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Photography blogs

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Great Photography Blogs. The Nikon User Community. Phil Douglis. I call this my pbase “cyberbook” on expressive travel photography and travel photojournalism.

Phil Douglis

Each of these galleries is an educational resource, demonstrating a key aspect of what goes into making pictures express ideas to viewers. When taken together, they will offer you a comprehensive, step-by-step instructional guide to the process of making travel photographs that will say something about your subjects, instead of merely describing them. I have organized this cyberbook into almost 100 different galleries. Each one, in effect is a different lesson in photographic expression. I began posting them in 2003. What does "expressive travel photography" mean? I hope that these galleries will also be useful for travel photojournalists.

In my view, expressive photography is based upon the three principles I demonstrate in the first three galleries of this cyberbook: Abstraction, Incongruity, and Human Values. NIKON WORLD ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Jay Maisel-The Great Adventure from Nikon. Traceyclark - blog. Focus on Singh-Ray Filters. Tara Whitney – Orange County's Leading Photographer. Family, Pregnancy, Maternity, infant, Newborn, Baby, engagement photography in Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego » Blog of Orange County photographer, Tara Whitney. Feat.

Isabel - T - you know that i have loved that one in the bed for oh so long. the rest are even better. her in the bathroom...i die. cathy - Beautiful.

Tara Whitney – Orange County's Leading Photographer. Family, Pregnancy, Maternity, infant, Newborn, Baby, engagement photography in Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego » Blog of Orange County photographer, Tara Whitney. Feat

Just beautiful. She is just full of light. Isabel - I absolute adore this session. Lovely couple !!! Amber fischer - I love your eye, your perspective. Becky - Holy hell. Nat - the shadow photos are my favorite. also the one with the huge tree and the flowers. i love your eye. Christine - What beautiful images of this beautiful woman! Stacy - She is absolutely stunning. Hannah Nicole - these are beautiful, tara. so honest and free! Breanna - the colors! Kimberly Walker - I love these!!!!

Tina bazala - LOVE melanie - good lord this is gorgeous. if only all maternity sessions were like this! JoAnn - wow- she is gorgeous! Humanitarian Photojournalism. Karl Grobl. Erin Cobb Photography » A couple of weeks ago I got the news that I passed the Professional Photographers of America’s rigorous standard to become a Certified Professional Photographer.

Erin Cobb Photography »

I was thrilled…and not just because it makes me the only CPP in my zip code… …and not just because it gives my clients and prospective clients confidence that they are working with someone who is active in her industry, serious about her continuing education, and knowledgeable of the technical aspects of her work… …and not just because my certification came in a pretty gold tube and allows me to put those fancy “CPP” letters after my name now.

Although all of that is most definitely true. (see? The real reason I was so pumped about the news is because it wasn’t easy. For those who aren’t familiar with the process of becoming certified, it has two parts. A few months later I decided to take the same approach to the image submission: wing it and ask questions later. The PigBear » 1.

The PigBear »

The only thing better than the Tuesday before Spring Break is the Tuesday of Spring Break. And that’s happening in T(uesday)-7 days. So everything is right in my world. Bring on the beach! UPDATED clean color tutorial update and QUESTIONS ANSWERED! » The PigBear. Edited to answer a few more questions from the comments section: - There will be international shipping. =) UPDATE: Clean Color will be an instant download, available for anyone not living in the Huntsville, AL (or surrounding) area. - There will instructions on how to download, load, and run actions. - However, the video is not an in-depth tutorial for how to create, download, and run actions.

Actions in my workflow are a means to an end, not the end itself. There will be web processes shown and actions included but there will not be an action for how to “save as jpeg” (as requested by Kathleen in the comments section). - For the “full photoshop” version I’ll be working in CS5 but I’m not using any of the new features so everything I do should be compatible with any version of photoshop you’re working on. The Pioneer Woman. Photography for All : PhotoWalkPro.