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Street photography blog · Award winning fine art street photography by Markus Hartel, New York. Zone focusing | Markus Hartel street photography blog. With zone focusing can be a life-saver between the decisive moment and a hit-and-miss-shot – toss the autofocus camera and get a manual lens instead… Zone focusing is pretty straightforward, the photographer simply uses the DOF (Depth Of Field) effect to have the desired object(s) at working distance in focus.

Zone focussing comes in handy, when there is no time to fiddle with the camera controls, or when the photographer wants to be extra unconspicious – without using the viewfinder to focus (aka. shooting from the hip). Once you know what an f-stop is, and how to set it on your camera, you’re good to go. After some time you will get better at guessing distances and you’ll be a master of in no time… In the illustration above, the aperture (f-stop) is set to f8 and the focus is set to 2m (~7ft). The focus ring also shows f-stop markings to either side of the focus point (DOF scale). Every f-stop shows a line directly related to a number on the distance scale. Related Posts: About Markus. Street Photography Blog. Streets of Korea - Journal. Pierre Vincensini Photography. Street Photography in PT. Chris Weeks Photography. Street Reverb Magazine.

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