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3 TED Talks That Might Actually Change How You Teach (And Think) My Symbaloo. ... It's an exciting time to be alive! Currents of my river... Which learning tool, that is the question!

Currents of my river...

Here is the deal. Our College would like to integrate a 1:1 program, into the learning environment soon. I believe this is a mighty fine step! I am happy. I am excited. At this stage, I am open to all options. From what I can ascertain, the College are looking at devices that can be used as a textbook reader, have a USB and SD card slot and are relatively light. I work part time, educating students in the areas of Food Technology, Religious Education and Drama. In my view, we need: a computing tool that travels with our pedagogy. My students responses: something they can take home and use at home as often there is one computer at home, that Mum and Dad or older siblings use.A tool they can carry with them to save time unlocking laptop trolleys, logging on, discovering issues, not having enough laptops to use as a class set etcNote taking, organising notes.

I would so dearly LOVE your opinion! Keeping the dialogue alive, Kind regards, @7mrsjames. 1-to-1 iPad ePortfolio solution. Today @j_allen asked how we handled eportfolio’s at Anastasis Academy.

1-to-1 iPad ePortfolio solution

The 140 characters of Twitter felt a little too limiting to explain the hows and whys of what we do…bring on the blog post! Anastasis has a one-to-one iPad program. Our students own their iPads in a modified BYOD (bring your own device) setup. I say modified because we requested what device they brought. The iPad was the ONLY supply on our supply list. Anastasis has 60 students in 1st through 8th grade. I digress…the question was about ePortfolios. We use a combination of Evernote, Edu 2.0 and Edublogs to keep and share our work. Edu 2.0 is our education portal. Each of our teachers has a class Edublog. We have a school YouTube account where students can upload videos and stop motion animations. This combination of tools has worked well as an ePortfolio for student work. Do you have a one to one program? Open thinking: rants & resources from an open educator.

The Principal of Change. Teachers, can you pass this test? If you got at least half right we will call it passing….

Teachers, can you pass this test?

CLICK the orange tabs or swipe left to view all of the slides Teachers, Can You Pass This Test? I originally made this deck for a presentation to a class of graduate students, they bombed and most of them were half my age. You can read all about that here, in this blog - PLN, PBL, MOOC, APPR – Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom… I gave a simple list of a dozen or so acronyms and educational phrases for them to define. I included the most popular terms that dominate my like PLN (Professional Learning Network). The answers to the 15 questions from the Teachers Can You Pass This Test?

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