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Design Crush & Tipped Out. 25 HairStyle TUTORIALS & EXTRAS! Looking GOOD!


With the holidays also come a bunch of parties! Some of them are just family gatherings, some other ones are work related and some are hosted by great friends. Whatever the occasion is I think we ladies deserve to look good, regardless of our age, size or taste. So I put together for today’s Sunday Best 25 tutorials of hair-styles and some few other EXTRAS for inspiration! The Messy Side Updo. What I like about this hair is that you can wear it casually or dress it up with some cute hair pieces for a more formal look. I love it! Tutorial The Gibson Tuck Elegant, simple, chic… perfection! Her beautiful hair makes me want to color mine… I love the red! Tutorial EXTRA: Greenlicious! I thought it would be fun to throw in this list some eye makeup tutorials also.

This color palette is perfect for the Holidays! Fashion Trends, Beauty Secrets and Hollywood Style - The Look. Total-beauty TODAY Style TODAY Jan. 12, 2012 at 9:50 AM ET / By Sharon Yi, You could say that I have a love/hate relationship with makeup.

Fashion Trends, Beauty Secrets and Hollywood Style - The Look

But then there are those days when my liner refuses to go on straight, my bronzer makes me look like an Asian Snookie, or my lashes refuse to curl. I had one of those days last week, and after walking into work wearing two very different winged tips on my eyes, my editor assigned me a new story: Go to makeup school and write about it. Want to see the best techniques I picked up without spending the thousands of dollars (and crazy amount of time) it takes to go to makeup school yourself? Lesson No. 1: Spend some bucks on your tools At Napoleon Perdis' Makeup Academy in Hollywood, Rebecca Prior, NP's National Educator, begins the first lesson by introducing us to our tools. Here are the eight basic brushes you need: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DIY - MAKE YOUR OWN WAX FOR HAIR REMOVAL. I was chatting with someone on my flight back from my vacation.


She lived in another country where salons are hard to come by or if they are around, they aren't very good. So, sometimes a girl has got to depend on herself. You can make one on your own so easily. So when I described it to her, she loved it and she said I just have to put it up online. So here goes: Wax recipe Ingredients 2 cups sugar ¼ cup water ¼ cup lemon juice Method Pour the sugar, water and lemon juice in a saucepan, and heat it over a low flame. How do you know it is done? Take a glass of water and put a drop of wax into it.

Follow the Trend With Colorblocked Nails! Why not try it out on your nails instead?

Follow the Trend With Colorblocked Nails!

You can keep it simple within the same color family or go bold and crazy—whatever suits your mood! Step 1: Get Your Supplies Together To start, make sure you have all of your supplies handy. For this manicure, you will need three different nail polishes (make sure that at least two of them are thick enough that they can cover the base color), Scotch tape, and a fast-dry topcoat like Seche Vite. For this manicure, I used two colors from the new Minnie Mouse Collection by OPI, If You Moust You Moust and The Color of Minnie, along with my favorite silver nail polish, Stardust by Deborah Lippmann. Step 2: Paint a Base Color Start with your favorite basecoat and paint your nails the base color. Step 3: Start Taping Next, pull off a small piece of Scotch tape (you won’t need more than an inch at a time) and put it against your hand and pull it off several times until most of the stickiness is gone.

Step 4: Apply the Second Color. My No Poo Shampoo Story, I Went Shampoo Free &Took Pictures. EmailEmail “No Poo” is a nickname for going shampoo free… Everyone has a different experience when ditching shampoo. Here is Amber’s story…. And you can read mine here! So I decided to stop using shampoo and jump on this tiny “no poo shampoo” train that was starting. Still. So this is when I decided to do a little experiment. Week One Okay, so this is bad. Why baking soda? The first week was horrible (I wore a lot of ponytails) but I kept telling myself eventually my scalp and hair would detox and recalibrate. Week Two Okay, getting a little better but yes, my hair still looks like crap. However, another problem had cropped up. To my 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and the itch was gone immediately. Week Three By the end of the third week I could see that it really was going to work.

Week Four By the end of the fourth week something funny began to happen. 30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself.