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Tools for Content Curation. Herramientas y soporte para curación

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Diferencias y semejanzas entre videojuego y gamificación. Curación de Contenidos. Curación de Contenidos. DataUp is Merging with Dash! Exciting news!

DataUp is Merging with Dash!

We are merging the DataUp tool with our new data sharing platform, Dash. About Dash About the Merge There is significant overlap in functionality for Dash and DataUp (see below), so we will merge these two projects to enable better support for our users. This merge is funded by an NSF grant (available on eScholarship) supplemental to the DataONE project. The new service will be an instance of our Dash platform (to be available in late September), connected to the DataONE repository ONEShare. The NSF grant will continue to fund a developer to work with the UC3 team on implementing the DataONE-Dash service, including enabling login via Google and other identity providers, ensuring that metadata produced by Dash will meet the conditions of harvest by DataONE, and exploring the potential for implementing spreadsheet-specific functionality that existed in DataUp (e.g., the best practices check).

Benefits of the Merge FAQ about the change It’s the dawn of a new day for DataUp! Lists made easy + social + fun! Flipboard. Curation Suite™ - Content Curation Platform for WordPress. Free Wordpress Content Curation Tools - Plugins & Theme. Social Media Management. Why You Need A Content Curation Tool (And How To Choose One) La curación de contenidos en internet. El tamaño de internet es tan grande que resulta muy difícil calcular la cantidad de información que contiene.

La curación de contenidos en internet

Por hablar de algunos datos... a Youtube se suben más de 35 horas de vídeo cada minuto, a flickr más de 3000 fotografías, Twitter ya ha alcanzado los 200 millones de tuits al día y se estima que existen 152 millones de blogs en el mundo. Me viene a la mente un anuncio bastante reciente de Mercedes Benz en el que se hablaba de la infoxicación, un exceso de información que describía a la perfección mi compañero Sergio en su blog hace ya cuatro años.

Él hablaba de desesperación. Una desesperación que deriva del hecho de no poder abarcar toda la información que se genera en Internet cada día. Por suerte, existen maneras (y herramientas) para combatir este exceso de información mediante la curación de contenidos. Content Curation & Content Marketing Solution - Curata. Diigo - Better reading and research with annotation, highlighter, sticky notes, archiving, bookmarking & more. Storify · Make the web tell a story. Weebly: Create a Free Website, Online Store, or Blog. Solución Integral e-commerce para empresas. Refynr. Filtra el contenido de Twitter y Facebook por palabras claves. Netvibes – Social Media Monitoring, Analytics and Alerts Dashboard.

Algunas herramientas para la curación de contenidos. Some tools for content curation. Feedly. You are the content you publish. Pinterest. FYI: Free & paid content-curation tools. iTeachU – Content Curation Tools. Content Curation ToolsJennifer Moss2014-05-13T14:38:01+00:00 What is Content Curation?

iTeachU – Content Curation Tools

As instructors, we are all information curators. How do you collect and share currently relevant content with your students? How do your students research and share information that they find with the rest of class? What tools do you use to manage or facilitate presentation of resources? Modern web tools make it easy for both students and instructors to contribute online discoveries to class conversations.

Content Curation Through the SAMR Lens - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - curate content, Flexible Tools, Innovation, multimedia, SAMR Model, Teaching, ThingLink. With an abundance of information to sift through, content curation is an important survival skill for teachers and students today.

Content Curation Through the SAMR Lens - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - curate content, Flexible Tools, Innovation, multimedia, SAMR Model, Teaching, ThingLink

Content curation is a method of collecting and managing web content for sharing and reuse. With so much content to collect, and so many free tools for curating content, it’s easy to get lost when trying to take on this task. It’s also difficult to know where to begin. There are a variety of helpful tools to choose from to make content curation fun and efficient. If you’re just starting out, it’s important to choose a flexible tool that will grow with you as you strive to use technology to “Teach Above the Line” and transform learning. I was prompted to dig deeper into the notion of curating content through the SAMR lens by Julie A.C. Spotlight on Content Curation: Best Practices, Tools and How to Do It Right. Content curation can be likened to a museum curator’s job, but instead of paintings and sculpture, a content curator collects blog posts, videos, images, and almost anything related to their niche.

Spotlight on Content Curation: Best Practices, Tools and How to Do It Right

This process lets you sort through the massive amount of information found online, so that you may pick the best ones and compile it around a specific theme. Once sorted and arranged, content curators will typically select the best and most relevant content and re-share it out while including their own unique annotation. 50+ Tools for Content Curation and Content Marketing. Content curation and content marketing are hot terms today.

50+ Tools for Content Curation and Content Marketing

Curation involves weeding through the vastness of the Web to find the information your audience will find useful and meaningful. Curation is one way to do content marketing. This list of 50+ tools is meant to help you find, sift and organize, then share what’s relevant to your readers and audience. (We’ve updated this information for 2015): Rebel Mouse is a program that allows you to organize your social creation and curation of content, including social amplification, advertising, and digital publishing in one is a new player aimed at helping you prepare and manage your content – think of it as the intelligent editorial calendar.If you want to keep your content fresh, try Content Scheduler.

Keeping up with the flood of content created on the Web is no easy task. 6 Great tools for content curation. 407 Shares Share Tweet Email.

6 Great tools for content curation

5 Tools to Curate Content like a Pro. Have you noticed more content curation sites popping up in the last few months?

5 Tools to Curate Content like a Pro

Would you like to learn a content curation strategy that can help you share valuable content and generate social media engagement? In this article I will teach you how to use 5 of the most popular content curation platforms and how to integrate these into a daily content curation campaign. More than a social platform, is a discovery engine. By typing in keywords, will search for authority articles from the web.

Tools for Professional Learning: Curate, Share, Connect. For six years, I taught in a basement classroom with no windows, and yet I could see what was happening around the world thanks to the Internet.

Tools for Professional Learning: Curate, Share, Connect

Though I tried learning something new each day, until I put systems in place, I spent more time searching for materials than actually learning. I realized that to effectively engage in professional learning, I needed tools in place to curate content, save what I found, and connect to other educators. Curating Content Initially, reading and learning was easy. Each morning, I skimmed 2-3 blogs to see what might be new. NetNewsWire (Mac Only) When I first installed this program, my reading world exploded.

Flipboard (iOS or Android) Sadly, Google Reader went defunct. Elegir una herramienta de curación de contenidos web. 3 Herramientas para curación de contenidos que quizá no conozcas. Publicado el 28 mayo, 2013 De un tiempo a esta parte, los servicios de curación de contenidos están teniendo cada vez más importancia al convertirse en una de las herramientas de marketing preferida por los expertos.

3 Herramientas para curación de contenidos que quizá no conozcas

Pero la cosa no se está quedando el el ámbito profesional. Una investigación llevada a cabo por la gente de LikeHack ha demostrado que los servicios de curación no sólo se están usando por profesionales del marketing, sino por gente normal y corriente, lo cual es muy cierto porque de todos es sabido que si te dedicas al marketing, muy “normal y corriente” no eres, y eso es así . La cuestión es que la información que nos llega está aumentando cada día y necesita filtrarse so pena de acabar inundados entre noticias interesantes, curiosidades, mensajes chorras de autoayuda y gatitos, muchos gatitos… Supporting content curation communities: The case of the Encyclopedia of Life - Rotman - 2012 - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Content Curation Tools For Web Surfers – Best Of. Every day, you can find amazing content on the Web. Due to the multitudes of websites cropping up all over the online world, "information overload" is something we all seem to suffer from.

It is easy to feel lost while searching for a particular piece of information you need, especially if you’re looking for a very specific subject. Hence, designers, web developers and the like are racing to come up with ways to present their bits of information so that users like you and me do not waste unnecessary time combing through irrelevant material. That’s where new curation tools come in. Social Media Management for B2B Marketing - Oktopost. 26 Free (or Free-to-Try) Content Curation Tools.

Content is still king, but it isn't always practical or cost effective for marketers to produce brand-new, meaty, thought-leadership level content pieces on a regular basis. That's where curating content can come in handy. Content curation offers a nearly limitless method of fueling your inbound marketing efforts. Unearthing and sharing the quality content of others allows you provide your audience fresh content on a regular basis to serve any interest, industry, or market. What's more, sharing and celebrating the work of others helps get you on their radar and can forge valuable, long-term relationships with the content authors. To help you curate, here's a list of 26 tools you can use to find, aggregate and share your content with the world, be it in a blog roundup, big list of resources or to share via social. 1. A granddaddy of content curation, in practice if not in tenure, Pinterest is one of the Internet's most popular sites for culling content. 2.

Price: Free. The Ultimate List of Content Curation Tools and Platforms.