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Interactive Learning

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Learning environment. Screenr | Instant screencasts: Just click record. Case Study: Using Technology and Active Learning to Get Engineering Students Off to a Good Start | My Engineering Community. The Pearson Team, My Engineering Community March 22, 2012 This story has a unique beginning. When Beth Stephan, a member of the Engineering faculty at Clemson University, started using her own materials to customize the content for the school’s general engineering program, she never expected it to evolve into a best-selling textbook. Stephan needed her own materials because of the composition of the students taking her course.

This is the first course engineering students take before heading into their majors, says Stephan, and the course needed to be relevant to what students will learn as they continue through to their major. Stephan claims she “stumbled into it” by bumping into her Pearson representative one day in the lobby. Today, Thinking Like an Engineer – by Stephan, fellow Clemson faculty William Park, Benjamin Sill, and David Bowman, and Purdue University professor Matthew Ohland – is in its second edition.


Best Web Tools for Teachers - 2012. Multimodal-Learning-Through-Media.pdf.