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i like things, and beer is one of them

Goldfish. The Up-Goer Five Text Editor. Bertelli • Biciclette Assemblate • New York City. Plan B - Torey Pudwills Big Bang | Watch Online at Skate Videos Online. Otomata - Online Generative Musical Sequencer. 16 Jul 2011 Click on the grid below to add cells, click on cells to change their direction, and press play to listen to your music. Update: Click here to get Otomata for your iPhone / iPod / iPad! Official facebook page: Also this reddit page has many examples: And there is a subreddit for Otomata: Otomata is a generative sequencer. It employs a cellular automaton type logic I’ve devised to produce sound events. Each alive cell has 4 states: Up, right, down, left. at each cycle, the cells move themselves in the direction of their internal states. This set of rules produces chaotic results in some settings, therefore you can end up with never repeating, gradually evolving sequences. If you encounter something you like, just press “Copy Piece Link” and save it somewhere, or better, share it!

Here is something from me to start with: 16 Jul 2011. Thrasher Skateboard Magazine. ZOO YORK - Since 1993. Stone Pages • Web guide to Megalithic Europe. Skate peinture. Quelle est la meilleure façon de peindre une piscine? Basé à Londres, l’artiste D*Face a tout simplement attaché des bombes de peinture sous des skates et a laisser les skateurs faire le reste. (la vidéo est en bas de l’article) A lire aussi : Pas d'article similaire.

Artsy stuff
