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French Revolution & Napoleon

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Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution. Chapter 21: The Revolution in Politics, 1775-1815. French Revolution. His101cd. HIS 102 – Western Civilization IILecture 4 -- The Peasants are Revolting(The French Revolution and Napoleon) (Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen) I.


The French Revolution Prelude Louis XVI His ancestors Recall that the French King Louis XIV (r. 1643-1715) had epitomized the ideal of an absolute monarch. When Louis died in 1715, France was at the height of its power However, deep financial troubles were about to surface because of Louis' desire for an empire Louis XIV's successor, Louis XV (r. 1715-1774) tried, but failed to reform the French system for raising revenues During his reign, France went into debt fighting numerous foreign wars, and lost nearly all of its American possessions to the English after the Seven Years War (1756-1763). (The fight for Hougoumont Chateau, Battle of Waterloo) II.

Lecture 13: The French Revolution, The Radical Stage, 1792-1794. The proof necessary to convict the enemies of the people is every kind of evidence, either material or moral or verbal or written. . . .

Lecture 13: The French Revolution, The Radical Stage, 1792-1794

Every citizen has the right to seize conspirators and counter-revolutionaries and to arraign them before magistrates. He is required to denounce them when he knows of them. Law of 22 Prairial Year II (June 10, 1794) Inflamed by their poverty and hatred of wealth, the SANS-CULOTTES insisted that it was the duty of the government to guarantee them the right to existence. Such a policy ran counter to the bourgeois aspirations of the National Assembly. On AUGUST 10, 1792, enraged Parisian men and women attacked the king’s palace and killed several hundred Swiss Guards. By September, Paris was in turmoil. After the execution of Louis, the National Assembly, now known as the National Convention, faced enormous problems. Meanwhile, the revolutionaries found themselves not only at war with Austria and Prussia, but with Holland, Spain and Great Britain. Lecture 12: The French Revolution - Moderate Stage, 1789-1792. Beloved and loyal supporters, we require the assistance of our faithful subjects to overcome the difficulties in which we find ourselves concerning the current state of our finances, and to establish, as we so wish, a constant and invariable order in all branches of government that concern the happiness of our subjects and the prosperity of the realm.

Lecture 12: The French Revolution - Moderate Stage, 1789-1792

These great motives have induced us to summon the Assembly of the Estates of all Provinces obedient to us, as much to counsel and assist us in all things placed before it, as to inform us of the wishes an grievances of our people; so that, by means of the mutual confidence and reciprocal love between the sovereign and his subjects, an effective remedy may be brought as quickly as possible to the ills of the State, and abuses of all sorts may be averted and corrected by good and solid means which insure public happiness and restore to us in particular the calm and tranquility of which we have so long been deprived.

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Flashcards about French Revolution

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