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11.9.11 Steve Jobs Legacy. A Sister's Eulogy for Steve Jo. L’intime au revoir de Steve Jobs à sa famille. Les derniers mots de Steve Jobs.

Apple Campus Special Event - Celebrating Steve's life 19th Octob

Steve Jobs - Inspirational Speech. Exclusive Laurene Powell Jobs Interview (HD 720P) ORLM e75-Hommage à Steve Jobs. Amazing Steve Jobs Tribute Haircut Spotted At New York Apple Store. A young fellow in the iPhone 4S lineup at Apple’s Fifth Avenue store in New York displayed an awesome Steve Jobs tribute haircut that you just have to see. The image, courtesy of MacRumors forum member kfury77 is a mashup of the Apple logo and a surprisingly realistic portrait of Steve Jobs. Apple’s well-known “Think Different” slogan is emblazoned on the other side of the head. Unfortunately, there is no word on who actually created this astounding piece of head art.

Apple Steve Jobs The Crazy Ones - NEVER BEFORE AIRED 1997. 4 portraits étonnants de Steve Jobs. Le studio Tsevis Visual Design créer Charis Tsevis qui vit et travaille à Athènes est un concepteur visuel célèbre pour un grand nombre de ses oeuvres pour Coca-Cola, Wall Street Journal... Découvrez 4 portaits étonnants de Steve Jobs, le président de Apple, réalisé avec tous ces produits : Ipod, Iphone, Mac, Ipad...

On apprend aujourd'hui suite à une longue maladie la mort de Steeve Jobs le 5 octobre 2011 . Les premiers hommages à Steve Jobs. « Votre temps est limité, alors ne le perdez pas à vivre la vie de quelqu’un d’autre.

Les premiers hommages à Steve Jobs

Evitez d’être piégé par le dogme – c’est-à-dire vivre sur les résultats des pensées des autres. Ne laissez pas votre voix interne être noyée par le bruit des opinions des autres. Et plus important que tout, ayez le courage de suivre votre coeur et votre intuition. Eux savent déjà ce que vous voulez réellement devenir. Tout le reste est secondaire. » One more thing : Steve Jobs de 1955 à 2011. Steve Jobs n’est plus mais toute son œuvre reste ancrée dans notre quotidien.

One more thing : Steve Jobs de 1955 à 2011

Bien qu’il soit difficile de résumer son engagement et ses apports, en ce jour particulier un focus sur sa vie semble indispensable. Ainsi, Steve Jobs est né le 24 février 1955, le futur cofondateur d’Apple est adopté par un couple de Mountain View à l’âge d’une semaine. Paradoxalement, l’enfant qu’il était a grandi au milieu des abricotiers. Il ne se doutait pas à l’époque que l’endroit qu’il foulait aller devenir la Silicon Valley et bien sur, que les fruits et particulièrement un, auraient un tel impact dans sa vie. Déjà passionné, il suit les grandes conférences durant son secondaire. Il termine ses études à la Homestead High School de Cupertino (Californie) en 1972. Steve Jobs est mort. "Vous souvenir que vous pouvez mourir est la meilleure façon d'éviter de penser que vous avez quelque chose à perdre", expliquait Steve Jobs en 2005, après avoir échappé à un cancer du pancréas.

Steve Jobs est mort

En 2009, une greffe du foie réalisée à Memphis, à l'issue d'une course folle en hélicoptère, lui donnait une nouvelle chance. Cette fois-ci, la maladie a été la plus forte... Celui qui, après le Macintosh, a changé la donne de la musique (iPod), de la téléphonie (iPhone) et de la télévision (iPad) vient de s'éteindre. Quand il est né, les téléphones avaient des cadrans, les télévisions ressemblaient à des cubes et on écoutait la musique encore sur des 78 tours.

Mort de Steve Jobs - Bill Gates salue l'héritage de son "ami" Apple Steve Jobs The Crazy Ones - NEVER BEFORE AIRED 1997. Steve Jobs: Here's to the crazy... The Steve Jobs I Knew - Walt Mossberg - Mossblog. AllThingsD marks the anniversary of Steve Jobs’s death with Walt Mossberg’s memories of the man, originally published Oct. 5, 2011.

The Steve Jobs I Knew - Walt Mossberg - Mossblog

That Steve Jobs was a genius, a giant influence on multiple industries and billions of lives, has been written many times since he retired as Apple’s CEO in August. He was a historical figure on the scale of a Thomas Edison or a Henry Ford, and set the mold for many other corporate leaders in many other industries. He did what a CEO should: Hired and inspired great people; managed for the long term, not the quarter or the short-term stock price; made big bets and took big risks.

He insisted on the highest product quality and on building things to delight and empower actual users, not intermediaries like corporate IT directors or wireless carriers. And he could sell. As he liked to say, he lived at the intersection of technology and liberal arts. Even in his death, I won’t violate the privacy of those conversations. The Phone Calls The Product Unveilings.

Steve Jobs, 1955-2011: Mourning Technology's Great Reinventor. Steve Jobs R.I.P., Long Live Apple. Oct 6, 2011 Steve Jobs will forever be remembered as the engineer who most shaped our technology.

Steve Jobs R.I.P., Long Live Apple

But he should also be remembered as the dreamer who pushed our imagination a generation into the future. Steve Jobs will be missed dearly and not just because he invented the stuff that makes the world go. There have been plenty of inventors before him who introduced life-changing products—where would we be without the light bulb or the telephone? —but it’s hard to imagine Edison or Alexander Graham Bell were missed with the sense of personal loss that Steve Jobs will be. Web Wrap: Must-Reads From the Internets. Oct 6, 2011 Here’s a look at what you might have missed today.

Web Wrap: Must-Reads From the Internets

Of all the photos floating around the web today in tribute to Steve Jobs, this one is our favorite. With Occupy Wall Street in full swing, it’s probably the wrong time for John McCain to present his economic solution: a tax holiday that lets corporations keep and/ or hide even more loot. Germany thinks it’s still got a few Inglorious Basterds left—the country has a full-blown Nazi hunt underway.

Mental Floss reminds us that for all the corporate greed out there, there are CEOs who have worked on a salary of $1 for years to get the their companies in good working order. Wozniak Tearfully Remembers His Friend Steve. Steve Wozniak about Steve Jobs death plus shocking truth. Rare footage of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak together (2006) L'histoire de l'iPhone en vidéo en hommage à Steve Jobs.

History of the iPhone, dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs, 1955-2011 - Alan Taylor - In Focus. Apple co-founder and visionary Steve Jobs died yesterday at the age of 56.

Steve Jobs, 1955-2011 - Alan Taylor - In Focus

Jobs was a man with extraordinary vision, drive, and success; and the technology he helped create has touched and enriched the lives of billions. He focused on creating things of simplicity and beauty matched by an underlying power and utility. When composing this entry, I was surprised to find myself so moved. Coming across the photo of a young Steve introducing the Apple II computer, I remembered learning to program on it. From Basic to Assembly Language, it was on Apple machines that I first developed the key skills I use in my work to this very day. Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: Remembering Steve. 10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash - Now we have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash. #Reddit : @Roanhouse.

(1) Patrick Roanhouse - Google+ - 10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash -… Twenty years ago, we had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope. Now we have no jobs, no cash and no hope... : @Blackalogy. Steve Jobs working on Apple’s next product day before his death. Steve Jobs was never known to be a man who sat still and, even while being away from the company for nearly 1/3 of its history, still lived and breathed Apple.

Steve Jobs working on Apple’s next product day before his death

That’s why this account isn’t incredibly surprising, even as it reaffirms how dedicated he was to making the company’s products the best they could be. Apparently, according to PC Mag, the day of the announcement of the iPhone 4S, Masayoshi Son, CEO of Softbank was talking to Apple CEO Tim Cook, when Cook got a call: I visited Apple for the announcement of the iPhone 4S [at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California].

Steve Jobs’ Last Public Appearance [Video] Eternal Flame. Pixar rend hommage à Steve Jobs. Toute l’actu que j’ai loupée pendant la semaine !