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JOIN OPERATOR. The JOIN operator specifies how to relate tables in the query.


The JOIN operator is one of the set operations available in relational databases. The following join types of join are available in most relational databases: Joins may be represented as Venn diagrams, as shown below along with other common set operations: INNER JOIN: Select only those rows that have values in common in the columns specified in the ON clause. LEFT, RIGHT, or FULL OUTER JOIN: Select all rows from the table on the left (or right, or both) regardless of whether the other table has values in common and (usually) enter NULL where data is missing. CROSS JOIN (not illustrated - not exactly a set operation): Select all possible combinations of rows and columns from both tables (Cartesian product).

Access uses the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) style, with the JOIN and ON keywords. Visual Representation of SQL Joins. Introduction This is just a simple article visually explaining SQL JOINs.

Visual Representation of SQL Joins

Background I'm a pretty visual person. Things seem to make more sense as a picture.

По qtip'у

Gmaps. Best jQuery plugins for awesome parallax scrolling and custom scrollbars. Scroll-up-bar The scroll up bar is a jQuery plugin that hides the top bar when scrolling down, and show it when scrolling up.

Best jQuery plugins for awesome parallax scrolling and custom scrollbars

Google Maps API Tutorial. Google Maps API Tutorial.

Google Maps API Tutorial

The Top 8 Placeholder Services for Web Designers. In the last year, there's been a wave of helpful placeholder services.

The Top 8 Placeholder Services for Web Designers

What's a placeholder? Well, when you're working on a new website, isn't it a waste of time to use stock images, cropped to the right dimensions? A placeholder service allows you to automatically use a random image at the desired dimensions with minimal effort. In the last week, I've compiled a list - in no particular order - of what I consider to be the most useful and flexible placeholder services on the web. jQuery Form Plugin. The following code controls the HTML form beneath it.

jQuery Form Plugin

It uses ajaxForm to bind the form and demonstrates how to use pre- and post-submit callbacks. AJAX response will replace this content. The following code controls the HTML form beneath it. It uses ajaxSubmit to submit the form. This page gives several examples of how form data can be validated before it is sent to the server. 20 Best Ajax jQuery Pagination Plugin & Tutorial with Example & Demo. In this Article we are providing best Ajax jQuery Pagination with example and demo.jQuery Paginate with Ajax is growing fast web page accessing technology. 1.Client-side jQuery pagination plugin : jPages but it gives you a lot more features comparing to most of the other plugins for this purpose, such as auto page turn, key and scroll browse, showing items with delay, completely customizable navigation panel and also integration with Animate.css and Lazy Load.

20 Best Ajax jQuery Pagination Plugin & Tutorial with Example & Demo

Read More Demo 2. jQuery ScrollPagination has been developed by Anderson Ferminiano for studying purposes, you may use it for free in any project you want, only preserve the credits. MySQL Ajax Table Editor. Purchase / Download MySQL Ajax Table Editor Version:

MySQL Ajax Table Editor

Публикация на стене Вконтакте средствами php. Получив задачу создать автоматическую публикацию материалов сайта на стене нашей страницы Вконтакте, я обнаружил, что рецептов по этой, казалось бы, актуальной теме относительно мало.

Публикация на стене Вконтакте средствами php

Разработчикам. jQuery.crSpline. An Animated Bezier Curve Demo. An Animated Bezier Curve Demo For one reason or another, I found myself learning about Bezier Curves.

An Animated Bezier Curve Demo

They’re used to render fonts, paths, and also happen to be used in Highcharts when using the “spline” option. Custom path animation using JQuery. jQuery Patch: Animate CSS Rotation and Scale. Updated: published: topics: css javascript. GX - Full-Featured Javascript Animations Framework. Documentation / Core Method: gx The gx method (and the alias anime) is the main method of the GX framework. Ceaser - CSS Easing Animation Tool - Matthew Lein. CSS3 transitions, transforms and animations. Browser Support for CSS transitions How to use transitions If you haven't used transitions before, here's a brief introduction.

On the element you want to have animate, add the following CSS: jQuery Transit - CSS3 animations for jQuery. What about older browsers? Transit degrades older browsers by simply not doing the transformations (rotate, scale, etc) while still doing standard CSS (opacity, marginLeft, etc) without any animation. Delays and durations will be ignored. // Delegate .transition() calls to .animate()// if the browser can't do CSS transitions.if (!

$.support.transition) $.fn.transition = $.fn.animate; Fallback to frame-based animation. CSS3 Please! The Cross-Browser CSS3 Rule Generator. A wild developer has appeared!

Фреймворки (Верстка)

FullScreen (Вася) Wordpress. Граф интересов (Interest graph): новый принцип взаимодействия в сети. Пару месяцев назад меня очень тронула публикация Идеальная социальная сеть. Автор этой публикации, arilou-campe, обозначил доминирующие принципы, по которым выстраивается большая часть социального взаимодействия в современной сети, а затем он попробовал предположить, на каких принципах будет выстраиваться это взаимодействие в ближайшем будущем. Я хочу продолжить и уточнить его мысль, озвучить несколько важных и плодотворных, на мой взгляд, концептов («граф интересов» — один из них), вокруг которых сегодня ведётся дискуссия о будущем развитии сети, а также привести в качестве примера несколько проектов (над одним из которых я сам сейчас работаю), уже реализующих на практике новые принципы социального взаимодействия: те самые принципы, которые могут стать доминирующими в самом ближайшем будущем.