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Management. Informatique. Management, Leadership & Communications. When company IT is consumerized. The near ubiquity of smartphones and the growing use of tablet devices are changing the corporate IT landscape, as employees increasingly use their own mobile devices for workplace tasks. Many companies, of course, have supported and even encouraged employees to work remotely and have issued corporate smartphones and enabled intranet access from home computers. But tech-savvy workers are pushing the boundaries. A McKinsey survey of 3,000 employees who use their own devices for work shows they deploy them not just for business calls and e-mail but also to access employer IT applications and corporate intranets and for other work-related tasks (exhibit).

Exhibit Many employees use their personal tablet devices for a variety of business-related tasks. Enlarge About the authors Lisa Ellis is a principal in McKinsey’s Stamford office, where Jeffrey Saret is a consultant; Peter Weed is an associate principal in the Boston office. Organizing for an emerging world. As global organizations expand, they get more complicated and difficult to manage.

For evidence, look no further than the interviews and surveys we recently conducted with 300 executives at 17 major global companies. Fewer than half of the respondents believed that their organizations’ structure created clear accountabilities, and many suggested that globalization brings, as one put it, “cumulative degrees of complexity.” However, our research and experience in the field suggest that even complex organizations can be improved to give employees around the world the mix of control, support, and autonomy they need to do their jobs well.

What’s more, redesigning an organization to suit its changing scale and scope can do much to address the challenges of managing strategy, costs, people, and risk on a global basis. Rethinking boundaries IBM’s experience in Asia “This is a cultural transformation,” says Cannon-Brookes. A complex calculus Process pointers Don’t standardize more than is necessary. McKinsey Study: Big Data & Analytics, Talent, and the “Brand” | Big Data Big Analytics. May 20, 2011 at 12:26 pm Mary Ludloff By Mary Ludloff This has been a very busy month for PatternBuilders! Our engineering team is busily testing our Social Media Analytics (SMA) solution, we are looking for companies (or folks) that have a strong social media presence (translation: lots of data feeds and lots of data to work with) that would like to beta it, speaking at pii2011 and MongoSF, and in our copious amounts of spare time, Terence and I are working on our Ebook on Privacy and Big Data (yep, still plugging!).

For a sneak peek at SMA, visit our beta page and if you’re interested, sign up for the beta. Now, on to McKinsey’s study. As you all know, in a previous post I mentioned that McKinsey had just released its study on “Big Data: The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition, and Productivity.” Weighing in at a mere (!) Anyway you look at it, that’s quite a lot of “potential!” What do all these potential gains mean? Which brings me to the concept of the almighty “brand.” Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity. The amount of data in our world has been exploding, and analyzing large data sets—so-called big data—will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus, according to research by MGI and McKinsey's Business Technology Office.

Leaders in every sector will have to grapple with the implications of big data, not just a few data-oriented managers. The increasing volume and detail of information captured by enterprises, the rise of multimedia, social media, and the Internet of Things will fuel exponential growth in data for the foreseeable future. MGI studied big data in five domains—healthcare in the United States, the public sector in Europe, retail in the United States, and manufacturing and personal-location data globally. Big data can generate value in each. For example, a retailer using big data to the full could increase its operating margin by more than 60 percent. 1. 2. Podcast 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Art Of Storytelling » Home. Mind Mapping Software - Create online Mind Maps.

Microsoft OneNote | The digital note-taking app for your devices. Top 10 reasons why Darth Vader was an amazing project manager. Darth Vader (Wikipedia photo) The Sith Lord Darth Vader, of Star Wars fame, often gets a bad rap, particularly in what we all think of as his ‘dark years.’ From a certain perspective his mass murder, brutal oppression, and frequent deception to serve his own ends makes him seem like a pretty bad guy. But if you look past all that to his action, you will find a very capable and effective project manager. In the name of finding silver linings in dark clouds, I’d like to present the top 10 reasons why Darth Vader was an amazing project manager.

Number 9: Vader made decisions based on objective data, not whims. Remember that Imperial officer who had to report to Vader that they had lost Han Solo in the asteroid field, and he choked him? Death Star II (Via Wookiepedia) Number 7: Vader took time to re-charge, relax, and get some perspective. Lando Calrissian Number 6: Vader managed risk and expectations…pre-emptively. Number 5: Such a persuasive fellow. Viper Probe Droid (Via Wookiepedia) L'entreprise du futur - 2 - L'avènement de l’ultra client. Cet article est le deuxième d’une série dont la publication s’étalera sur plusieurs mois. Le Cluetrain Manifesto de 1999 s’ouvre sur ces phrases prophétiques : « Les marchés en réseau commencent à s’organiser plus vite que les entreprises qui les ont traditionnellement ciblés. Grâce au web, ces marchés deviennent mieux informés, plus intelligents et plus demandeurs en qualités, qui font défaut à la plupart des entreprises. » Et les auteurs du manifeste embraient avec cette formule devenue fameuse : « Les marchés sont des conversations ».

La dynamique de l’échange, ou les marchés comme conversation L’intuition de 1999 est devenue la clé de bien des stratégies commerciales, notamment depuis que les réseaux sociaux ont donné aux clients une possibilité inédite de s’exprimer. D’ici quinze ou vingt ans elle pourrait tout simplement être la base de toute relation commerciale bien comprise. Deux tendances se dessinent. Le prosommateur deviendra un ambassadeur de la marque. Garder la main ? How Old-School Management Kills Work Culture. Chad PerryCrunch Network Contributor Chad Perry is a veteran sales leader and current VP of sales for Motivosity, a cloud-based rewards and recognition platform that helps companies increase employee engagement, retention and productivity. How to join the network Early in my career, I had an encounter with a senior leader that left such a vivid impression on me that I can still remember it like it was yesterday.

It was our first meeting as manager-employee. We were less than five minutes into our conversation when he abruptly and sharply interrupted, “Wait, is your chair higher than mine?” At which point all conversation was halted until we swapped chairs with one another because, “employees never sit higher than their employer.” I kid you not. Fast-forward a few years, and I’m sitting in a manager-employee meeting with my first Millennial hire. Seriously, at one point I remember thinking that this kid was worse than a Giga Pet (just Google it). No Longer The Smartest Leader In The Room. 7 'digital nomads' explain how they live, work and travel. Feel miserable working in a cubicle or living in a boring town? The Internet has revolutionized the term ‘work’ today, bringing new opportunities and employment that didn’t exist until recently. For many, the Internet is an opportunity to combine work and traveling the world. The term ‘digital nomad’ is frequently overused and often simply means hacking around in cheap accommodation with a small level of income to keep you going.

But, there are some folks out there who have shown that you can combine a career with the freedom to travel on your own schedule. To cut through the garbage, we caught up with seven bona fide location independent workers and business owners about what they do, how they do it, and what steps others aspiring to follow them can take. Read on for more. (Click here to read this article on a single page) Image via wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock. Management : 6 leçons des philosophes. Ils nous invitent à nous connaître nous-même, à douter de nos certitudes, à aimer les autres, à avoir du courage… Pour bien diriger et encadrer une équipe, inspirons-nous des philosophes ! Souvent à contre-courant des idées reçues sur le leadership, les pensées de Platon, Descartes ou encore Kant, sont un atout précieux pour développer une véritable philosophie managériale et poser les bases d’un management humaniste. Leçon de philo appliquée à la vie en entreprise avec Patrick Errard, auteur de La philosophie au secours du management.

Margaux Rambert Sommaire A découvrir Les idées à retenir « Connais-toi toi-même », de Socrate et « Cogito ergo sum » - « Je pense donc je suis » -, de Descartes. « Qui est-on, avant d’être manager ? L’idée reçue : « Evoluer dans sa carrière, c’est devenir manager. Le décryptage de Patrick Errard« En France, l’évolution de carrière est essentiellement basée sur une culture méritocratique. En pratique : « Pourquoi suis-je manager ou ai-je envie de le devenir ? Entreprise : organisation apprenante ?

Les organisations existent-elles ? On n’arrête pas de parler des entreprises comme sujet ou objet : elles feraient, penseraient, décideraient, ressentiraient mais de quoi parle-t-on au juste ? Un de mes professeurs disait que seules les personnes existent mais pas les organisations. Personne n’en a jamais rencontré et nous n’en connaîtrions que des représentations, un nom (de plus en plus abstrait d’ailleurs depuis quelque temps), un organigramme, une série de chiffres disponibles sur un site d’information financière, des produits emblématiques… Certes on pourra dire que les organisations ont un dirigeant qui les représentent, endossent les décisions et assument la responsabilité, parfois pénale, in fine, qu’elles sont juridiquement créées et qu’elles disparaissent aussi mais ces modes de représentation sont-ils pertinents ?

D’ailleurs, qui serait ce dirigeant dont on parle ? Il existe donc bien un problème épistémologique pour aborder les questions d’organisation. . [2] Bateson, G.