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3 secrets that make your slides look modern for 2017. What does the term “modern-looking presentation” mean to you? If you asked a group of people that question, I’m sure they’d come up with a wide range of answers. But I’m also sure there’d be some common themes that most people would mention. To me, there are 3 essential tips that make your slides look like they belong in 2017 – rather than back in the 20th century! In fact those 3 tips make your talk not just look modern but also feel that way to your audience. In outline, those 3 top tips are: I’d say the #1 path to a modern talk is to embrace your audience’s need for social and mobile access. (Let’s face it, if you do that well but your slides don’t look the best, people’ll forgive you!) You can go social in 3 steps, listed here from easiest to hardest: a: Don’t ask your audience to put down their mobile phones!

Rather than being a “sage on the stage”, be a “guide on the side” That way, you get 4 benefits: c: Go all out by using 1 or 2 mobile apps, for top marks from your audience. Related. Dump text from your slides! Here’s how. How many of your slides serve double duty? Let’s look at an example of what I mean… Suppose you have a slide with several contact numbers and email addresses on it, like the one shown below: Slides like that serve double duty because they’re both: Part of your slideshow during your talkUsed for reference afterwards, because people won’t remember all the details My question is, if people won’t remember what a slide says, why show it during your presentation at all? That needlessly burdens your audience, who don’t know what you expect them to remember (or what details you might give them a copy of).

By all means, include details like that in a handout for people to refer to later. Many presenters give their audience a copy of their slides to look at afterwards – in effect using their deck as their handout. So how can you make a handout that avoids those 2 issues? In the 4 sections below, you’ll find tips to help you… Having cut words from your slides, you might fear you’ll forget what to say. Creating Effective Presentation Visuals. Connecting People With Your Message © iStockphotowingmar Learn how to create stunning visuals. Apple® founder Steve Jobs was known widely for his great presentations. His unveiling of the iPhone® in 2007 is considered to have been one of his best presentations ever, and, if you were one of the millions who watched it online, you'll know why. The presentation was engaging, and passionate. Jobs was particularly well known for building his presentations around powerful visual aids. You don't have to be Steve Jobs to give a great presentation, but you do need great visuals.

Why Simplicity Speaks Volumes The saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" is popular for a good reason: the human brain processes information more effectively when it is accompanied by images, or by short, memorable statements. However, many people use too many slides, or they build presentations around visual aids that are word-heavy or excessively complex. Access the Full Article Learn More and Join Today. Storytelling. How to use words in PowerPoint, according to research.