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Care. What is the most emotional situation you've faced in your j. Factors That Make Online Collaborative Projects Successful: The. How Twitter is Changing the Face of Media. Soren Gordhamer works with individuals and groups on how to effectively use new technologies. He is the author of the book, Wisdom 2.0 and the organizer of the Wisdom 2.0 Conference. He is @SorenG on Twitter. The most radical shift to media in recent years is that we now have a central real-time hub that serves to enhance every other content platform on the web.

Sure, we could always use RSS for blogs, and sign up to follow a person’s activity on a video or photo sharing site, but used correctly, Twitter now provides a one-stop, real-time service for all of a person’s content. It allows us something that in the past only huge corporations could have: our own broadcasting network. Of course, real-time status sites like those very much depend on other services: YouTube and other video sharing sites, Flickr and photo sites, and WordPress, Blogger, and the rest are all important for publishing and hosting content. This is powerfully and significantly changing the nature of media. 1. 2. 3.

HOW TO: Measure Social Media ROI. Olivier Blanchard Basics Of Social Media Roi Defining Clear Goals As a standard formula, ROI is pretty basic, ROI = (X - Y) / Y, where X is your final value and Y is your starting value. In other words, if you invest $5 and get back $20, your ROI is (20 - 5) / 5 = 3 times your initial investment. In the financial sense, ROI is measured purely in the context of dollars and cents, however, the principles can really apply to any type of investment — monetary or not. Having concrete goals and concrete baselines is crucial to calculating your return on investment. So before you set out to measure and monitor your social media returns, you need to have a clear idea of what it is you want to accomplish. Once you have your goals defined, you need to gauge the baseline for your levels before starting or changing your social media strategy.

Metrics Tools The trick is to not rely solely on the numbers, but on what the numbers end up leading to. Sentiment Analysis Social Media Product Suites. Your invitation to shape the future of investment in the creativ. Coca-Cola to teach the world to be happy via social networking s. Ca-Cola admits social media failings. Jonathan Mildenhall, VP of global advertising strategy and creative excellence at The Coca-Cola Company, has admitted the company is playing catch-up with user-generated content but plans to increase its social media output, reports Danielle Long from Cannes.

Speaking at the international advertising festival Cannes Lions 2009, Mildenhall admitted the multi-national corporation had been slow to embrace UGC and social media. “We’ve been really nervous about user-generated content and, in terms of other brands in the space, we’re playing catch-up,” he said. Mildenhall said a Facebook fan page which was started by consumers and swelled to 4m users helped the brand understand UGC. “At first we were unsure but we’ve seen another world in the sense of the creative community love for the brand,” he said.

“That has helped build confidence in handing over brands to user-generated content and we’re putting that into a lot of our plans.” Four Social Media Questions You Must Answer During an Economic D. Most of my readers are interactive marketing professionals, they are experimenting, using, or living in the social media world –for some, it’s part of their very being and defines them professionally, and personally. Social Media (which has gained popularity in the last few years) has never stared down an economic downturn, My CEO sees at least three to four quarters of reduced technology spending, and Chris Kenton sees even a more dire situation. Four Social Media Questions You Must Answer During an Economic Downturn Whether you’re a CEO of a social media company, a professional blogger, or a community manager at a large corporation, you’d better be able to answer the following questions: 1) Is social media usage going to increase or decrease during a recession by consumers?

In the last tech bust, I remember many tech professsionals going back to school, becoming real estate agents, or fleeing silicon valley, will migratory usage patterns evolve in social media?