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Ninjacat Chat. [[ibgu;#8F8;;]NinjaCat v1.0] Welcome to NinjaCat application! NinjaCat is a simple real-time, channel based chat service with an optional encryption support. NinjaCat is anonymous and does not keep a server-side copy of your conversation. You should also note that if you want a better anonymity, you should use TOR or equivalent. Please, be aware that NinjaCat is provided as is and that we don't provide any warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk. [[ibgu;#8F8;;]NinjaCat v1.0 - help message] [[bi;#FFF;]/encrypt <your long password>] will encrypt the messages (all users must have the same key) [[bi;#FFF;]/lock] will close the room to new members [[bi;#FFF;]/list] displays the list of the current users of the room [[bi;#FFF;]/clear] erases all messages of the room [[bi;#FFF;]/about] shows informations about our application [[bi;#FFF;]/help] displays this message.

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