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"Lanceurs d'alerte" / Whistleblowers

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Will the law ever protect whistle-blowers?


Diane Wilson of CODEPINK jumps over White House fence. WB MS. CMI. F. William Engdahl. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Après avoir obtenu un diplôme en sciences politiques de l'Université de Princeton et passé une thèse en économie comparée à l'Université de Stockholm, il travaille comme économiste et journaliste indépendant à New York et en Europe, abordant comme sujets l'effondrement de l'Union soviétique, la crise économique asiatique, l'Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce (le GATT pour reprendre le sigle anglais), les négociations commerciales du cycle de l'Uruguay, les politiques alimentaires de l'Union européenne, la politique du Fonds monétaire international, la question de la dette du Tiers monde, les fonds de couverture (en anglais hedge funds), et le rôle politique du commerce des dérivés (en anglais derivatives).

Ouvrages[modifier | modifier le code] Économiste et écrivain, F. A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order[modifier | modifier le code] F. William Engdahl Home. Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority. War On Whistleblowers | A Project of Brave New Films. Slideshow: Six Whistleblowers Charged Under the Espionage Act. King Snowden and the Fall of Wikileaks.

In 2013, Edward Snowden shone a spotlight into the darkest corners of American foreign policy, dealing a cataclysmic shock to the country's intelligence-gathering apparatus as its most clandestine methods and programs were splashed across front pages worldwide. Whether one reviles or reveres him, Snowden's disclosures were inarguably one of the biggest stories of the year, profoundly reshaping America's image and relations with friend and foe alike. The impact of Snowden's revelations can be seen in the Global Conversation visualization I did for FP's December issue, which shows that he occupied a role in 2013's global news media coverage just slightly less important than President Barack Obama himself.

In recognition of this impact, FP featured him first in its annual list of leading Global Thinkers, which prompted Wikileaks to both criticize the selection and blast FP's decision not to include the group's founder, Julian Assange. MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images. Networking the Networked Spies: The World of Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, Wikileaks, and the NSA.


Clearstream. FED. CIA. NSA. Abby Martin's Personal Tribute to Investigative Journalist Michael C. Ruppert. Peter Dale Scott on Politics, Al-Qaeda, 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, War. Peter Dale Scott's Politics Web Page Click here to see an introductory video in which I explain my fundamental ideas about deep politics. American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA's Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan , is available from Rowman & Littlefield. Click here for reviews. Click here to order it from Amazon. Click here to see sections of the book available on line. Click here for information about the French edition, La Machine de guerre americaine My new book of poems, Tilting Point , is now available from Word Palace Press.. My 2009 book of poems, Mosaic Orpheus , is now available from McGill-Queen's University Press. The War Conspiracy: JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War is available: Click here to order from the Mary Ferrell Foundation Press at Click here for Recent Political Videos.

Recent Articles, Videos, etc. (2008-2011) C.76. A.25 Tilting Point: New Poems 2012. V.47 Dr. C.75. A.62. D.404. 'Whistleblowers fight fear to expose world's dark secrets' Le Conseil de l'Europe veut protéger les "donneurs d'alerte" Les "donneurs d'alerte" qui signalent des abus commis par des Etats doivent être protégés des représailles, s'ils agissent de bonne foi, ont estimé lundi à Strasbourg des parlementaires du Conseil de l'Europe, alors que les Etats-Unis recherchent Edward Snowden pour "espionnage".

La Commission des questions juridiques et des droits de l'homme de l'Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe (APCE) a adopté un rapport en ce sens, intitulé "Sécurité nationale et accès à l'information". Le rapport ne nomme pas directement Edward Snowden, recherché par les Etats-Unis pour avoir divulgué des informations explosives sur les opérations américaines de surveillance électronique et qui a demandé l'asile politique à l'Equateur. Mais il souligne la nécessité de fixer des limites raisonnables à l'invocation de la "sécurité nationale" comme justification du secret.

Lire (édition abonnés) : " Les "whistleblowers", une tradition américaine de dénonciation civique"

Yes Men

How the NDAA Directly Threatens Average Americans, and How You Can Take Action Now « Amber Lyon. The NDAA turns the U.S. government into a dictatorship, the U.S. military into ‘secret police’ Journalists rarely take a vocal stand against legislation in order to remain objective, but sometimes new laws are such an egregious assault on our basic rights to democracy and freedom that we have a duty to speak up.

This is the case with the National Defense Authorization Act, a relatively new law that gives the U.S. military the power to detain anyone without trial indefinitely, further criminalizing dissent and investigative journalism in the United States. What does the NDAA do? The NDAA Section 1021 gives the federal government the power to behave like dictators and arrest any American citizen, or anyone for that matter, without warrant and indefinitely detain them in offshore prisons without charge and keep them there until “the end of hostilities.”

The American Civil Liberties Union, calls the law a “catastrophic blow to civil liberties”. You do need to worry. We are all ‘terrorists’ Etude OGM : « J’attends des critiques objectives, de caractère scientifique » - Risques sanitaires. Des professeurs s'élèvent contre le financement privé des universités - - info - régions - autres cantons.

Bradley Manning

Journalistes. Le programme Stellar wind S/T. Informatique libre. Analyse.