinite učenike aktivnim i što je najvažnije podstaknete ih da zavole učenje. The Library of Congress vam može poslužiti da unapredite svoje časove istorije. Mape, stari rukopisi, novine, ploče i slični sadržaji vam mogu pomoći da slikovito dočarate atmosferu istorijskog perioda koji objašnjavate.