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VERTICAL VEGETABLES: "Grow up" in a small garden and confound the cats! Annette's Modern DIY Outdoor Planter. Alpha Friendship Bracelet Pattern #605. <div class="warningBox">Turn on JavaScript in your browser settings for the best experience of</div> Added By: Adik Strings: 167 Dimensions: 200x166 Colors: 2 Difficulty: 2 Rating: 90% (6 ratings) Photos: 0 Videos: 0 Views: 5712 Keywords: lettersletteralphabetfontcompleteinhim Latest comments:

Frieda and Nellie Friendship Ring. These are my kind of friendship bracelets; they've got major sparkle! I love how Frieda and Nellie incorporate gems into their designs, which adds another dimension to these bracelets; it instantly makes them more elegant! I knew I could make a tutorial for these. However, I didn't want to spend hours knotting to make a bracelet, so I made a ring! What's great about making rings is that they come together way quicker than a bracelet, which means you have time to make more! The contrast between the soft cotton thread and shiny gem is sure to catch eyes! All of your friends will want one. This tutorial is a bit more tedious, but it's all about getting the knot pattern. Let's begin. Step 1: Gather materials. Step 2: You will need to cut two 3' lengths of each color of thread. Tie all the lengths together at the top with an overhand knot. For the sake of this tutorial, I will label threads R (red thread) G (green thread) Y (yellow thread) and B (blue thread).

Step 9: Finishing. Locket Ring Tutorial {and then some extra goodies} DIY Braided Hex Nut Bracelet. We’re nuts for nuts. Is there a more versatile and inexpensive DIY component than a hex nut from the hardware store? You can imagine our excitement when we first discovered Philip Crangi’s Giles & Brother Hex Collection. Honestly, nuts braided into jewelry is WTF genius! With a few items that we always seem to have lying around, we tackled the technique and made our own spine-like braided hex nut wrap bracelet.

You’ll need:3 strands of cotton butcher’s twine cut into one yard pieces18 small brass hex nutsa bit of dexterity! Gather the 3 strands of twine and tie a knot at the top, leaving about 2 inches of slack. Keep your thumb at the base of the braid, holding the nut in its place. Repeat the steps, by threading the rest of the nuts to the outer pieces of twine before they are crossed over. The bracelet should wrap around your wrist at least two or three times.

Good luck!! (top image from here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF) DIY Wrap Bracelet. You should all know by now that we are all about stacking bracelets on our wrists. The more, the better. In fact . . . the most, the best! With that being said, we’ll show you how to master a version of the ever so popular wrap bracelet. It’s so simple and addicting, you’ll soon be churning out these wristlets with your eyes closed. Clearly this arm party train isn’t stopping and it’s about time you get on board! You’ll need (for a double wrapped bracelet) :* Lengths will vary depending on the size of your wrist (see comments for suggestions). Fold the length of leather cording in half to form a loop. Place the ball chain along the leather cording with the end of the chain meeting the end of the wrap. Continue wrapping while checking it for fit around the wrist.

When you have reached the end of the ball chain wrap the linen cording around the leather strands 2-3 more times. Thread the hex nut through the strands and tie a second knot. Trim with scissors and your wrap bracelet is finished!! Chan luu. Chan Luu bracelets are just so cool! What's great about them is that they use simple macrame techniques to produce different results, this time with the addition of beads!

This tutorial adds on to my previous Square Knot Friendship Bracelets, but utilizes the beads in a different way; on the outside of the knots as opposed to the inside. What you get is a totally different result! Step 1: Gather materials. Needed are 3mm glass gemstone beads, cotton thread for knotting, scissors, tape, and a bead and crimp for closure. Step 2: Start the knots. Cut one length of your cotton thread about one and a half times the length of your wrist. Once you have a couple of square knots, take either side of the thread and add beads to these threads. Take two beads right up to the last knot.

Make a square knot, making sure the beads are caught in the knot and lie right on either side of the center thread. Step 2: Continue this method. You're finished! Faça Você Mesmo (DIY): pulseira riviera rústica da Chan Luu « got sin? Vocês perceberam como tem modinha de pulseiras com carinha hiponga surgindo todos os dias? Confesso que não sou muito fã desse estilo, mas achei um DIY de uma que me agradou até. É uma versão caseira dos super famosos wrap bracelets Chan Luu, que aparecem nos pulsos de várias fashionistas internacionais. O preço original dela varia de $215 até $325, mas com esse DIY, acredito que não custe nem R$8! Por ser bem simples e fácil de fazer, resolvi “reblogar” uma versão traduzida – o post original está no Honestly… WTF.

Não esqueça de responder o questionário do blog para concorrer um presente surpresa! Curtir isso: Curtir Carregando... Inspiração de Vestidos para Festas de fim de ano Meninas, sorry o atraso nas postagens, estou com alguns projetos em off, por isso não tive mais tempo de atualizar direitinho isso aqui. Em "faça você mesmo (DIY)" Low Bun o novo penteado do momento Em "estilo inspiração" Beaded Wrap Bracelet Video Tutorial | Make Bracelets! This is the single wrap bracelet I made while filming the wrap bracelet tutorial.

It has such a different look to it than the one I made this past weekend. It is amazing the different look and style you can create with the same basic pattern just by changing length of the bracelet and the type and size of the bead! Here is my attempt at a little video production for you. Warning: Video is 15 minutes long – Yikes – I feel like I over explain things. Grab a little cuppa’ something warm and cozy before you watch so you don’t get antsy. Post production notes: I did go ahead and put a tiny dab of GS Hypo Cement on the nymo thread knots on either side of the bracelet – but just on the nymo. I hope this video helps you make your own beaded wrap bracelets! Please share some pictures of your beaded wrap bracelet creations with me by linking back to this tutorial on your blog or website. Tracy. DIY- Anthropologie "Perched Harmonies" Necklace. Ready for another tutorial?

What a pretty necklace. Not a pretty price! Make your own $68-looking Anthropologie designer necklace at home for barely no money at all. All that are needed are some beads, wire, and wire-working skills (don't worry, nothing too complicated here!). It's surprisingly quick to make, took me less than an hour.

Get out your pliers; let's make some jewelry! Step 1: Gather materials. I used just plain glass rounds, as the Anthropologie necklace uses faceted gemstone beads. Step 2: Make the wire pendant. Time to hammer. When it looks slightly flatter, hammer the ends extra hard to sort of "push" the wire outwards, flattening it a lot. Step 3: Make the holes. Step 4: Add your beads to the pendant. If you don't care about it looking the exact same or don't have the exact colors of the beads (some of my colors were slightly different hues), then just go with what you want.

Start wrapping the beads onto the pendant. You are finished! Shrinky Bracelet. If you grew up in the 80's, like I did, you're probably already familiar with the awesomeness that is Shrinky Dinks...but did you know that you can still buy Shrinky Dinks? Yep, they're still out there - in craft stores, hobby shops, and even on Amazon. But you don't have to buy a Shrinky Dink kit to have all the fun. Just look for #6 plastic containers and you can make your own! There is a great tutorial on Instructables (courtesy of Dabbled) with all the instructions for making your own shrinky projects from #6 plastic containers, so I won't go into too much detail here.

Most of this post is actually about turning these awesome little pieces of plastic into a sweet bracelet (and bonus pendant) to give to mom for Mother's Day. (Attention Dads: This project involves permanent markers, melting plastic, and tools...and your kids will think it's totally cool.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Use a pair of pliers to open the rings. 8. Cute, right? Michael ann made.: woven friendship bracelet tutorial. I love the summer friendship bracelet trend that i keep seeing in blog land, so i thought it would be fun to share with you another way to weave a friendship bracelet. one of the parents at work showed me this technique of using a circular cardboard loom and i love how quick it goes, you can easily finish a bracelet in one sitting. - cardboard - something small and circular (like a teacup or ramekin) - scissors, ruler, pen - embroidery thread in pretty colors , thin yarn, or ribbon trace a circle onto your cardboard, and use a ruler to draw 8 lines cut a small ways into each line, between 1/2 an inch to an inch and make a hole in the middle of the circle where all the lines intersect. cut 7 strands of embroidery floss, about 24 inches long and tie them together with a slip knot. pull your thread bundle through the hole in your cardboard with the knot right up next to the hole and use a little piece of tape to hold it in place while you start. now for the fun part!

How To Make a Headband, Version 3: Easy Ribbon Headband. Ribbon headbands secured to elastic ponytail holders. I've seen many headbands lately which use a loop of cord elastic that is cinched at the center, usually by a metal crimp, to form a figure eight (like Anthropologie's Oxford headband, Anthropologie's Fairytale Theater headband, Banana Republic's double ribbon headband, and Santi's metallic headband). This inspired me to use two ponytail holders to achieve a similar effect--because I do not have any metal crimps and neither do you, I presume, and, while we're at it, maybe you don't even have cord elastic. So here it is, an easy headband using minimal supplies that you probably already have at home. Interlace the 2 ponytail holders together as shown in Diagram 1 and pull on them to form a knot. Diagram 1 Fold one end of your ribbon 0.25-0.5" (6-13 mm) to the wrong side twice, slipping one of the ponytail holders inside the second fold.

Diagram 2. DIY Headbands. Button Headband Tutorial. ☩DIY☩ Studded Bra Top. Mara Hoffman Inspired Woven Tee. ☩DIY☩ Bohemian Chain Headpiece. Things you need for this DIY: ✝ chain ✝ jump rings ✝ pliers ✝ crystals, charms, beads or whateva you got Total time: 10 mins I've always wanted one of these! This is like the easiest thing I've ever made! First you need three pieces of chain, all the same length. Attach the ends of all three strands of chain and one of the charms with a jump ring. Do the same at the other side. Then find the middle of the two outer chains and add charms. Could this be easier? Excuse me while I frolic through the forest. Have a party!! ThreadBanger - D.I.Y Fashion & Style. How To Make An Easy Dress (For Cheap!) Two facts about me: I'm cheap. I love dresses. I wear dresses probably 6 days out of the week.

It's not that I one day just decided to wear dresses to feel cute and girly. Far from it. I spend a lot of time sitting at home, knitting, crocheting, painting. I also spend a lot of time in the car traveling across the country. Back in November when I really started Talk2thetrees I kinda just wore pajama pants and sweat pants. Dresses are so comfortable, I can sit around the house and feel comfortable and cute. The only problem.. they are expensive! Here is a tutorial on a High Waisted Dress: For under 6 bucks! First you will need a ribbed tank top. I got mine from Walmart for 2.50 You could also use a t-shirt 3 yards of matching fabric. Clearance section is my favorite.

Cut the tank top almost in half. (I cut mine a little too short.. oops!) For the bottom part of your dress take the fabric and wrap it around your waist about 1 and a half times, and cut in a straight line. ** Update! Out of Order: DIY Tutorial - Full Skirt. 7 For All Mankind Carlie Ikat Shorts. Tutorialnecklacepsimadethis.htm (JPEG Image, 750x1050 pixels) - Scaled (35. Refashion. As you might have noticed around here, I don't wear mini dresses. So when I'm shopping, it's majorly annoying to find and fall in love with a mini dress in a gorgeous pattern or color, cause throwing on a pair of leggings underneath it totally changes the look for me, and not usually in a good way.

So I was thinking about this annoying situation a few weeks ago, and then I ran across this pin that I'd pinned ages ago and it sparked an idea. Instead of fighting the mini dress, how about I just make it work for me? An easy chop and hem, and suddenly it's a darling hi-low top that doesn't alter the gorgeous print, and doesn't look silly with leggings.

Such was the case with this darling dress from Lulu*s that they sent me. A quick refashion and now it's one of my favorite tops that looks amazing with jeans, shorts, or even a pencil skirt. Here's how I styled it, and a super easy tutorial is at the end of this post! Step 1 // Start with a mini dress, obviously. Step 3. ReFashionista | In 365 Days, I'll change the way you think about fashion. 10 Free Tote Bag Patterns and Tutorials. Totes make great handmade gifts. Here is a Tuesday Ten that shows a round-up of lovely totes. If you love to sew you might also like these free sewing tutorials right here on Skip to my Lou! Every tote needs a matching pouch. Pleated Zippered Pouch Lined Zippered Pouch 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Most favorited all-time.

Craft Snob. 31 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects. T-shirt shag rug tutorial | Molly Kay Stoltz. How to Make Cascarones (Confetti Eggs) 50 Fun Things to do with Paint Chip Samples « Diy Decorating « Home Life « Broke & Healthy. I am Style-ish: Glitter... Everything! DIY Doily Lamp. Pinterest Challenge: AZ Love / Nail and String Tribute to the Grand Canyon State. Map Coasters - Step 4 - Brown paper packages: {DIY mason jar soap pump} Day 63 – DIY Corona Glasses. Make Chalk Rocks and Homemade Chalk Board Paint. 22 Great Projects Using Chalkboard Paint. Magazine bowl - recycle project no. 7. How to Recycle Magazines into Jewelry. Recycle magazines into a garbage can. Easy Origami Box Instructions - How to make a Simple Origami Box.

Page corner bookmark for kids in Ideas for kids' crafts. Origami For Everyone. How to make a paper flower.